Louvre, Versailles to turn off lights earlier in energy savings push

France's famed Louvre and Versailles museums will turn off their lights earlier as a symbolic measure to remind the public of the energy crisis sparked by the Ukraine war, the culture minister said on Saturday.

Louvre, Versailles to turn off lights earlier in energy savings push

The city of Paris announced earlier this week it would start switching off the ornamental lights that grace city monuments it manages hours earlier than usual, plunging the Eiffel Tower and other landmarks into darkness to cope with surging electricity costs.

French Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak said on Saturday, the Louvre Pyramid would follow suit, going dark at 11:00 pm instead of 1:00 am. The facade at the Chateau de Versailles, southwest of Paris will switch off its lights an hour earlier, at 10:00 pm.

“Symbols are very important to raise public awareness,” she said, adding that symbolic measures alone will not be enough to bring down electricity usage.

She urged French cultural institutions to take energy saving methods like those taken by the Orsay Museum in Paris, which “reduced its energy consumption by a third just by changing bulbs and switching to LED”, she said.

She also said there were discussions ongoing with movie theatres to replace their projectors. “If they switch to laser projectors, they could divide their energy consumption by seven.”

Energy prices across Europe have skyrocketed in recent months, in part because of the turbulence in energy markets caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions slapped on Russia, a top energy producer.

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Gas bills to rise by over 11% in France in July

For households that use gas for heating, cooking or hot water, bills will go up again in July as regulators increase tariffs.

Gas bills to rise by over 11% in France in July

Starting on July 1st, gas bills will increase for the 10.5 million households in France which either heat with gas or use it for cooking and hot water.

France’s energy regulatory commission (Commission de régulation de l’énergie, or CRE) announced on Monday that the estimated increase for the benchmark price in June to July would be 11.7 percent. 

The price increase is related general market trends, but it also has to do with French consumption of gas dropping.

“We are witnessing the gradual exit from fossil fuels, with some consumers switching to electricity. In the meantime, those who remain on gas are fewer in number, but they must bear the costs,” Jacques Percebois, an economist with a speciality in energy, told Ouest France.

In France, the price one pays for gas includes the cost per kilowatt of consumption, taxes and the cost of delivery, with the base rate set by the regulator.

How much will my bills increase by?

The average household in France consumes 1,123kWh of gas per month, giving them a current monthly bill of around €124.

With the price increase, this bill will go up by about €14.80, with a little over half of that owing to the cost of distribution and about a third due to the increase in prices on wholesale markets, according to Ouest France’s calculations.

For those only using gas for cooking and hot water, the average monthly bill would go up from €20 to €23.30 a year.

Ultimately, the exact amount your bill will go up by will depend on your supplier, although companies tend to have broadly similar tariffs. 

Will the cost keep going up?

Experts expect the benchmark price to increase again by approximately 10 percent in August. However, it is also worth noting that expected prices dropped between February and June, according to MoneyVox.