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What is the law on self-defence in the home in Spain?

It's the worst case scenario, but what is the law on self-defence in the home in Spain and how does it compare to other countries?

What is the law on self-defence in the home in Spain?
Photo: Pixabay.

Every few years, whether in Spain or elsewhere in the world, there seems to be a controversial court case involving a property owner defending themselves against an intruder. But it’s an open and shut case, you might think? If someone comes onto my property, I can defend myself however I see fit, right?

Well, not exactly. 

What constitutes reasonable force, or a justifiable response, and what is considered proportional; these are all concepts under the law that are subjective, circumstantial, and must be proven before a court. 

It’s a situation nobody ever dreams of finding themselves in, but how can you defend yourself in your home in Spain? What is the law, and how do self-defence laws differ from other countries?

Spanish law

In Spain there are two main legal codes: the Código Penal, which covers criminal law (in non-legalese this basically means offences and punishments), and the Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, or, the criminal procedure code. 

In Spanish criminal law, self-defence is covered by Article 20.4 of the Código Penal, which outlines legal exemptions from criminal responsibility in situations where people defend themselves or their property (or defend others or their property), if each of the below criteria has been fulfilled:

  1. The defender must be responding to unlawful aggression that threatens grave personal danger of imminent injury that is considered unlawful aggression in the eyes of the law. 

  2. That the methods used to prevent or combat that unlawful aggression were rationally necessary.

  3. A lack of “sufficient” provocation by the defender.

READ MORE: The secret language used by burglars to break into homes in Spain

Complicated Spanish legalese aside, simply put a person is exonerated of criminal responsibility, including any compensation claims, if their self-defence was against unlawful violence; that there was a justifiable need to use the means employed – in other words, if the method, whether with a weapon or not, was justified; and that the aggression was unprovoked by the property owner.

Crucially, Article 20.4 states that illegal entry into private property constitutes unlawful violence. That is to say, if someone enters your home illegally you have the right, legally speaking, to defend yourself if the situation meets all the other criteria.

You must, however, must prove they have met these requisites to be exonerated.

Guns for self-defence in Spain

Contrary to popular belief, there are guns in Spain. In 2017 the Geneva Small Arms Survey estimated that Spain was home to as many as 780,000 illegally owned firearms, but that number could be higher.

That’s nothing compared to the United States, of course, but there are also ways to legally obtain a gun in Spain. This is most often for hunting and shooting, but few know that there is also a special license for obtaining a firearm for reasons of self-defence.

READ MORE: What’s the law on guns in Spain?

There are believed to be as many as 8,000 Spaniards with special permission to carry guns for self-defence – those declared “at risk” and issued with a ‘B license’ by Spanish police.

Applicants must prove they are at risk or fear for their life, and it is believed that the majority of these special B license holdees are high-profile public figures like politicians or football players, or those who might come into contact with criminals, such as gun-sellers, judges or magistrates, and former police and military personnel. The weapons must be concealed. 

There has been debate in recent years over the use of firearms for self-protection in Spain, with notable cases of gun owners jailed for shooting in self-defence, including a man in his 80s who was sent to jail after shooting an assailant who broke into his home in Tenerife and attacked his wife. 

READ ALSO Far-right Vox party wants to loosen Spain’s gun laws

It has been a recurring populist talking point of far-right party Vox, with leader Santiago Abascal calling for the loosening of gun control in Spain. 

International comparison


With the proliferation of guns in the United States, it is perhaps the country most associated with self-defence in the home controversies – often referred to as ‘standing your ground.’ But what’s the law?

The American system rests on the common law principle of what is known as the “castle doctrine”. This enshrines the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to defend against intruders in the home. The law varies slightly depending on the state legislature, with some employing a ‘duty to retreat’ clause as a deescalation tactic, but the ‘castle doctrine’ remains a fundamental basis to all.

Like in Spain, the right to legal self-defence in the home is dependent on several criteria, of which all must be met:

  1. The home owner or renter genuinely believed they were facing an unlawful attack on them or their property.
  2. They believed the force used or threatened was “necessary to prevent or terminate the interference.”
  3. That the belief, even if mistaken, was ‘objectively reasonable’.
  4. That the attack was happening at that moment or was imminent.

United Kingdom

According to the website, the UK law on self-defence in the home rests on a loose understanding of using ‘reasonable force’ to protect yourself if a crime occurs inside your home.

This means you can protect yourself, including using an object as a weapon, and prevent an intruder from escaping, for example by tackling them to the ground

Legally speaking, there’s no concrete definition of ‘reasonable force’ actually entails. It is all very subjective and depends on the circumstances of the particular incident. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to wait to be attacked before defending yourself in your home.

You do risk being prosecuted however, if you continue the attack after you’re no longer in danger – if the intruder was unconscious, for example – or if you lay a trap for someone. 


Article 122-5 of France’s Penal Code states “a person who, faced with an unjustified attack on themselves or a third person, simultaneously commits an act necessary to legitimate defence, shall incur no criminal liability except where the means employed are disproportionate to the seriousness of the attack.”

Like in most countries, in France self-defence is legal only if it occurs simultaneously to the attack, is proportionate to the force used, and the threat is unjustified.

Simply put, similarly to the Spanish system, the behaviour of the home owner must be proportionate to the threat. For example, reacting to verbal abuse by shooting someone would be considered disproportionate and likely to risk prosecution.

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EXPLAINED: Spain’s plan to stop the privatisation of public healthcare

Spain’s Health Ministry has announced a new plan aimed at protecting the country's much-loved public healthcare system from its increasing privatisation.

EXPLAINED: Spain's plan to stop the privatisation of public healthcare

In 1997, at the time when former Popular Party leader José María Aznar was Prime Minister of Spain, a law was introduced allowing public health – la sanidad pública in Spanish – to be managed privately.

According to the Health Ministry, this opened the door to a model that has caused “undesirable” consequences in the healthcare system for the past 25 years.

Critics of the privatisation of Spain’s public healthcare argue that it leads to worse quality care for patients, more avoidable deaths, diminished rights for health staff and an overall attitude of putting profits before people, negative consequences that have occurred in the UK since the increased privatisation of the NHS, a 2022 study found

Companies such as Grupo Quirón, Hospiten, HM Hospitales, Ribera Salud and Vithas Sanidad have made millions if not billions by winning government tenders that outsourced healthcare to them.

On May 13th 2024, Spanish Health Minister Mónica García took the first steps to try and rectify this by approving a new law on public management and integrity of the National Health System, which was published for public consultation.

The document sets out the ministry’s intentions to limit “the management of public health services by private for-profit entities” and facilitate “the reversal” of the privatisations that are underway.

It also aims to improve the “transparency, auditing and accountability” in the system that already exists.

The Ministry believes that this model “has not led to an improvement in the health of the population, but rather to the obscene profits of some companies”. 

For this reason, the left-wing Sumar politician wants to “shelve the 1997 law” and “put a stop to the incessant profit” private companies are making from the public health system. 

The Federation of Associations in Defence of Public Health welcomed the news, although they remained sceptical about the way in which the measures would be carried out and how successful they would be.

According to its president, Marciano Sánchez-Bayle, they had already been disappointed with the health law from the previous Ministry under Carolina Darias.

President of the Health Economics Association Anna García-Altés explained: “It is complex to make certain changes to a law. The situation differs quite a bit depending on the region.” She warned, however, that the law change could get quite “messy”.

The Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIS), which brings together private sector companies, had several reservations about the new plan arguing that it would cause “problems for accessibility and care for users of the National Health System who already endure obscene waiting times”.

READ MORE: Waiting lists in Spanish healthcare system hit record levels

“Limiting public-private collaboration in healthcare for ideological reasons, would only generate an increase in health problems for patients,” they concluded.

The way the current model works is that the government pays private healthcare for the referral of surgeries, tests and consultations with specialists. Of the 438 private hospitals operating in Spain, there are more who negotiate with the public system than those that do not (172 compared with 162).

On average, one out of every ten euros of public health spending goes to the private sector, according to the latest data available for 2022. This amount has grown by 17 percent since 2018.

However, the situation is different in different regions across Spain. In Catalonia for example, this figure now exceeds 22 percent, while in Madrid, it’s just 12 percent, according to the Private Health Sector Observatory 2024 published by IDIS.

Between 2021 and 2022, Madrid was the region that increased spending on private healthcare the most (0.7 percent), coinciding with the governance of right-wing leader Isabel Díaz Ayuso, followed by Andalusia (0.6 percent).  

READ MORE: Mass protest demands better healthcare in Madrid

Two years ago, Andalusia signed a new agreement with a chain of private clinics that would help out the public system over the next five years.