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Norwegian word of the day: Sukkergris

If you're a fan of sugary snacks or are known for having a sweet tooth, you could find yourself described as today's word. 

Norwegian word of the day written on a chalk board.
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash and Nicolas Raymond/FlickR

What is sukkergris? 

The word comes from sukker (“sugar”) and gris (pig), meaning “sugar-pig”. It doesn’t refer to a real pig. However, marzipan pigs are a popular treat in Norway at Christmas (marsipan gris). 

The marzipan pigs are linked to a popular game. Riskrem or “rice porridge” is a creamy dessert served cold with a fruit-based coulis drizzled on top. A shaved almond is often hidden in the serving bowl filled with riskrem. And whoever discovers the almond in their bowl receives a traditional pig made out of marzipan as their prize. 

Sukkergris can also have a more figurative meaning, akin to “sweet tooth” in English: a person with a particular fondness for cakes, sweets, candy, or any other sweet-tasting, sugary products.

We’re unsure of the origins of this second meaning: did the edible “sugar pig” come first, and the adjective version come about as a description of people who like to eat them? Or does the use of “pig” in relation to a liking for sugar reflect the pig’s bad reputation as a greedy animal?

If you know the answer to the above, let me know.

Why do I need to know sukkergris?

Without wanting to get too far into the realms of generalisation, Norwegians are mostly health-conscious, but they do have a weak spot for cakes (don’t we all?). Cakes play an important role in birthdays as well as other occasions.

In kindergartens, it’s common for parents to send a cake to be shared with the class. Some workplaces also have this practice, but it’s usually for milestone birthdays with the company covering the cake. 

Unlike neighbouring Sweden, Norway does not have the practice of fika, a daily short break from work during which coffee and cake are consumed. But cakes still make very regular appearances at workplaces.

Use it like this: 

Jeg spiser generelt sunt og er veldig aktiv i løpetreningen, men jeg er en dårligere sukkergris. Jeg kan rett og slett ikke si nei til is.

I eat healthily in general and am very focused on my running, but I’m a terrible sweet tooth. I simply can’t say no to ice cream.

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Norwegian word of the day: Loppis 

Spring is the perfect time to go to a loppis in Norway and save some cash in the incredibly expensive country. 

Norwegian word of the day: Loppis 

What does loppis mean? 

Loppis is the Norwegian slang word for flea market. Flea markets are hugely popular in Norway, especially in the spring and autumn. In the big cities, such as Oslo, the best flea markets are typically put on by schools raising money for bands or sports clubs. 

It’s common for an apartment block or entire neighbourhood to get together and organise flea markets. There are also several squares across Oslo to go to a flea market. 

There’s plenty to love about flea markets, given the low prices, the fun of finding something cool amongst everything and the focus on recycling or upcycling things that would otherwise end up in a skip. 

As mentioned, loppis is slang, and the full term for a flea market is loppemarked. The full term is translated directly from the English ‘flea market’. 

This is a nod to the fact that the markets sell secondhand clothes and furniture and that, historically, some people looked down on these and claimed they were full of fleas.

Jeg har kjøpt den på loppis

I bought at the flea market 

Jeg vil selge de gamle klærne mine på loppis

I will sell my old clothes at the flea market

Vil du være med på loppis i helgen?

 Do you want to come to the flea market this weekend?