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Italian expression of the day: ‘A quattro palmenti’

The phrase you'll need to describe a true staple of Italian summer.

Italian expression of the day: ‘A quattro palmenti’
Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

If you’re lucky enough to be spending your summer holidays somewhere in Italy, don’t kid yourself: there’s going to be a lot of eating – or overeating – involved.

Today’s expression might at least help you describe it.

Mangiare a quattro palmenti (pronunciation available here) is a popular expression used to describe the act of eating in a particularly fast and greedy manner.

Just think of the way all diets and semblances of self-constraint are generally dashed out of the window as soon as a plate of hot panzerotti is placed at the centre of the table.

The phrase could be considered the Italian equivalent of English expressions of the likes of ‘wolfing down’, ‘scoffing’, ‘gobbling’, ‘scarfing down’ and so on.

Le sfogliatelle che fa mia nonna sono buone da morire. Le mangio a quattro palmenti ogni volta che le cucina.

My grandma’s sfogliatelle are to die for. I scarf them down every single time she makes them.  

But, while the action may be familiar to almost anyone, the idiom’s literal translation is likely to be tough for Italian learners to crack.

In fact, the word palmenti, which is the plural of palmento, isn’t used in any social context other than the one mentioned above and it would be practically impossible to glean its meaning by simply analysing the structure of the noun.

So, what is a palmento? Though the word might remind you of palm trees (palme in Italian) or the palms of one’s hands (palmi), it’s got nothing to do with either.

A palmento is one of the two fundamental elements allowing for the correct functioning of a water mill, namely the millstone – naturally, the other one is the water wheel. 

A millstone’s main job is that of rotating on a stationary base so as to grind and crush wheat or other grains, thus producing flour. Does that remind you of something?

Living up to their repuation as highly imaginative people, at the start of last century, but possibly even before then, Italian speakers started associating the laborious grinding of millstones to the chewing motions of human jaws and the expression a quattro palmenti (‘with four millstones’) became a way to describe people greedily chomping on their food.

It isn’t quite clear why exactly four ‘palmenti’ were used here, though the number must have been seen as exaggerated and hyperbolic. 

Hai veramente intenzione di mangiare tutto quello che c’è a tavola a quattro palmenti?

Si, quello era il piano…

Are you really going to scoff everything that’s on the table?

Yeah, that was my plan…

The expression mangiare a due palmenti also exists, though it’s hardly ever used nowadays, so feel free to stick with the ‘four-millstone’ version.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Meriggiare’

It’s about time to bring this word out of the shadows.

Italian word of the day: ‘Meriggiare’

Have you ever rested outdoors in a shady place in the hot hours of midday? Perhaps you had a book with you or fell asleep on a hammock. Italian has a verb for this: meriggiare.

Now admittedly, meriggiare (pronunciation available here) is a word that’s rarely used in the modern Italian language, but it does still exist.

To add to its allure, it cannot be translated into English. It’s very specific to a midday nap in the heat. Perhaps the nearest English word would be ‘nooning’, yet that is somewhat archaic. 

According to Italian dictionary Trecanni meriggiare also means to rest at home around noon, particularly after eating. It’s not just for the outdoors, and it’s similar to having a siesta.

The verb, which has the same conjugations as any other Italian verb, was first said to be introduced in Eugenio Montale’s poem Ossi di seppia (cuttlefish bones) where he wrote the following:

Meriggiare pallido e assorto…

Non rifugiarti nel’ombra…

This can translate to: 

Resting pale and absorbed…

Don’t take refuge in the shadows…

But enough of the poetry. Can you use this rare verb in everyday language?

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Io meriggio sulla mia amaca quando la temperatura è troppo calda.

I rest on my hammock when the sun is too hot.

Meriggiavano sotto gli alberi.

They rested under the trees.

Lei meriggia dopo pranzo.

She rests after lunch.

So next time you’re in need of a rest in the shade after a heavy Italian lunch, you’ll have the perfect word to describe it.

See our complete Word of the Day archive hereDo you have a favourite Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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