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Everything that changes in Germany in August 2022

From the €9 ticket and fuel tax cut, to travel chaos, tax deadlines and digital steps forward, here's what's changing in Germany this August.

The town hall clock in Rostock, northern Germany.
The town hall clock in Rostock, northern Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Jens Büttner

€9 ticket and fuel tax cut runs out

Germany’s €9 monthly public transport ticket offer continues until the end of August so people will be able to buy and use it for the month before it it’s gone when September starts (sadly).

The fuel tax cut is also in force until the end of August. For petrol, the government-subsidised “tank rebate” is about 30 cents per litre, for diesel about 14 cents per litre. The reduction is limited until August 31st.

No plans have been announced yet to extend these measures. 

Travel chaos continues in Europe

The summer months have been chaotic for travellers, and we have seen examples of airports congested throughout Europe. This will continue during August, as airlines have cancelled more than 25,000 flights from their August schedule. 

In Germany, around 6,000 flights operated by Lufthansa alone have been scrapped from the summer schedule.

More strikes?

German airline giant Lufthansa ground staff staged a one-day strike on Wednesday July 27th. Negotiations between Verdi union and Lufthansa will happen on August 3rd and 4th.

It may be that more strikes are announced if an agreement on pay for the 20,000 ground staff isn’t reached. Keep an eye on The Local’s homepage. 

READ ALSO: Flights disrupted across Germany as Lufthansa strike begins

Travellers queue at terminal 2 of Frankfurt airport on July 23rd.

Travellers queue at terminal 2 of Frankfurt airport on July 23rd. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Frank Rumpenhorst

August regional holiday

There is only one official holiday in Germany in August – Assumption Day – or Mariä Himmelfahrt – on August 15th. It is a regional holiday for the states of Bavaria and Saarland.

It falls on a Monday, so don’t forget to prepare yourself for it, as most shops and supermarkets will be closed on the holiday and Sunday as well (as they always are in Germany).

Tax deadline

Those who have their tax return for 2020 prepared by a tax advisor or an income tax assistance association still have until August 31st to hand it in.

The deadline was extended again in May to relieve tax advisors who have extra work in their plate with auditing Covid financial assistance during the pandemic period.

READ ALSO: Why people in Germany have longer for their tax returns this year

More transparency in employment contracts

Whether it’s the scope of work, length of probationary period, possible overtime or notice period, employment contracts issued from August 1st onwards must clearly state in writing the working conditions for new jobs.

It must also be documented what wages will be paid, how they will be made up, what further training has been promised, what the shift system and rest breaks will be like, and what applies to the remuneration of overtime, allowances and bonuses.

Information on contracting parties, remuneration and working hours must be provided in writing to new employees no later than the start of employment – all other supporting documents can be given within seven calendar days.

More assistance for students

From August 1st, there will be more BAföG financial assistance for students. The maximum support rate for students will be raised from €861 to €934 per month. The tax-free amount on the parents’ income, which is the basis for calculating the education grant, will also go up. This also increases the group of those eligible for support.

The previous tax-free allowance of €8,200 for the assets of trainees will also be increased – to €15,000 for people up to the age of 29, and to €45,000 from the age of 30. Furthermore, the age limit for BAföG funding will be extended from 30 to 45.

READ ALSO: German students to get higher grants from winter 2022

View of the Martin Luther University (MLU) campus in Halle.

View of the Martin Luther University (MLU) campus in Halle. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hendrik Schmidt

Minimum wage goes up

For stonemasons and people in the stone-sculpting trade, new industry minimum wages will apply from August 1st 2022; instead of €12.85 per hour, employees will get 50 cents more, raising it to €13.35. Independently of this, there is also the German statutory minimum wage, which will increase to €12 in October.

Digital step for founding companies

From August 1st, anyone who wants to establish a GmbH (a company with limited liability) or KG (limited partnership) can do so without having to attend the notarial certification in person – they can also do it via online video communication.

This is regulated by the Act on the Implementation of the Digitalisation Directive (DiRUG). “The parties involved are identified by means of an electronically transmitted photograph in conjunction with an electronic proof of identity, e.g. the German identity card with eID function,” explains the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Pupils return to the classroom – or go on holiday

Schools in several states will return after the summer break in August. But the southern states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are the last to go off on their school holidays – at the end of July and on August 1st respectively.

Cheaper medicines in the pharmacy

Patients who are prescribed biopharmaceuticals (or biologics) by their doctor, which are often used for Crohn’s disease, arthritis or cancer, can be given cheaper medicines of the same type at the pharmacy from August 16th. This is regulated by the “Law for More Safety in the Supply of Medicines”.

The biosimilars, i.e. similar biological medicines, are to come into circulation more quickly, and drug costs are to be reduced. The law is intended to relieve the burden on health insurance companies. The imitation products are produced and tested by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) under strict criteria as soon as the patent for a drug expires, and are considered to be just as effective as the respective original.

General measles vaccination mandate in care facilities applies

Since March 2020, measles vaccinations have been compulsory in communal facilities such as Kindergartens, asylum seekers’ and refugees’ accommodation and in medical facilities – for caregivers and other employees in the facilities.

Those who already worked in one of the above-mentioned facilities before March 2020 were granted a transitional period until July 31st 2022 to present proof of vaccination.

People who do not comply with the vaccination obligation will be banned from care or work from August 1st, and could also face fines of up to €2,500 if they flout the rules. People who cannot get the vaccination for medical reasons and those born before 1971 are exempt from the measles jab mandate.

A vaccination pass with the measles box ticked.

A vaccination pass with the measles box ticked. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Tom Weller

Titanium dioxide banned in food

Titanium dioxide is used as a whitening agent in wall paints, varnishes, cosmetics and medicines. But foodstuffs such as chewing gum, sweets, baked goods, soups and salad dressings also often rely on it, especially in the USA. It’s found on the packaging as the additive E171.

As of August, however, titanium dioxide can no longer be used in food production in Europe. The European Commission imposed the ban because it could not be ruled out that the chemical substances could alter “genetic cell material” and that the food additive could therefore no longer be considered safe. In France, titanium dioxide hasn’t been used in food since 2020.

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Everything that changes in Germany in August 2024

From slower postal deliveries to new rules on cannabis for drivers and more generous grants for students, here are all the major changes happening in Germany this August.

Everything that changes in Germany in August 2024

Profession experience to be formally recognised 

On August 1st, a new piece of legislation designed to make on-the-job training more attractive and support people without formal qualifications will enter into force.

Under the new Vocational Validation and Digitalisation Act, people without a university degree or other professional qualifications will be able to get their work experience certified as a qualification. 

Applicants must have worked in a relevant field 1.5 times the duration of the equivalent training – for a three-year university course, that would equate 4.5 years of professional experience – and be at least 25 years old.

The validation process will be widely available from January 2025 through chambers of industry, commerce, and crafts.

Changes to train routes 

From August 16th to December 14th, ICE journeys between Hamburg and Berlin will take 45 minutes longer due to a diversion via Stendal. This will bring the journey up to 2.5 hours.

Only one train per hour will run between the two cities during this time, and the EC trains to Dresden and Prague will begin and end in Berlin instead of Hamburg.

Due to construction work, the night trains from Berlin to Paris and Brussels will be cancelled between August 12th to October 25th. These new connections were added to the rail schedule back in December, travelling via Halle, Erfurt and Mannheim.

READ ALSO: What to know about Deutsche Bahn’s summer service changes

New rules on cannabis consumption for drivers

Following the legalisation of cannabis possession and the introduction of licensed cannabis clubs in Germany, the government is introducing new laws to regulate driving under the influence.

From August this year, authorities will be entitled to check the level of THC – the psychoactive compound in weed – contained in drivers’ bloodstreams. According to the new law, this should be no more than 3.5 nanograms per millilitre.

Exceeding this limit can result in fines up to €3,000, with higher fines if alcohol is also involved. For new drivers and drivers under 21 years old, any level of THC is banned. 

Slower postal deliveries 

Starting in August, letters sent to recipients in Germany can take up to three working days to arrive, rather than the previous two. These changes were set out in the government’s recent Postal Modernisation Act, which is due to come into force on August 1st. 

A truck drives onto the premises of the Deutsche Post DHL branch in the Anderten district of Hannover.

A truck drives onto the premises of the Deutsche Post DHL branch in the Anderten district of Hannover. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Moritz Frankenberg

In addition to companies like DHL and Hermes, the government is also planning to allow more competition on the parcel delivery market in the hopes of improving the service for consumers. However, new companies on the market must still comply with German labour laws such as the minimum wage and maximum working hours.

When packages weigh more than 10kg or 20kg, they will need to be labelled accordingly. 

READ ALSO: Post in Germany to arrive later after parliament passes landmark reform

Young people gain right to an apprenticeship

From August 1st, more young people will have the right to state-supported vocational training if they are learning disabled, socially disadvantaged, or live in areas with insufficient training opportunities.

Employers who offer training and apprenticeships will receive a bigger bonus of €3,000 for transitioning trainees into company-based training. 

In addition, vocational colleges will be permitted to carry out more of their training and examinations digitally.

The new apprenticeship guarantee builds on a previous piece of legislation designed to encourage young people into vocational training programmes.

The older law provides for trainees and interns to be supported with accommodation and travel costs so that they can complete an apprenticeship in another town or city. 

According to Labour Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), one of the major problems facing skilled trades in Germany is not the lack of apprenticeship places, but the lack of applicants to fill them. 

More generous grants for students 

This August, BAföG – Germany’s financial aid scheme for students – will increase in time for the next semester.

The basic monthly allowance will rise from €452 to €475, while the housing allowance for students living away from home will increase from €360 to €380 Euros.

Health and care insurance subsidies will also be adjusted to account for the higher costs.

Students at Heidelberg University sit in a lecture hall.

Students at Heidelberg University sit in a lecture hall. Photo: picture alliance / Uwe Anspach/dpa | Uwe Anspach

Additionally, students from very low-income families will receive an initial grant of €1,000 when starting a course at a university.

The income threshold for students’ additional earnings will also increase to €538 per month.

READ ALSO: How much money do international students need to study in Germany?

A new “flexibility semester” is set to come into force, allowing students to claim their BAföG grants for an additional semester if they need longer to finish their studies.

In addition, an extended deadline for changing study programs will be introduced.

Dozens of Galleria branches close

Due to ongoing insolvency proceedings, nine of Galeria’s remaining 92 stores will close on August 31st this year.

According to a statement on the department store’s website, the affected stores include: Galeria Augsburg, Galeria Berlin Ringcenter, Galeria Berlin Tempelhof, Galeria Chemnitz, Galeria Essen, Galeria Leonberg, Galeria Regensburg, Galeria Trier and Galeria Wesel.

Around 1,400 of Galeria’s 12,800 staff are likely to lose their jobs following the closures. 

Higher wages for trainee painters and stonemasons

Apprentices in the painting and varnishing trades are set to see their wages go up this August.

First-year apprentices will earn 800 per month, second-year apprentices will earn €885, and third-year apprentices will earn €1,050. 

Young people training to be stonemasons will also get an income boost, earning €925 per month in the first year, €1,025 in the second year and €1,175 in their third year of training. 

An apprentice stonemason works on a project.

An apprentice stonemason works on a project. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Martin Schutt

Gender self-recognition becomes easier

On August 1st, the government’s new Self-Determination Act, which broadens rights for trans people, enters into force in Germany. 

The self-determination act makes it easier for someone in Germany to change their gender entry and first name simply by submitting a declaration to the registry office. There is no longer a requirement for a medical certificate, expert opinion or court order, as previously mandated under the 1980 Transsexual Act.

The self-determination act only affects the process for changing genders with the registry. It does not make any provisions for physical interventions, such as hormone therapies or gender reassignment surgery.

READ ALSO: How Germany’s ‘self-determination law’ will make it easier for people to change their gender

Subsidies for green energy systems open up

In line with the government’s Heating Bill, which encourages households to swap out old heating systems for eco-friendly ones, landlords, single-family homeowners and apartment owners will be able to apply for subsidies to exchange their heating systems from August.

Up to 70 percent of the costs of a new heating system can be subsidised by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), with subsidies depending only partly on household income. 

A heat pump at a house in Germany.

A heat pump at a home in Germany. Eco-friendly heating systems are eligible for government subsidies. Photo by Ina FASSBENDER / AFP

There are also changes on the horizon for people with solar panel installations on their balcony or roof. In many cases, people with solar panels produce an surplus of energy that they feed back into the grid in order to turn a profit. The amount people can earn this way will drop by one percent from August. 

For systems up to 10 kWp, the new rate will be 8.04 cents per kWh if partially fed into the grid and 12.73 cents per kWh if fully fed. Systems between 10 and 40 kWp will have rates of 6.95 and 10.68 cents per kWh, respectively, and systems between 40 and 100 kWp will receive 5.68 and 10.68 cents per kWh. 

Local governments could introduce 30km/h zones

Under pressure from local authorities and campaigners, the government recently passed a sweeping reform of its Road Traffic Act to allow local governments to have more control over their streets.

Rather than prioritising cars at all times, districts can now point to other considerations like health or the environment in order to introduce new speed limits, pedestrian zones and cycle lanes. 

Specifically, local authorities can more easily implement 30 km/h speed limits near playgrounds, school routes, and pedestrian crossings – a measure many regions have been calling for.

Though no specific date has yet been said for introducing the amended law, it’s likely to come into effect at the end of July or early August.

READ ALSO: How can Germany fix its patchy rural transport connections?

Tax deadline extended 

The official deadline for mandatory tax declarations is August 31st this year. However, since this date falls on a Sunday, taxpayers in Germany will have until Monday, September 2nd to submit their documents to the Finanzamt.

For most employees in Germany, filling in a tax return is not compulsory, but certain groups of people, including those with second sources of incomes and the self-employed, must submit declarations annually.

Employees can also often benefit from submitting a non-mandatory tax declaration as it allows them to write off work-related expenses and thereby reduce their tax burden. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – The best apps to help you track your German taxes