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Reader question: Do I have to pay Germany’s Rundfunkbeitrag?

Germany's monthly TV licence fee of €18.36 can be a burdensome expense, especially in the current climate. But there are some circumstances in which you don’t have to pay. 

A remittance slip for German broadcasting fees
A remittance slip for German broadcasting fees. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Nicolas Armer

Many people who first move to Germany and see the letter from the German broadcasting service assume it doesn’t apply to them if they don’t have a TV or radio in their home. 

However, in Germany, every household is obliged to pay broadcasting fees, regardless of whether there is a radio, television, or computer in the home or not. 

The fee amounts to €18.36 per month and can be paid by direct debit or by quarterly invoice. But watch out if you pay by quarterly invoice: recent changes mean that you will only receive one letter per year reminding you when the payments are to be made (February 15th, May 15th, August 15th, and November 15th) and late payments are met with an initial €8 fine.

READ ALSO: People in Germany face higher TV tax payments

The number of people living in the household is also irrelevant and a flat fee is charged per home, meaning those who live alone can be hit particularly hard by the monthly bill. 

However, if you’re running a business, the monthly charge depends on how many employees are working in a particular office, starting at €6,12 per month for 0-8 employees. The full scale can be found in this document.

The fee is justified on the basis that the government wants to provide “a diversity of high-quality programmes on television, on the radio, online and in media libraries” without having to rely on commercial networks and advertising. 

But what if I can’t afford to pay?

With high inflation and the cost of living on the rise in Germany at the moment, it’s understandable that many people will be wondering if they can avoid having to pay over €200 a year for a service they may not use.

The good news is that there are certain cases where you can be exempted from the obligation or be entitled to a reduction.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to pay Germany’s TV tax, or (legally) avoid it

Recipients of government welfare benefits – including unemployment benefits, disability benefits or old age pensions – are exempted from the payment. 

For married couples and registered partnerships, the following applies: if one of the partners is exempt from the broadcasting fee, the other does not have to pay either.

Those who are vision or hearing impaired can apply to the Beitraggservice to have the fee reduced or removed completely. 

In most cases, students and people completing apprenticeships (Ausbildung or Lehrzeit) will not have to pay, provided they receive student support funding from the state (known as the BAföG). 

If a resident in a shared apartment is exempt from the fee because he or she receives BAfög, however, another non-exempt roommate will have to pay the broadcasting fee.

If you are entitled to an exemption from the obligation to pay the broadcasting fee or a reduction of the broadcasting fee, you can fill out this form on the website of the contribution service.

However, if none of these categories applies to you, don’t simply not pay because you can’t afford it.  This will just lead to a piling up of debt and in the absolute worst case, could even result in jail time. 

Useful vocabulary:

Broadcasting service = (das) Rundfunk

Contribution = (der) Beitrag

Fee = (die) Gebühr

Warning = (die) Mahnung

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Member comments

  1. This was super helpful! I recently moved to Germany and I was about to take the letter in to work to ask a German co-worker if this was something I needed to worry about. Your timing is impeccable :). Thank you for all of the high-quality and relevant articles! They are always much appreciated.

  2. We don’t have to pay it because we are in NATO/US military stationed here. That was an option on the form to avoid paying it.

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How good does your German have to be for the different paths to citizenship?

There are a few different routes to German citizenship. As the rules are set to change in June 2024, here's a guide to what level of German you'll need to have for four broad paths to citizenship.

How good does your German have to be for the different paths to citizenship?

The standard route to German citizenship through naturalisation – B1 German

When it comes to the typical way of applying for German citizenship, there are a few changes in areas other than language. Potential applicants will be eligible after five years in Germany rather than eight and as with any applicant after June 27th, dual citizenship will be allowed.

Most other requirements essentially remain the same – including having to pass a B1 language test.

B1 is the third level out of a possible six and someone who has achieved it is classified as an “independent user” under the Common European Framework for Languages. 

This means the speaker can handle most aspects of their daily life – shopping, getting around, and basic topics around work, school or living.

A B1 speaker won’t necessarily be expected to discuss advanced medical issues with their doctor or the finer points of tax law with their financial advisor. But they should be able to call to make appointments and have more basic conversations with frontline staff like shopkeepers, receptionists, and nurses.

They should also be able to get through most appointments at the Bürgeramt without assistance and manage basic workplace discussions – even if they still present or tackle tougher topics in English or another language.

A B1 speaker will also be able to have simple discussions on certain topics they may be familiar with – such as their line of work. B1 exams will often ask test-takers to discuss the pros and cons of something.

READ ALSO: A language teacher’s guide for passing the German tests for citizenship

The special integration route – C1 German

Applicants who can demonstrate exceptional effort to integrate into Germany – or who have made big contributions to German society through their professional career, volunteering or otherwise might be eligible to naturalise after just three years.

However, these applicants will also have to speak German at a C1 level – the second highest level possible.

C1 speakers are typically able to understand longer and more challenging texts – including those that are not within their area of expertise. They can also express themselves fluently on complex issues and even make academic arguments that follow a certain structure. They will typically be able to make a presentation at work in German – for example.

Employees have a chat at a coworking space in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony. Workplace chat should be possible for a B1 German speaker, while a C1 speaker will be expected to be able to make presentations. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hauke-Christian Dittrich

C1 topics aren’t necessarily everyday topics – with test-takers at a C1 exam expected to be able to have discussions on topics from globalisation to climate change to financial planning. People taking a C1 exam may need to even brush up on their knowledge in general before taking the test.

READ ALSO: How hard is the C1 language test for Germany’s upcoming fast-track citizenship?

The simplified route for hardship cases and guest workers

Applicants who come from the guest worker generation of the 1950s and 1960s, or contract workers in the former East Germany, will not have to take a language test to naturalise as German. The same is true for certain hardship cases – where age, disability, or another factor may prevent an applicant from being able to study up to the B1 level.

In these cases, no specific language requirement exists – but applicants must be able to communicate sufficiently with their case workers, unaided by a translator.

Certain people – but not all – in this situation may also be exempt from taking the German citizenship test.

READ ALSO: How can over-60s get German citizenship under the new dual nationality law?

German citizenship by descent or restoration – no German required

There is one group of applicants that doesn’t need to demonstrate any German knowledge at all – those who apply by descent from a German parent or descent from victims of the Nazis through the restoration route.

These applicants also don’t need to pass the citizenship test – as they are technically already considered citizens who simply need to claim their passports. 

The rules for this group remain completely unchanged by the new law – and applicants who apply by descent or restoration are already allowed to keep other citizenships they were born with.

READ ALSO: Who is entitled to German citizenship by descent and how to apply for it