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When can you talk to a stranger in Denmark without annoying them?

In Denmark, it can be seen as rude and intrusive to start a conversation with a total stranger. Except, it seems, in certain circumstances. Here's our best guess at what they are.

When can you talk to a stranger in Denmark without annoying them?
Danish supermarket queues are not famed for their lively conversation. File photo: Signe Goldmann/Ritzau Scanpix

If you’ve moved to Denmark from the United States, Australia or even the relatively reserved United Kingdom, you might have been struck by the noticeable lack of chit-chat forthcoming from strangers.

On buses, in supermarkets or bank queues, it’s not out of the ordinary for a stranger to mention the weather or pass comment on the surroundings.

This is not really how it’s done in Denmark.

I recall once asking a supermarket checkout operator to stop the conveyor belt on the checkout from rolling, because it was mixing my items with somebody else’s. She, and the three (all silent) people behind me in the queue, all looked at me like I was a monster, but said nothing.

I later learned that the conveyor belts operate automatically, so the operator might not actually have been able to stop it at all. But nobody bothered to tell me this – dead-eyed silence was considered by all four of my interlocutors to be the better option.

READ ALSO: Five Danish social norms that might be new to newcomers

Danes are generally uncomfortable with small talk. This is not due to unfriendliness though, but is rather a way of being considerate. Most people (I’m generalising based on 15 years of residence) prefer not to initiate a conversation with a stranger because they think it might make the other person uncomfortable.

This sometimes extends to just blanking people out when it might actually be of use to say something – like in the supermarket scenario above.

But just because small talk is unusual does not mean it doesn’t happen. It is just restricted by a set of unspoken rules. 

In general, speaking to strangers is acceptable under one or more of three conditions: that there are external circumstances that limit how long the interaction can take, that you have something in common with them, or that you are both focused on some sort of third element, which dilutes the intensity of face-to-face contact. 

The examples below all meet at least one of those three criteria. If you can think of any others, let me know.

At the playground with their children 

Towards the end of my extended parental leave (all provided by the Danish welfare system), my little girl was old enough to take to the local playground in Copenhagen so I could push her on the swings and lift her up onto the coil spring horses.

I’ve never found it so easy and comfortable chatting to passers-by in all my time in Denmark (or anywhere else).

Parents at playgrounds (legepladser in Danish) can strike up conversations with one another. This fits two, or perhaps three, of the rules: they have something in common (children), and they have an external thing to focus on (children).

The externally set time limit is also there to some extent, as children (in Denmark, as elsewhere) tend to wander off, start crying, or need parental attention, providing the Dane with the required escape route should the conversation become awkward. 

A similar principle is said to apply to dog walkers when they cross paths, although I can’t speak from personal experience on this count.

When they are having a cigarette break outside

This might not continue for very many years into the future, but if a Danish smoker finds themselves having a cigarette break next to another smoker, they can spark up a short conversation.

The situation meets at least two of the three necessary conditions: the cigarette limits the interaction to about five minutes, and the two smokers have their unfortunate habit in common.

If the chat becomes uncomfortable one minute in, they can even pretend to be focusing their attention on an external factor: the joy of their cigarette, savouring every drag.

At a concert, festival or sporting event

In bars, pubs and restaurants, Danes tend to arrive with their friends and limit their conversations to those they already know.

This changes a bit if you’re somewhere where people stand or dance. An ideal example of this is the Roskilde Music Festival, where everyone talks to everyone free of inhibitions.

There is an external factor to focus on (a concert), you are not trapped at the same table, and it’s always possible to drift on to someone else. Everyone is also often drunk, which is probably a bigger factor than the standing if I’m honest. 

I’ve also found sporting events to be a good barrier-breaker, particularly when participating. I’ve exchanged many a fist-bump and mutual congrats with fellow runners at the end of the Copenhagen Marathon or Royal Run and the spectators on the side of the roads will call out your name in encouragement (it’s written on the race bibs).

These situations again fit with having something in common, limited timespan for interaction and other things going on externally.

Outside of Denmark

Danes, like people from most other countries, are more likely to speak to their compatriots when abroad than when at home.

I’ve encountered Danes who are complete strangers quickly establish conversations and even friendships which began on the predicate that they were outside of Denmark when they met.

Simply being Danish, which means nothing at home, qualifies as “something in common” once Danes are abroad. 

As a Danish speaker, I’ve even taken advantage of this myself when abroad and approached others when I hear them uttering the comfortingly familiar sounds of the Danish language.

Just by speaking in Danish you can signal you have something in common (living in Denmark and knowing Danish culture). This is of course not the case with English, because people from many parts of the world speak it.

On the other hand, I’ve also experienced Danes avoid other Danes when far from home. They try not to give away the fact they are from Denmark, or gravitate towards the non-Danes in a group.

I think this might be because sometimes, Danes just prefer to leave Denmark at home while on their far-flung trip.

Member comments

  1. It might seem obvious, but this is a very helpful article! Once I got stared down for adding an extra sentence to answer someone who asked me in the first place

  2. This story reminds me of the Aesops fable “THE MAN, THE BOY, AND THE DONKEY” which ends with the moral of the story, “Please all, and you will please none.”
    I think it is better to be yourself and not to tie yourself in knots trying to “fit in”. Everybody is different, even no two Danes are alike.

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Manhood, butter, and piracy: How foreigners have managed to offend Danes

Danes are known for their ironic sense of humour and love of teasing. But can they take it as well as give it out? We asked readers if they've ever succeded in properly offending a Dane. Here are the answers so far.

Manhood, butter, and piracy: How foreigners have managed to offend Danes

Danes often pride themselves on having an edgy sense of humour that can get very close to the bone, boasting that no topic, however non-PC is out of bounds. But is that actually true? Are there arguments you can make, insults you can give, and jokes you can crack that go beyond the mark? 

Several of the respondents to our survey have discovered that there definitely are, with some unexpected subjects managing to raise the hackles of their Danish friends, collegues and relatives. 

If you’ve also managed to offend someone in Denmark, either unintentionally or perhaps intentionally too, please answer the survey, which is pasted below and we’ll add it to this article. 

Casting aspersions on Danes’ chivalric manhood

Zdravka, from Bulgaria, says she has in the past offended Danish men by accusing them of lacking the manly virtues of chivalry and generosity celebrated in her home country. 

“I told him that according to my culture and upbringing he’s not considered a man because where I come from, men take pride in providing for their women and don’t expect them to split bills 50:50,” she wrote in our survey. 

She said that in her opinion the offensive power of her accusation boiled down to cultural differences. 

“It is a factor, since my culture is conflicting with the Danish mindset of equality, bordering on lack of chivalry and gentlemanly traits.” 

Failing to appreciate the superiority of Danish butter 

Ann, a scientist from Brazil, made the mistake of saying she preferred the taste of Italian butter when accompanying her Danish extended family on a holiday to Italy. 

“The next day for breakfast, my Danish family put Lurpack on the table and we never saw the Italian one again. After checking with my husband, or my boyfriend at the time, he said that yes, I had offended the whole family without realising it.” 

Danes she said had managed to offend her “all the time”. 

“About skin colour and what happens or not in Brazil: they have no filter for how they ask things, and are honest and direct. I have learned to like it.” 

Even so, she said, she had been surprised. “I couldn’t know what the sensitive topics were and how proud they can be of something as simple as butter.” 

Laughing at people with names from Norse mythology

Gary, a Frenchman living in Copenhagen, took a wrong step when he laughed at someone he met at a party who introduced themselves as “Thor”.

“In my first months in Denmark, I attended a party with my girlfriend. I started chatting with a guy and he introduced himself as ‘Thor’. I started laughing and asked him to tell me the truth. He turned red and never talked to me again. That’s how I learned that ‘Thor’ was a very common name in Denmark.” 

Breaking minor national laws

Lam from Canada came a cropper when he invited some Danish friends to a video night for which he had secured a bunch of pirated DVDs. 

“They didn’t say they were offended, but they just cut all communications,” he remembers, saying he had been confused by the reaction.

“I’m from Canada, and it could be an issue with some people, but definitely not to the point that they would cut communications.” 

Discussing Danes’ alleged lack of spontaneity 

Alice (not her real name), a Pole living in Roskilde, said she had once offended a co-worker by drawing attention to Danes’ alleged lack of spontaneity. 

“This wasn’t a big deal, but one time when out with some coworkers I said that Danes are not spontaneous, because they plan all social outings weeks in advance. One person didn’t take it well and seemed peeved that he could be perceived that way,” she said. “The situation was quickly forgotten though, as soon as the next round of beers arrived.”

Taking offensive jokes further than Danes would do 

Danes claim to like their humour edgy, but some other cultures like to get even closer to the mark when joking with close friends. 

“In Ireland, the more close your friends are, the more apparently ‘rude’ to them you are,” explained Greg, an Irishman living in Roskilde. He said that in the early stages of his marriage, this was something his Danish wife had struggled with. 

“My Danish wife took a while to understand why her loving, polite Irish husband was rude to his Irish friends…..and vice versa. But once she got it she joined in with gusto!”

Disrespecting the Danish royals 

Maria from Greece didn’t spend much time in Denmark before realising that making off-colour jokes about the then Queen Margrethe II did not go down at all well. 

“I cannot understand how they so much respect a family who lives from their taxes and supports such an outdated system,” she told us in exasperation. “Kings and queens are a no-no for Greeks, unless you are a fascist.” 

Have you ever offended a Dane, unintentionally or intentionally, please mention it in the comments or fill in our form below and we’ll add your anecdote to the article.