Living in Germany: five types of insurance you should know about

Maybe you’ve heard a German say, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’. German culture places a premium on being well-prepared. But not only when it comes to the weather – could this cultural value have something to do with the world of German insurance?

Living in Germany: five types of insurance you should know about
Life happens. Being insured can help reduce the effect on your wallet. Photo: Getty Images

Insurance is a big deal in Germany. There are numerous social safety nets in place, but there are still more than a few things you’re expected to take care of on your own. It’s common for new arrivals to feel frustrated and overwhelmed when they try to figure out what kinds of insurance they need. 

To help demystify this aspect of living in Germany, here are five types of coverage you may want to consider.

Personal liability insurance (Private Haftpflichtversicherung)

Ask any German what the most important kind of insurance is, and soon you won’t be able to get them to stop talking about personal liability insurance – 80 percent of the population has it. Personal liability insurance covers the financial costs if you accidentally cause damage to someone else, their property or their assets. 

This type of insurance is so common in Germany that if you spill wine on someone’s trousers on a night out, the wearer may ask you to file a claim with your personal liability insurance to cover the cleaning costs. If your toddler draws all over a friend’s couch, even that friend might ask you to file a claim. It’s not considered rude here, or even a little weird. People simply tend to assume that everyone has personal liability coverage.

The good news is that personal liability insurance isn’t that expensive, especially when you consider that it also covers more serious cases, for example if you accidentally injure someone who becomes unable to work, leaving you financially on the hook for all their lost income. It also covers things like Mietsachschäden in a rented flat, which refers to damage to things that are part of the flat itself, like floors, windows, and doors. It even covers accidental damage to holiday apartments!

It’s always a good idea to be prepared for whatever life throws your way, especially when you’re living abroad.

You can protect yourself with a policy Getsafe in under fifteen minutes, as well as, manage and adjust via app in English

Contents insurance (Hausratversicherung)

Are you a renter or a homeowner? Then another type of insurance most Germans will recommend you get is contents insurance. Contents insurance covers your belongings within your home against insured risks. ‘Contents’ refers to things like furniture, electronic devices, and clothes. Think of it this way: if you turn your flat or house upside down, anything that falls out normally counts as contents. Insured risks are things like fire, storms, or burglary.

Say a water pipe in your kitchen bursts, your washing machine leaks all over your nice chairs, or you accidentally leave a lit candle unattended and cause a small fire in your bedroom. Contents insurance will cover the financial costs associated with the damage. 

It’s important to note that if you’re renting a furnished apartment, contents insurance doesn’t cover the furnishings that came with the apartment. They’re the landlord’s property, so they’re not covered by your contents policy.

Private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung or ‘PKV’)

Whether you’re working or studying in Germany, health insurance is mandatory. The majority of people in Germany have public health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, or ‘GKV’).

Germany’s public health system is highly advanced, and you’ll be well looked after if you get sick or have an accident. However, if you’re a freelancer, or you’re an employee and earn over a certain amount per year (for 2023: €66,600), you have the option of taking out private health insurance instead.

Private health insurance gives coverage holders a greater choice of doctors, largely eliminates waiting periods to see a specialist and can ensure a single room if you’re hospitalised. It also provides access to a more diverse variety of procedures and treatments than public health insurance.

Income protection insurance (Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung)

According to the Federal Statistical Office, one in four people in Germany will become unable to work in their current profession for at least six months in a row due to accident or illness over the course of their lives. A significant percentage of people who file an income protection claim are dealing with a mental health issue like depression or burnout. 

You’ll find that many Germans also have income protection insurance to prepare for this eventuality. Income protection insurance covers all your living costs, including regular bills and grocery costs, when you can’t work, giving you peace of mind so you can focus on getting better.

The younger and healthier you are when you take out income protection coverage, the more affordable it will be. It’s a worthwhile investment in an additional personal safety net. 

Getsafe offers access to a broad range of insurance policies in English, all through an easy-to-use app 

Dog liability insurance jumps in when Mr. Fluffy does something naughty to someone else’s stuff. Photo: Getty Images

Pet health insurance (Tierkrankenversicherung) and dog liability insurance (Hundehaftpflichtversicherung

Germans are pet-loving people, and if you’ve got a feline or canine buddy in tow, you’ll find yourself in good company. But the seriousness with which Germans take care of their animals can sometimes translate into hefty costs for their veterinary care.

Pet health insurance can be a worthwhile option if you’re a pet parent in Germany. Pet health insurance provides a wealth of benefits. Depending on the level of coverage you choose, you can cover surgeries, additional treatments and preventative care. Some providers also provide virtual 24/7 veterinary appointments when you’re travelling or it’s three in the morning.

If you have a dog, it’s also a good idea to get dog liability insurance. (For one thing, it’s a legal requirement in Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Thuringia and Schleswig-Holstein.) Dog liability insurance covers the costs if your dog accidentally damages someone else, their property, or another dog. 

The simple solution

Many German insurance companies have begun to offer specialised English-language services as the number of English speakers living and working in Germany increases. One of these companies, Getsafe, has gone further, providing all-digital, English-language insurance via app. 

Companies like Getsafe recognize that international workers in Germany don’t want to deal with piles of German paperwork. That’s where the app comes in. It makes it easy for users to buy, manage and adjust their coverage and file claims 24/7, all from their smartphone.

Living in Germany may become one of the grandest adventures of your life. But as the Germans know, it’s always good to be prepared, just in case something should go awry. Luckily, being prepared is easier than you think. 

Life happens, but Germans know the value of preparation. Getsafe allows you to sign up online and be protected within minutes – with everything in English

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How to make the most of Germany’s long summer days

In Germany the sun sets late and rises early in the summer months. The Local's reporters share their favourite activities for taking advantage of the long hours of daylight.

How to make the most of Germany's long summer days

Germany doesn’t quite get to see the “midnight sun” – how’s it going up there Norway? – but it is located far enough north to enjoy rather long days during the late spring and summer seasons.

The summer solstice, called Sommersonnenwende in German, marks the longest day and also the beginning of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the town of Flensburg, which is near Germany’s northern border with Denmark, the sun sets at 10:06 pm and rises at 4:41 on the summer solstice, amounting to approximately 17 hours and 24 minutes of daylight.

Central and southern German cities get a little less daylight, but still enjoy late night sunsets and early morning sun rises. Berlin, for example, gets 16 hours and 50 minutes of daylight on the solstice. Munich gets just over 16 hours of light on the longest day.

Especially for people who moved to Germany from more southerly latitudes, watching the sunset at 10 pm or noticing the sky lighten at four in the morning can be a surreal experience.

But of course the flip side of long days in the summer are long nights in the winter, giving you all the more reason to take advantage of all the light while you can.

Here’s a few things to do with your extra daylight hours during the German summer:

Add outdoor sports to your ‘Feierabend’ routine

Germans place a high value on work-life balance, and this is perhaps best seen in the importance placed on the Feierabend, or your after-work time.

READ ALSO: Why every country should get on board with the German Feierabend

During the winter having a dinner date, or more simply a Feierabendbierchen, are the main after-work activities that come to mind. But during Germany’s long summer days, you still have plenty of daylight left to go skating in the park, or enjoy a bicycle tour of the city, even if you work until 6 pm or later.

sunset jog

Jogging, biking and other sports are all possible after work during Germany’s long summer days. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Peter Kneffel

Some people really take advantage of the extended light – using that extra time for physical activities that they might not otherwise get to do during work days. It’s not uncommon to see people stand-up paddle boarding on the river, or rock climbing, late into the evening in the summer.

Go for an early morning stroll

Germany’s early morning sunrises can be a bit of a controversial topic.

For the early birds, they offer an opportunity to get ahead of the day before your work day or other obligations begin. For the night owls who currently lack shutters, they can be an unwelcome wake-up call.

But with the sky lightening as early as 4:30 am, whether you’ve freshly woken up, or are heading home after a long night out, you may want to consider taking advantage of a unique opportunity for a morning walk. 

Especially for those who tend to sleep in, an early stroll can allow you to see the world anew – complete with birdsongs in the air and the smell of freshly baked bread wafting out of local bakeries.

Enjoy some of Germany’s summer events and festivals

The summer season is a good one for outdoor events and festivals in Germany, and especially in June and July, attendees can add a catching a late evening sunset to a fest day’s itinerary.

There are a number of festivals worth checking out in June in Germany, including some events scheduled for the longest day itself, such as this solstice celebration in Conneforde or Fête de la Musique in Berlin.

A couple others worth mentioning are the Tollwood Summer Festival in Munich or the Rose and Light performance night in Frankfurt’s Palm Garden.

Stay tuned for a list of July events we’ll be sharing soon.

Catch a film at an open air cinema

Germany loves open air cinemas – it’s home to hundreds of them – and a mid-summer eve is really the best time to experience one.

To find an outdoor theatre near you, try searching for ‘Freiluftkino’ + your city name. 

But be sure to keep languages in mind while looking over screening programs. If you don’t yet have the German skills to enjoy a movie auf Deutsche, you’ll want to look out for films marked OV (original version), OmU (original version with German subtitles) or OmeU (orginal version with English subtitles). 

an open air cinema

Spectators watch a film at the open-air cinema in Oranienburg Castle Park at dusk. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Jens Kalaene

Watch (or play) some football

This year, you have the added option of watching Euro 2024 football games – often late into the evening – until July 14th.

Of course watching football is something you can always enjoy in the comfort of your own home. But this year you can join in the real-world frenzy that is the UEFA Euros Championship outside at one of the official fan zones, or otherwise at your favourite beer garden, späti or sports bar with outdoor seating.

This has the added benefit of allowing you to watch the game, while also taking in a the summer breeze.

And if watching Die Mannschaft score a couple goals is particularly inspiring, you might still have enough light to head to your local park and kick a ball around after.

Take a wild dip in refreshing waters

Summer in Germany is often accompanied by at least a few heatwaves: a string of hot, sticky days when temperatures soar and it’s tempting to just stay indoors.

In warm weather, though, there’s nothing quite like venturing out to a picturesque lake or a beach along Germany’s rugged coastline and taking a wild dip.

Though you can’t expect temperatures as warm as the Mediterranean sea, that’s part of the charm: bathing in cool, refreshing waters is the ideal medicine for lethargy during those sweltering summer afternoons. 

There are a range of studies that show that outdoor swimming is good for the soul – not to mention great for your health. From releasing mood-enhancing endorphins to boosting immunity and improving cardiovascular health, it’s no wonder wild swimming is known as one of the best natural highs around. 

READ ALSO: ‘Go early and stay late’ – Your tips for making the most of Germany’s lakes

With reporting by Imogen Goodman