Why do people in Spain say ‘Jesus’ when someone sneezes?

Something foreigners often pick up on while in Spain is that it's common for Spaniards to shout out ‘¡Jesús!’ when somebody sneezes. Why is this the case?

Why do people in Spain say 'Jesus' when someone sneezes?
Nowadays, you are perhaps more likely to hear a Spaniard say ‘salud’ (health) rather than 'Jesús' after a sneeze, especially as an increasing number of people in Spain are no longer religious.  Photo: Brandon Nickerson/Pexels

Jesus’s name comes up often in Spain, not least because it’s a perfectly acceptable name for a man (often for women as well: María Jesús), whereas in most other Christian countries the moniker is reserved solely to refer to Jesus Christ. 

But there’s another common use of Jesus’s name that comes up often in Spain. 

Someone sneezes, and the person closest to them – even if they’re a complete stranger – will shout ¡Jesús!, to which the sneezer will reply gracias (thank you). 

It’s similar to how English speakers will respond to a sneeze with ‘bless you’, or French speakers will say ‘santé’, but why do Spaniards choose instead to name Christ?

According to Spanish priest Jesús Luis Sacristán in an interview with Cadena Ser, “in ancient times, both Romans and Greeks thought that sneezing was a sign that the gods were warning you of something, a divine warning” as it was already understood that consistent sneezing could precede illness. 

Obviously, Greeks and Romans weren’t uttering Jesus’s name back then, but instead shouting ‘May Zeus save you’, or ‘Hail!’.

With the advent of Christianity and devout Catholicism in Spain, this old tradition of praising the gods took on a more alarmist approach in that sneezes were considered to represent the devil’s attempted entry into our bodies. 

Inquisition-wary Spaniards would reportedly shout Jesus’s name out loud several times, which eventually gave way to saying His name just once. 

The tradition of uttering Jesus’s name post-estornudo (sneeze) didn’t spread to other Catholic countries however, in a similar way to how Jesus isn’t a man’s name in France and Italy. 

Nowadays, you are perhaps more likely to hear a Spaniard say ‘salud’ (health) after a sneeze, especially as an increasing number of people in Spain are no longer religious. 

Member comments

  1. Perhaps the author has never been to Central America or South America? It would have been better to say that the name Jesus isn’t common outside of Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc., etc.

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Five ways that ‘leche’ means more than just ‘milk’ in Spain

There are over 40 idioms in Spanish that use the word milk. But they aren't always talking about that white stuff made by cows.

Five ways that 'leche' means more than just 'milk' in Spain

The Spanish language just loves to use food and drink in its phrases but the dexterity with which it changes the meaning of the word leche (milk) is quite impressive.

According to the RAE – the institution that safeguards the use of the Spanish language – there are over 40 idioms using the word milk and it can mean a whole host of things.

Let’s dive in and see some examples of the ways leche is used in Spanish:

Ser la leche (‘be the milk’)

This means to be incredible or exceptional and is usually extremely positive. However, it can be used sarcastically as well, so if you do hear it, it might mean exactly the opposite. You should be able to tell by the context.

Me encantan las películas de Al Pacino. Ese tío es la leche.

I love Al Pacino’s movies. That guy’s incredible.

Gracias por ayudarme con la mudanza. ¡Eres la leche!

Thanks for helping me with the move. You’re the best!

Dar(se) una leche (‘to give a milk’)

To hit someone – this can include a slap, punch, or smack. If you use the reflexive verb then it means to hurt oneself by falling, bumping, or crashing into something. Let’s check out some examples:

Si vuelves a hacerlo, te daré una leche.

If you do it again, I’ll give you a smack.

María se dio una buena leche ayer.

María fell over and really hurt herself yesterday.

Estar de mala leche (‘to be of bad milk’)

This means to be in a bad mood. The use of estar and not ser (the two ‘to be’ verbs in Spanish) means that it would be considered something temporary. For someone who is more permanently grumpy or ill tempered, you could say tener mala leche.

Estoy de mala leche porque no dormí nada anoche.

I’m in a bad mood because I didn’t sleep at all last night.

Gerardo tiene muy mala leche.

Gerardo is really grumpy.

A toda leche (‘at full milk’)

This expression means to go at full speed, flat out. This could be in terms of speed over distance or working quickly doing something, like a project or homework.

Fui a toda leche para su casa.

I raced over to their house.

Cagarse en la leche (‘to shit in the milk’)

In Spanish, this phrase is used frequently to express anger, frustration or disappointment, the same way that English speakers would say ‘shit’ or damn it.

¡Me cago en la leche! El fontanero no ha arreglado bien el fregadero.

Damn it! The plumber hasn’t fixed the sink properly.

So there you have it. Five great ways to use the word leche in Spanish. 

Watch Antonio Banderas explain what two of these terms plus a few other Spanish slang terms mean in English: