Nine killed in Austrian avalanches in deadly weekend as danger remains

Nine people died in three days of more than 100 avalanches rolling across Austria as warmer temperatures followed heavy snowfall, creating particularly dangerous conditions, authorities said on Sunday.

Snow-covered mountain in Austria.
Recent years have seen avalanches claim around 20 lives a year in Austria. Photo by Dating Scout on Unsplash

Most of the avalanches hit the western Tyrol region and Friday alone saw five fatalities, rescue services said.

That day, four Swedish skiers and their Austrian tour guide – all in their 40s – were killed when a 400-metre-wide avalanche, near the town of Spiss on the Swiss border, buried them, Austrian broadcaster Orf said.

A sixth member of their group was only partially buried by the snow and was able to phone for help. He was airlifted to hospital with injuries.

Also Friday, a man aged 60 and his wife of 61 were engulfed while cross-country skiing near the village of Auffach, Tyrol police said.

Saturday then saw a 58-year-old Austrian killed at Schmirn near Innsbruck in an avalanche which injured four others, Austrian broadcaster Orf reported.

Further west, an experienced skier of 43 was killed in the popular Vorarlberg region as Austria saw exceptional quantities of snow fall going into and across the weekend.

Five winter sports enthusiasts were buried by snowfall in the major resort of Soelden but were all rescued.

“The past three days have seen some 100 avalanche-type incidents requiring 70 interventions,” Tyrol regional authorities said Sunday, dubbing the situation “unprecedented” and warning of more to come.

“Considerable” risk
The region’s avalanche warning service (Lavinenwarndienst), which closely examines avalanche cones (the mass deposited where an avalanche has fallen) and where they break off, said that there was still “considerable avalanche danger” on Sunday, with further snow forecast for Monday.

The risk level for the region – in orange in the above map from the service – stood at three on a five-point scale on Sunday.

Artificially triggered avalanches and stability tests on the structure of the snow cover confirmed the delicate avalanche situation in the region.

Fresh snow and snowdrifts had fallen on weak old snow, making the structure particularly unfavourable, the service explained, adding that weak layers in old snow can be difficult to recognise.

Booming noises and cracks when stepping on a snowpack are clear signs of a weak structure.

Anyone who skis off the secured pistes needs to be an expert at avalanche assessment, Rudi Mair, head of the avalanche warning service, told Orf.

Recent years have seen avalanches claim around 20 lives a year in Austria, fewer over the past two years after the pandemic vastly reduced skier numbers.


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190,000 lightning strikes: Storms cause chaos in Austria, with more on the way

Austria’s recent summer storms have been so intense that they're making headlines - and more are forecast on the way. 

190,000 lightning strikes: Storms cause chaos in Austria, with more on the way

Weather service UBIMET recorded over 190,000 lightning strikes across the country on Saturday – the highest number on record this year. 

Accompanying hail, rain and wind also caused chaos across the country. 

More than 5,000 acres of agricultural land were completely devastatedby hailstones in the state of Vorarlberg, costing local farmers approximately 1.2 million euros. 

In Styria, flooding caused significant numbers of residents to be evacuated near Krottendorf-Gaisfeld, southwest of Graz. 

On Friday, emergency services across the Salzburg region were deluged with calls as rivers burst and landslides blocked roads. 

More storms coming

While conditions are mostly fine and warm across the country on Tuesday, meteorologists warn that more severe weather is on the way

ORF’s weather portal indicates that storms may develop across Upper Styria and Lower Austria as the day progresses, despite the heat. 

Styria, Lower Austria and Carinthia will continue to be the focus of more storms, centred mainly on alpine areas into Wednesday, before the country gets another respite on Thursday and Friday. 

The weekend may see the return of storms and hail across much of the country. 

Austria’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) also regularly issues severe weather warnings via their website, and you can see current warnings in effect here

How do I keep myself (and my home) safe from severe weather? 

Much of the advice to stay safe when severe strikes in Austria is simple common sense – however, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, Austria’s alpine geography, and the concentration of communities and roads along river valleys means that driving can be a far riskier proposition thanks to the threat of flash flooding and landslides. 

Knowing this, when faced with the prospect of severe weather, it’s highly recommended to stay put and keep your car parked in a secure spot. 

READ MORE: How to protect yourself during storm season in Austria

Second, a considerable number of Austrian homes have cellars – something not as common in other countries. 

In areas close to rivers or lakes, or close to mountains, cellars can quickly become flooded when rivers burst their banks, or landslides occur. 

While storms – particularly in the summer – can be quite intense, it’s a very good idea to stay out of the cellar during these conditions. 

As for your home, there’s not much you can do when faced with extreme natural conditions – but you can prepare for the worst.

Homeowner or building insurance (‘Eigenheimversicherung’) is obligatory in Austria, while household or home contents insurance (‘Haushaltversicherung’) is not.

Home insurance covers the structure and fittings of your home, while contents cover your possessions. 

READ MORE: Haushaltversicherung: How does Austria’s home insurance work?

If you are renting, home insurance will be taken out by your landlord. 

Many insurance will offer both home and contents insurance as a package.