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Can you find a job in Zurich if you don’t speak German?

With a strong and resilient job market, Zurich is a major destination for international workers. But how important is speaking German - and can you get by if you only speak English?

A woman drinks a cup of tea while looking at her laptop
Are you looking for work in Zurich? Here's what you need to know. Photo by Dai KE on Unsplash

Living and working in Zurich offers many draw cards from high salaries, a favourable work-life balance and international working environment.

In addition to the economic power of the city, which contributes an estimated 20 percent of the overall Swiss GDP, Zurich has additional permits available to attract foreign workers. 

‘It’s competitive’: Essential advice for how to find a job in Zurich

But how important is speaking German – or indeed any Swiss language – when working in Zurich? 

Can you get by in Zurich without speaking German? 

The greater Zurich metropolitan area includes an estimated 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest German-speaking cities in the world. 

However, with half of population of the city’s urban area foreign, Zurich has an International feel. 

Indeed, it is not unusual to be asked to order in English at bars, cafes and restaurants in central areas of the city, due to the influx of foreign workers in the hospitality industry. 

Given the prevalence of English and English-speaking workers in the city, it is certainly possible to get by if you only speak English in Zurich. 

In addition to ordering in English, officials such as police officers and administrative staff at the town hall will also speak English or at least be able to direct you to someone who does. 

The same goes for private entities such as insurance companies, as well as utility companies for gas and electricity. 

Many official communications such as those from the cantonal government are also made in English. 

Can you work in Zurich without speaking German? 

Of course, the main element here is what industry you work in. English teachers will find it easier to get by in Zurich without German than emergency room nurses. 

Nikolaus Schönecker, Senior Team Lead at Hays in Zurich specialises in filling permanent roles in the IT sector. 

“The amount of roles not requiring German or Swiss German is increasing, since many companies are realising this is the only way to challenge the shortage of experts,” he says. Nevertheless, having even rudimentary language skills can set you apart from other foreign candidates.

Working remotely from Switzerland: What are the rules for foreigners?

“Show your willingness to learn German. If you aim to be able to follow business meetings in German at a B1 level and reply in English, the barriers will be lower.” 

Stephan Surber, Senior Partner at Page Executive Switzerland, advises job-hunters to connect with the local expat community as well as country-related networking organisations such as the Chambers of Commerce. 

Most of these groups including AmCham, Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Swedish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce also publish a list of its members online, which may be a good guide to finding international firms based in Zurich. 

He also suggests jobseekers to target expert networks such as the CFA or ACCA community for financial analysts and accountants. 

EXPLAINED: Which Swiss cantons have a minimum wage?

There are many English-language job portals on hand such as, LinkedIn and The Local’s own search engine. But experts we spoke to said that recruitment agencies or headhunters could prove useful in finding hidden opportunities that are not yet on the market.

They can also provide feedback on interviews and ask their clients questions that a direct candidate would not usually get to ask. 

And if you eventually find yourself across an interviewer, aim to be modest and genuine. “Although self-confidence can surely help in most jobs, most Swiss people dislike bragging and overstating,” reminds Schönecker. “So try to show your best side in a realistic way.” 

What do the Local’s readers say? 

In January, 2022, The Local asked its readers about finding work in Zurich – with the importance of English a major factor. 

Generally speaking, the reader responses reflect those of the experts – that speaking German can be crucial at times, but is not necessary. 

Two thirds (66.67%) of the 30 respondents told us it was “very important” to speak German/Swiss German to find a job in Zurich. 

Just under a third said it was “beneficial but not necessary” while one respondent said it was “unimportant”. 

Have you found work in Zurich without speaking German? Or have you not? Get in touch with us at [email protected]. 

How do I find an English-speaking job in Switzerland? 

Other than contacting companies and organisations directly, you can go through a recruitment agencies such as Adecco or Manpower. If they find you a job you will not have to pay anything; the employer will be charged for their services.

There are other resources as well where you can do your own search.

First and foremost is The Local’s own search engine where industries are listed by categories.

Other resources include and Glassdoor.

A more in-depth summary of how to find English-speaking work in Switzerland is available here. 

READ MORE: How to find English language jobs in Switzerland

Member comments

  1. It takes away from the whole idea of settling in Zurich, does it not, if you can’t be bothered to learn German. While it is true that many people can – and perhaps will – speak to you in English, they do not speak English among themselves and so the monoglot English or French speaker is permanently sidelined from most of what is going on. Doesn’t make for a thriving, stimulating life style. Just saying, like…

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Reader question: Can I go on vacation while receiving Swiss unemployment benefits?

You may think that being out of a job and having lots of time on your hands is a good time to go on holidays. But are you allowed to do so in Switzerland?

Reader question: Can I go on vacation while receiving Swiss unemployment benefits?

It is a mistake to think that not having to go to work every day means you will have time for leisure and recreational activities, and can ‘sneak out’ for a little rest and relaxation without the authorities finding out you are gone.

Unemployment benefits in Switzerland are more generous than in many other countries, but they also come with strict rules attached, which don’t include vacation time.

In fact, being out of work in Switzerland is actually… hard work.

Rules and conditions

Once you start collecting unemployment benefits, you will have quite a few obligations you will need to comply with, such as; 

  • Showing up for all appointments with your unemployment counsellor
  • Sending out a certain number of job applications per month (and proving to the unemployment office that you have)
  • Attending continuing education courses 
  • Participating in programmes to improve your skills and your employability
  • Showing up for job interviews

If you fail to follow any of these rules (except if you are sick and can present a medical certificate), your benefits could be reduced.

Swiss ordinance on this matter states that “an unauthorised stay abroad will result in the denial of entitlement to benefits for the duration of the stay, even if the insured person is easily reachable and can return to Switzerland quickly to comply with an assignment.”

This does not exclude a weekend trip, but you do have to be present in Switzerland and, more specifically, at your home, during the week.

There, are, however, some (though rare) exceptions to those rules.

For example, the unemployment office will likely ‘excuse’ your absence if you have to leave the country temporarily  for imperative reasons — for instance, if there is death or serious illness in your family, or if you yourself require urgent medical treatment in a place other than your community.

Another exception would be if you have a job interview elsewhere than your place of residence and have to travel there.

None of these, scenarios, however, includes vacation breaks.

There is also another ‘way out’ of these rules.

If you have sufficient savings to live on while looking for a job on your own, without relying on the state unemployment scheme and having to comply with all its regulations, then you are of course free to do whatever you want with your time — including taking a vacation if your finances allow it.

READ ALSO: What you need to know if you’re unemployed in Switzerland