Spanish police protest in Madrid against ‘gag law’ reform

Thousands of police protested in Madrid on Saturday over plans to reform a controversial security law banning the unauthorised use of police images if it puts them in danger.

A demonstrator holds a placard reading
A demonstrator holds a placard reading "congress, resignation", during a demonstration called by police unions in Madrid, on November 27, 2021, to protest against proposed changes of a controversial security law known as "ley mordaza" (gag law). (Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP)

The rally focused on plans by Spain’s left-wing government to change the citizen security law, known as the “gag law”, passed in 2015 under the previous right-wing administration at the height of the anti-austerity protests.

The reform bill aims to bring the law in line with a Constitutional Court ruling that authorisation to use images of police was “unconstitutional” because it amounted to “prior censorship”.

Waving Spanish flags and union banners, the protesters, accompanied by senior right-wing politicians, marched to the interior ministry in a rally called by Jusapol, an umbrella organisation from which emerged the police and Guardia Civil unions.

They say such reform would remove protection from police and security forces, endanger public security and reduce operational ability to stop violent demonstrations.

READ ALSO: Spain’s gag law slammed in press freedom report

“We say no to this reform. We believe the law must be adapted to current times and must be reformed, but we must never trample the rights of those responsible for security who work with this law every day,” Jusapol president Miguel Ángel Gómez told reporters.

Demonstrators wave flares as they take part in a demonstration called by police unions in Madrid. (Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP)

Speaking at the march, opposition leader Pablo Casado, who heads the right-wing Popular Party, said he fully supported the protesters’ demands.

“Every day four police officers are assaulted and this is absolutely intolerable,” said Casado, urging Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez “to listen to the street and to the thousands of police who have risked their lives to defend Spanish democracy and freedom.”

“It is extraordinary that for the first time in our democracy, those who risk their lives to protect us have to demonstrate because they are left unprotected,” he said earlier.

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Other right-wing politicians also joined the march, among them Santiago Abascal, leader of the far-right Vox party and Ines Arrimadas, head of the centre-right Ciudadanos party.

“Basically, what this law does is to remove protection from the police and criminalise them, casting doubt on them and favouring those attacking them,” said Arrimadas.


“We are tired of the fact that in Spain criminals have more protection than the police and those who obey the law.”

Under the current law, the unauthorised use of images of police officers that could endanger their safety is a serious offence, with offenders risking fines of €600 to €10,400.

The reforms also propose changes to the fines, which would be proportional to the offenders’ income, as well as to riot control equipment with possibly the least harmful means to be used. 

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EU opens probe into cartel practices by Spain’s Glovo food delivery app

The EU launched an investigation on Tuesday to determine whether online food-delivery companies Delivery Hero and Glovo engaged in anti-competitive practices.

EU opens probe into cartel practices by Spain's Glovo food delivery app

The probe comes after surprise raids at the firms, which are two of the largest food delivery companies in Europe, in June 2022 and November 2023.

READ MORE: EU inspectors raid Barcelona office of food delivery company Glovo

From July 2018, Delivery Hero, based in Germany, held a minority share in Spanish delivery company Glovo, and in July 2022 it acquired sole control.

The European Commission is concerned that before the takeover, the two companies “may have allocated geographic markets and shared commercially sensitive information (e.g., on commercial strategies, prices, capacity, costs, product characteristics)”, it said.

Delivery Hero’s then minority share could have “facilitated” these practices.

Glovo has more than 12,000 riders in Spain alone but operates in 24 other countries. The company has already been fined by Spanish authorities for not giving riders contracts and violating other labour laws

Earlier this month, Delivery Hero warned that it faced a possible fine of more than €400 million ($434 million) for allegedly violating antitrust rules.

Delivery Hero and Glovo said in separate statements they were “fully” cooperating with the EU and “committed to meeting all compliance and regulatory requirements”.

“The opening of an investigation does not mean that the European Commission has concluded on whether an actual infringement of competition law may have occurred,” Delivery Hero said.

The commission said the probe was part of the powerful EU competition regulator’s “efforts to ensure that online food delivery and the groceries sector deliver choice and reasonable prices to consumers”.

The EU is also suspicious the firms agreed not to poach each other’s workers, and said this probe was the first on “no-poach agreements formally initiated by the Commission”.

“This investigation is also part of the Commission’s efforts to ensure a fair labour market where employers do not collude to limit the number and quality of opportunities for workers but compete for talents,” it added.

‘Negative effects’ on prices?

The opening of a probe does not prejudge its outcome and there is no deadline for the investigation to be completed.

The companies risk fines of up to 10 percent of their annual worldwide turnover if found at fault.

“Online food delivery is a fast-growing sector, where we must protect competition,” said EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager.

“If confirmed, such conduct may amount to a breach of EU competition rules, with potential negative effects on prices and choice for consumers and on opportunities for workers,” she added.

Delivery Hero, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, operates in more than 70 countries while Glovo is present in 25 nations.