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Six essential words you need when speaking to a doctor in Norway

If you're visiting a GP in Norway, knowing a few important words and phrases will help you converse effectively in Norwegian. 

Pictured is a doctor using a computer.
These key words will make conversations with medical professionals in Norway easier. Pictured is a doctor using a computer. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Nailing down a few keywords in a second language can make a number of everyday activities and important matters that much easier and stress-free, as well as helping you put your existing skills and proficiency to good use. 

Communicating with doctors, nurses, and medical professionals is one of the many situations where knowing a few essential technical words can really complement your existing conversational ability. 

We’ve put together an outline of some of these words, their meanings and the context in which you might use them. If there’s anything important you think we’ve missed, let us know

READ ALSO: Five essential words you need when renting a home in Norway


This most literally means “doctors hour” but more accurately translates to a doctors appointment. The current GP scheme in Norway allows everyone to choose their own doctor, who acts as patients’ main point of contact with the health service. Your GP is also responsible for your primary medical needs, and you are allowed to change your doctor twice a year.

You’ll need to use this word å bastille en legetime, to book an appointment, or å avbestille en legetime, to cancel an appointment. 


If you’re afraid of needles, look away because blodprøve means blood test in Norwegian. So you won’t want to hear the phrase å ta en blodprøve, to take a blood test, if you don’t like the sight of blood or needles make you feel faint. 

Another test you could be referred for is a urinprøve, or urine sample. 


Not to be confused with the English word receipt, which is kvittering in Norwegian, resept means prescription. 

If you’re asked about medications by a doctor or pharmacist, this word will be one to keep a keen ear out for or use yourself. 


Symptomer is the plural of symptoms in Norwegian, and you’ll be asked about this when seeing a doctor. 

Here’s a list of common symptoms in Norway that you can use so you and your doctor can pinpoint issues more specifically.

Hodpine- headache

Hoste- cough 

Feber- fever

Utslett- rash

Svimmel– dizzy

Smerte– pain 

Kvalme– nausea


sykemelding is a doctors note which signs the patient from work and places them on sick leave. So, for example, if your job involves lots of physical activity or using your hands and you break your arm, you’ll be issued a sykemelding until the arm heals.

Sick leave is paid through the National Insurance Scheme for up to 260 working days or 52 weeks to the sum of 100 percent of one’s pensionable income. 

Another rule to be aware of is that employees are allowed to stay off for three consecutive days through sickness without a legeattest, which is a doctors certificate saying you were ill for those days. This is different from sick leave, however. 


Depending on which side of the Atlantic you hail from, these words can be used for accident and emergency (A&E), casualty, or the emergency room. 

Despite meaning the same thing, you should be aware of the difference between the two. 

If your injuries or illnesses are serious, for example, severe chest pain, you’ll need to go to an akuttmottak, which are in hospitals, or sykehus, which deal with the most severe medical needs. 

If it’s slightly less severe, but you need to see a doctor urgently, say you have cut yourself, you will need to go to the legevakt. 

All municipalities in Norway must have a legevakt, but not all municipalities will have an akuttmottak. 

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The key vocab you need for a trip to the dentist in Norway

Between the price and potential pain, a trip to the dentist can be a daunting experience. To try and make things easier, we've compiled a guide of Norwegian phrases to help you through your appointment. 

The key vocab you need for a trip to the dentist in Norway

While most Norwegians are competent and confident English speakers, this doesn’t apply to everyone. Additionally, their vocabulary may not cover the full extent of medical and dental procedures – or they may naturally switch to talking to you in their native tongue when asking questions or providing information. 

Therefore, having some handy vocabulary in the bank can help you bridge any potential language gaps between you and your dentist. 

Most people heading to the tannlege (dentist) will be heading there for a routine checkup (en sjekk hos tannlegen). People are advised to have their tenner (teeth) checked out every six months. Although fear of the dentist may mean that many will put this off much longer. 

Once in the dentist’s seat, you may be asked, “kan du åpne munnen?” (can you open your mouth?). You may be given some munnvann (mouthwash) and told to spytt ut (spit it out). The dental assistant (tannlegeassistent) may take care of these steps while the dentist prepares for the rest of the examination. 

From there, it’s onto the appointment proper. The dentist will begin inspecting your teeth and your tannkjøtt (gums- literally meaning ‘teeth meat’) for signs of tannråte (tooth decay) and karies (tooth decay). Plaque will also be on the agenda, and the dentist may opt to fjerne plakk på tennene (remove the plaque). 

When taking a closer look at your teeth and gums or trying to remove plaque, the dentist or assistant may kindly ask you to snu hodet mot meg (turn your head to me). During this, your dentist may recommend you use dental floss (tanntråd) more often or replace your tannbørste (toothbrush). 

If you are lucky, that may signal the end of your appointment. However, if your teeth haven’t fared so well since your last visit to the dentist, then it may mean you need further treatment. A røntgen (x-ray) may be required to determine the extent of the treatment. 

In the event you do need some work done on your teeth, then there are a number of common treatments. The most common of these is fylling (quite intuitively meaning filling). While some will get off lightly with a filling, other patients will be required to have some more extensive (and painful) procedures done. 

Should you need more comprehensive work done to your teeth, you may be asked to lukk munnen (close your mouth) in preparation for the bad news. This is because the dentist will be speaking about the required treatment. 

Treatments range from having a crown (få en krone), trekke en tann (having a tooth removed) or the dreaded root canal treatment (rotfylling). If more extensive treatment is required, then it may be a good idea to ask for bedøvelse (anaesthetic). 

Unfortunately, Norway’s comprehensive and robust healthcare system doesn’t cover dental care. The exceptions to this are children, who get free dental care until turning 18. Meanwhile, younger adults only need to stump up 25 percent of the total work. Some conditions mean dental bills will be covered through the Helfo system.  

This means that you can expect a tannlegeregning (dentist bill) after any appointments or work done on your pearly whites. 

READ MORE: How much does going to the dentist cost in Norway?