Deleted texts plague Danish government in mink inquiry

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen came under fire on Thursday for deleting text messages related to last year's illegal culling of farmed minks over coronavirus fears.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen speaks to press on October 28th. Frederiksen has been forced to answer questions over auto-deleted SMS messages as an inquiry continues over the 2020 decision to cull fur farm mink.
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen speaks to press on October 28th. Frederiksen has been forced to answer questions over auto-deleted SMS messages as an inquiry continues over the 2020 decision to cull fur farm mink. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Formerly the world’s leading exporter of mink fur, the Scandinavian country controversially killed all of its 15-17 million minks over a mutated strain of the virus found in some minks. 

Studies had suggested the variant could jeopardise the effectiveness of future vaccines. 

But with the mass culling programme already underway, a court challenge to the order found that the government’s decision had no legal basis. 

Under the legislation, the government only had the authority to ask mink farmers in the seven municipalities affected by the mutation to cull their minks.

An agreement was reached retroactively rendering the government’s decision legal and the nationwide cull went ahead as planned.

An official inquiry into the government’s handling of the matter had requested access to Frederiksen’s cell phone text messages and those of three close advisers.

However, the prime minister said they no longer existed as her phone setting automatically deleted them after 30 days.

“I was advised by the prime minister’s office to have automatic deleting of my text messages turned on for security reasons, and I chose to follow that advice,” the PM told broadcaster TV2 on Thursday.

But questions arose over the policy.

The justice ministry said Thursday that its minister Nick Haekkerup’s phone had never been set to automatically delete messages. 

Former Liberal prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said the same. 

The opposition, led by the Liberal party, on Thursday urged the justice minister to demand a police investigation into the deleted text messages and to have the missing texts restored.

Frederiksen is due to testify before the inquiry on December 9th.


Member comments

  1. Funny fact, now the working citizen who pays taxes and consumes, must pay millionaire compensation for such a mistake. Classic Social Democrats

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Danish PM Frederiksen ‘still not feeling great’ after assault in Copenhagen

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is not yet fully recovered four days after being assaulted in a Copenhagen square, she said in an interview on Tuesday.

Danish PM Frederiksen 'still not feeling great' after assault in Copenhagen

The attack Friday was not thought to be politically motivated and a 39-year-old Polish man was apprehended on suspicion of the assault that left the premier with a minor whiplash injury.

“I’m not doing great, and I’m not really myself yet,” she told broadcaster DR in her first interview since the attack.

“He was a man who recognised the prime minister of the country and he hit me,” the 46-year-old leader said of the assailant.

“As a human being, it felt like an attack on me. I got hit. But I have no doubt that it was the prime minister who got hit. In that sense it was an attack on us all,” she said.

“No form of violence has any place in our society.”

Frederiksen said the tone had changed in politics recently.

“We have all seen, across all parties, that the boundaries have moved spectacularly. Especially after the war in the Middle East,” she said, noting that “people have rejoiced over violence”.

Frederiksen said her personal security detail would be boosted going forward.

“Something happened. Every time something happens, there’s a little more protection,” she said.

Frederiksen became the youngest ever Danish prime minister when she took office in 2019. She won re-election in legislative elections in 2022.