What Scholz’s Brexit comments tell us about Germany’s next potential leader

In a press conference held the day after the German elections, the SPD's Olaf Scholz responded to a question - in English - on Britain's petrol chaos. What does that tell us about the man who could lead the country after Merkel?

What Scholz's Brexit comments tell us about Germany's next potential leader
Olaf Scholz addresses reporters during a press conference on September 27th, 2021. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Britta Pedersen

The day after the SPD delivered a result surpassing all expectations in the German elections, their vindicated chancellor candidate, Olaf Scholz, held a press conference to discuss the next steps.

The assured social democrat was laying out his plans for a future coalition and spinning his narrative of election night when he received a question from Channel 4 journalist Matt Frei on the UK’s ongoing petrol turmoil. 

“Are you prepared to send German truck drivers to Britain to help us with our petrol queues?” Frei put to Scholz, drawing chuckles from the crowd.

Some commentators questioned why Frei – a fluent German-speaker who was born in Germany – choose to ask the question in English at all. But it was Scholz’s calm and confident response, spoken in a second language, that drew the most attention and praise on social media. 

“The free movement of labour is part of the European Union,” Scholz said. “And we worked very hard to convince the British not to leave the Union.

“Now they’ve decided different, and I hope they will manage the problems coming from that, because I think it’s… an important idea for all of us, that there will be good relations between the EU and the UK. But this a problem to be solved.”

READ ALSO: ‘Resurrection’: How the SPD bounced back to win German vote

Scholz also emphasised the link between Britain’s ongoing shortage of long-distance lorry drivers and the unattractive working conditions for people entering the field. 

“Let me just add, it might have something to do with the question of wages,” he said, addressing a nodding Frei.

“If people want to (pick) a certain job, they want to know that it’s something very good to do for their whole lives, and if you understand that being a trucker is something that many people really like to be, and you find not enough, then this has something to do with working conditions and this has to be thought about.”

‘Doesn’t happen too often’

After the clip emerged, Germany’s Ambassador to the UK rushed to heap praise on the would-be Chancellor, explaining that it was highly unusual for such a senior German politician to take – and answer – a question in English.

“Finally a German politicians whose English you don’t have to be ashamed of,” one Twitter user wrote in German, while others rushed to describe his performance as “statesmanlike” and “effortless”.  

Some people also drew comparisons between Scholz and Joe Biden, the Democrat who emerged victorious in the US presidential race last year.

Though his potential predecessor, Angela Merkel, spoke English with most foreign leaders, she never opted to use it in public – and certainly not in any of her Berlin-based press conferences.

With one eye on the chancellorship, Olaf Scholz, on the other hand, chose to answer not one, but two questions in English. 

After Frei’s question on lorry drivers, a CNN journalist emerged from the woodwork, stating, “while we’re speaking English, if I may just ask one more…?” 

“This is a German press conference,” Scholz retorted, before giving that journalist a response in English as well. 

What does all of this say about Scholz? 

That the man hoping to take Merkel’s job is willing to stick his neck out by fielding questions in a foreign language is a testament to his confidence. 

Throughout the election campaign, the centrist social democrat has received high approval ratings and consistently come out top in polls on who Germans would like to see as their next Chancellor. (A poll released Tuesday put him at 62 percent, compared to CDU/CSU candidate Armin Laschet’s 16.)

This has more than a little to do with his calm and controlled presence in debates and public appearances. The message from the SPD in this election has been all about ‘kompetenz’ (competence), and Scholz’s gently assured mannerisms have helped convince the nation that he is a safe and experienced pair of hands.

An election billboard depicts Scholz as the “Chancellor for Germany”. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | David Young

His comments – described as a ‘mic drop on Brexit’ on Twitter by political reporter William Noah Glucroft – also say something about the attitude he may take towards free movement and Brexit if he becomes the next chancellor.

They echo the statements made in the SPD’s manifesto, where the party says it must build bridges with Britain while not accepting any undercutting of EU standards on things like climate protection and workers’ rights.

“Even after Brexit, the UK remains a close friend of the EU,” it says.

“The joint agreements can be the foundation for a comprehensive partnership between the EU and the UK. On the basis of fair dealings with each other, we will further develop cooperation in areas that have not been regulated on so far.

“A race to the bottom, in terms of environmental standards or workers’ and consumers’ rights, will not be allowed.”

In other words (and to paraphrase Scholz): “If you want more lorry drivers after Brexit, you should pay them as much as we do.” 

The next Chancellor? 

Despite some bristling by German journalists at the British press invasion, analysts believe that the presence of international media at his press conference can also tell us something about how the world has viewed the election result. 

“There is a little chancellor flair already in the air,” the regional Rheinische Post wrote in its analysis.

“The strong presence of foreign media is at least a small indication that people in the rest of Europe believe this social democrat on the stage could succeed the great Angela Merkel after 16 years.”

READ ALSO: How is the race to form a new German government shaping up?

The Post then noted that Armin Laschet “was not asked a single international question” at his own press conference. Since Laschet hails from the Rhineland, where the Post is based, the comparison hits rather close to home.

Meanwhile, the UK’s Express newspaper claimed that Scholz had “shocked” the German media by fielding the question in English.

Noting that he was “quick to blame Brexit” for the lorry problems, they added that the switch of language made Scholz seem rather like a Chancellor-in-waiting. 

“Doing so in English showed Mr Scholz is already ‘rehearsing’ for the top job, despite coalition talks still undergoing,” they wrote. 

As exploratory talks begin behind closed doors in Germany, the world is waiting to see what happens – and the SPD could still find themselves in opposition.

But as Scholz readies himself to try and form a government, he has already started the work of moulding himself as Chancellor – not just in Germany, but on the world stage. 

Member comments

  1. At the recent meeting with the French President, Olaf Scholz committed himself to reforming the EU, the SPD candidate is getting very close to the French view of the future EU.

  2. SEC公告已轰塌鸡系大厦一角

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German conservatives vow to overturn dual citizenship if re-elected

Foreigners in Germany are waiting on tenterhooks for the introduction of the new dual nationality law on Thursday - but the centre-right CDU and CSU say they would overturn the reform if re-elected next year.

German conservatives vow to overturn dual citizenship if re-elected

“The CDU and CSU will reverse this unsuccessful reform,” Alexander Throm (CDU), spokesperson on domestic policy for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, told DPA on Tuesday.

“Dual citizenship must remain the exception and be limited to countries that share our values.”

Throm also criticised the new citizenship law for reducing the amount of time foreigners need to live in the country before naturalising as Germans, describing the new residence requirements as “far too short”.

“After five or even three years, it is not yet possible to determine with certainty whether integration has been successful in the long term,” he stated.

“The recent caliphate demonstrations and the rampant Islamist extremism, often by people with German passports, must be a wake-up call for us all.”

READ ALSO: Which foreign residents are likely to become German after citizenship law change?

Despite vociferous opposition, the alliance between the Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party (CSU) was powerless to stop the traffic-light coalition’s citizenship reform passing in both the Bundestag and Bundesrat earlier this year. 

The reform, which permits the holding of multiple passports, lowers residence requirements and removes language hurdles for certain groups, is set to come into force on June 27th. 

But with the CDU and CSU emerging as clear winners in the recent EU parliamentary elections and regularly landing on 30 percent or above in the polls, it’s possible that the party could be on course to re-enter government next year. 

In this situation, the centre-right parties have pledged to try and undo what senior CDU politicians have described as a “dangerous” reform.

“It is not unusual for successive governments to reverse decisions made by the previous government,” Andrea Lindholz, the head of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group said in a recent response to a question

“We will maintain our position on this and will continue to strive for a corresponding change.”

READ ALSO: What are citizenship offices around Germany doing to prepare for the new law?

Whether the CDU and CSU can secure enough votes at both state and federal elections to change the law in the future remains to be seen.

The parties may also have to compromise on their plans with any future coalition partner, such as the Greens, Social Democrats (SPD) or Free Democrats (FDP), all of whom support liberal immigration laws and the holding of multiple nationalities. 

‘Citizenship devaluation law’

The CDU and CSU parties, which form a centre-right alliance nicknamed the Union, have long been opposed to dual nationality in Germany.

During their years of governing in a so-called grand coalition with the centre-right Social Democrats (SPD), the parties had regularly made reforms of citizenship one of their red lines, citing the danger of hostile nations influencing Germany from within. 

In a recent parliamentary speech back in January, Throm had slammed the bill as a “citizenship devaluation law” and accused the government of trying to generate a new electorate to win votes.

CDU politician Alexander Throm speaks in a debate in the German Bundestag

CDU politician Alexander Throm speaks in a debate in the German Bundestag. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christoph Soeder

In comments aimed primarily at Germany’s large Turkish diaspora, the CDU politician claimed that people who had lived in Germany for decades but not taken German citizenship had already chosen their old country over Germany.

The majority of Turks in Germany are also supporters of the authoritarian president Recep Erdogan, he argued.

Responding to the claims, FDP migration expert Ann-Veruschka Jurisch said the opposition was fuelling resentments against migrants by claiming the government was “squandering German citizenship”.

In fact, she argued, the reform has tightened up requirements by ensuring that people who claim benefits and cannot support themselves are unable to become German citizens.

READ ALSO: What you need to know about Germany’s citizenship law reform

In addition, the B1 language requirements have only been softened in a few exceptional cases, for example to honour the lifetime achievements of the guest worker generation who had few opportunities when they arrived, Jurisch said. 

If foreigners have committed crimes, the authorities will be able to investigate whether these involved racist or anti-Semitic motives before citizenship is granted, she added. 

With reporting by DPA