End of an era: Merkel to meet Putin in final state visit to Russia

Germany's Angela Merkel will travel to Russia on Friday for what will likely be her final meeting with President Vladimir Putin as Chancellor. The trip will mark the end of a long and often uncomfortable era of diplomatic relations.

End of an era: Merkel to meet Putin in final state visit to Russia
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) greets Vladimir Putin at the chancellery in Germany on January 19th, 2020. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

They were at the opposite ends of a communist dictatorship — she a citizen of East Germany longing to taste freedom, he an ex-KGB agent stationed there and pained when the regime collapsed.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s relationship was always going to be like no other.

At times openly antagonistic, at others tinged with biting sarcasm topped off with a smirk, the two world leaders have sparred over burning global issues from the Syrian war to Russia’s annexation of Ukraine and the poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

Yet despite their bitter differences, the pair, who speak each other’s language fluently, have managed to keep talking through Merkel’s 16 years in office.

Now, as the Chancellor prepares to bow out of politics following an election in Germany on September 26th, the crisis in Afghanistan could be the latest subject to drive a wedge between the two leaders.

While Merkel has described the Taliban’s return to power as “bitter”, Russia has taken a more conciliatory tone.

READ ALSO: ‘The world needs to help’: Germany scrambles to evacuate more people from Afghanistan

However, Putin – the only G20 leader still around since Merkel took over Germany’s top job – will nonetheless give her a “warm reception”, predicted Fyodor Lukyanov, chief editor of Russia in Global Affairs magazine.

The Russian leader, who has been described by foes and fans alike as both arrogant and charming, proved from the start to be unpredictable when he hosts Merkel.

Putin gifted Merkel a small black and white stuffed toy dog back in 2006,when she met him on her first visit to Moscow as chancellor.

If the message was not clear to all then, it loomed large during Merkel’s second trip to Russia, this time to Putin’s Sochi summer residence.

Meet the dog

In the middle of their talks, a big black Labrador sauntered in. “Konni” wandered over to a visibly uncomfortable Merkel, giving her a few suspicious sniffs.

“I don’t think the dog will scare you,” said Putin, as he pulled Konni away.

Turns out she had once been bitten by a dog and feels a “certain concern” when one comes close.

Merkel meets Putin’s pet dog Koney during their meeting at his residence in Sochi, a Black sea resort, on January 21st 2007. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | SERGEI CHIRIKOV

“I think although the Russian president knew very well that I was not exactly eager to meet his dog, he brought it with him.

“But that’s the way it as. And you can see how I was trying to stay brave, by looking in Putin’s direction and not at the dog,” she told daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

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And that has been Merkel’s recipe for dealing with Putin — cold detachment despite the discomfort, sometimes mixed with quiet amusement, while ruthlessly focused on pushing ahead with the subject at hand.

The trained chemist’s tactics in dismissing the antics of macho men have proven so effective that she has cemented her reputation as the woman who even Putin cannot intimidate.

‘I trust her’

Fans point to incidents like her appearing to roll her eyes while in conversation with Putin at a G20 summit in 2017 as an illustration of her guts.

When he handed her a bouquet of flowers on another occasion, Bild daily frothed at the affront intended to convey “powerful man greets dear lady”. If Merkel was upset, she did not let it show behind a jovial smile.

But when Putin lashed out at critical journalists at a joint event in 2012, she drily remarked: “If I were always getting into a huff, I wouldn’t last three days as chancellor.”

Putin himself has voiced respect for her.

Putin greets Merkel with flowers at a meeting in March 2008. Photo: picture-alliance/ dpa | DB Kugler

“I trust her, she is a very open person,” he said of Merkel, adding that the chancellor “really makes an honest effort towards resolving crises.”

The compliment has not been returned, at least not publicly.

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Last May, Merkel openly voiced frustration over Russia’s behaviour following hacking attacks.

“I can honestly say that it pains me. Every day I try to build a better relationship with Russia and on the other hand there is such hard evidence that Russian forces are doing this,” she told parliament then.

Nevertheless, she has stuck to the line of never cutting off direct talks with Putin, even if those discussions can be fraught.

“Our friendship will not be better if we swept everything under the carpet and did not talk about it,” she said.

Member comments

  1. I must have missed the headline condemning Biden’s disastrous, inhumane abandonment of the Afghans. Shills.

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German regulator suspends Nord Stream 2 approval process

Germany's energy regulator said Tuesday it was temporarily halting the approval process for Russia's controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, saying the operating company first needs to become compliant with German law.

A sign reads
A sign reads "Info Point Nord Stream 2 Committed Reliable Safe" above a map at the natural gas receiving station in Lubmin, northern Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Stefan Sauer

The move is the latest setback for the 10-billion-euro project ($12 billion), which has been dogged by delays and become a geopolitical hot potato.

The Baltic Sea pipeline is set to double Russian gas supplies to Germany, which the EU’s top economy says is needed to help it transition away from coal and nuclear energy.

But opponents say the recently completed pipeline will increase Europe’s energy reliance on Russia.

Crucially, the pipeline also bypasses Ukraine’s gas infrastructure, depriving the country of much-needed transit fees.

The dispute comes as Europe, which receives a third of its gas from Russia, is battling surging energy prices just as the continent heads into the colder winter season.

German consumers have been warned that prices for energy are at their highest levels – and will increase further. 


Germany’s energy regulator said in a statement that “it would only be possible to certify an operator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if that operator was organised in a legal form under German law.”

READ ALSO: Germany set to finish controversial Russian pipeline despite US protest

The certification procedure “will remain suspended until the main assets and human resources” have been transferred from the Nord Stream 2 parent company to its German subsidiary, that will own and operate the German part of the pipeline, it added.

Critics have accused Moscow of intentionally limiting gas supplies to Europe and driving up prices in an effort to hasten the launch of Nord Stream 2, a claim Russia denies.

Russian gas giant Gazprom said last week that it had begun implementing a plan to restock European gas storage facilities.

Germany’s energy regulator has four months, until January 2022, to give its green light for Nord Stream 2.

After that, the European Commission still needs to give its recommendation.