German phrase of the day: über Gott und die Welt reden

Sometimes you leave a conversation unable to pinpoint exactly what just went on. This German phrase is shorthand for those rambling, spiralling chats that seem to have no real centre. 

German phrase of the day: über Gott und die Welt reden
Friends 'chewing the fat' in Berlin recently. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Kira Hofmann

When you meet up with a friend and seem to talk for hours about almost every topic under the sun, you would say you’ve been speaking über Gott und die Welt. This German phrase literally translates as to speak about ‘God and the world’ and means to talk endlessly about a range of seemingly unrelated ideas. 

The equivalent sayings for this idea in English would be ‘to chew the fat’ or to chat about ‘anything and everything’. These sprawling discussions often happen with good friends, perhaps those you haven’t seen for a while and are catching up with. When you are comfortable with another person, often there is no need for the conversation to have a specific purpose, so you can let it drift wherever seems natural.

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The majority of people in Germany still identify as religious, and so Gott und die Welt encompasses practically everything that is important in life.

Although you might think this phrase suggests your conversation needs to be full of philosophical ponderings, you don’t actually need to be talking about religion and all the problems of the world in order to have a chat über Gott und die Welt. It really just refers to the idea of jumping easily between topics and themes, often with no real connection. 

Germans are not the biggest fans of small talk, so you are fairly likely to launch into a lengthy and meandering conversation with the people you meet here, rather than just sticking to the weather and what you ate for lunch. Although the topics of Gott und die Welt in this idiom are fairly lofty, the themes of your conversation can be as lowbrow as you like.

READ ALSO: ‘They don’t do small talk’: Why foreigners in Germany find it hard to make friends


Wir haben uns am Strand hingelegt, und über Gott und die Welt geredet. 

We lay on the beach and talked about everything under the sun. 

Meine Mutter und ich haben stundenlang über Gott und die Welt geredet.

My mum and I spent hours chatting about everything and everything. 

Member comments

  1. It probably varied from region to region, but growing up in Derbyshire we used to say “Anything and everything” rather than “everything and everything”

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German word of the day: Verschlafen

Ever end up staying just a little too long in bed? Then this German word will be used in a lot of your apologies.

German word of the day: Verschlafen

Why do I need to know verschlafen?

Because it’s is a great verb that can be incredibly handy if you turn up late to work or school – and it also teaches you something interesting about the German language.

What does it mean?

As you may have noticed, verschlafen (pronounced like this) is a combination of the verb schlafen and the prefix ver. Anyone who’s been studying German for more than five minutes understands that schlafen means ‘to sleep’, but what does adding that little prefix do to it?

Most times you see the prefix ver, it’s a sign that something has gone a little bit wrong while doing the action you’re talking about. Hast du die Eier verkocht? If the answer’s yes, then those eggs are unfortunately overcooked and not likely to be enjoyable. Meanwhile, bist du verlaufen? means “Did you get lost?”. In other words: did something go wrong in the process of walking?

READ ALSO: The complete A-Z guide to German prefixes and what they mean

With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that verschlafen is that most common of sleeping mistakes: oversleeping. 

You can also use it to describe going to bed and missing something, such as the ringing in of the New Year. In fact, this is quite a common form of verschlafen in Germany: a poll back in 2023 found that 51 percent of Germans went to bed early and missed celebrations on the 31st. 

Use it like this:

Es tut mir leid, dass ich so spät ankomme: heute habe ich verschlafen.

I’m sorry I’m so late: I overslept today.

Hast du jemals verschlafen, und bist spät zur Arbeit gekommen?

Have you ever overslept and been late to work?