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Word of the day: Désillusion

If you see this word on the front pages, you might want to check in on the French people in your life.

Word of the day: Désillusion

Why do I need to know désillusion?

Because it will help you to capture the mood during a national crisis.

What does it mean?

Désillusion is a noun meaning ‘disillusionment’, but it is most often used in the context of a significant disappointment or a shattered dream.

So when Les Bleus succumbed to a surprise defeat on penalties to Switzerland that saw them eliminated from Euro 2020, this word was all over the front pages in France.

“Quelle désillusion !” (What a disappointment!) was the headline from local paper L’Est Républicain, while Le Parisien simply went for, “La désillusion”.

Literally referring to a loss of illusions, the term feels more dramatic than the word ‘déception’, which also means ‘disappointment’, since it conveys a sense of shock.

It conjures an image of a group of people asking themselves how this was allowed to happen, although it can also be used for an individual when his or her dream has been shattered.

Use it like this

C’est une terrible désillusion pour le pays – It’s a terrible disappointment for the country

Les joueurs doivent rebondir après la désillusion face à la Suisse – The players must bounce back after the disappointment against Switzerland

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French Expression of the Day: Faire partie des murs

This French expression does not have to do with the insulation in your walls.

French Expression of the Day: Faire partie des murs

Why do I need to know faire partie des murs?

Because you might say this about someone you’ve started to spend a lot of time with.

What does it mean?

Faire partie des murs – roughly pronounced fair par-tee day mure – translates precisely as ‘to make (or be) part of the walls’.

This expression is not literal – it is the French equivalent of ‘being part of the furniture’. It means that someone has been hanging around a lot, so much so that their presence has become normal and expected.

French people sometimes also say faire partie des meubles, but murs is more common than meubles (furniture).

Just as you would use it in English, you might use this to talk about a growing familiarity with a close friend or romantic partner. 

In French you can also use this expression in a more abstract way to describe an omnipresent concept. For example, you could say la superstition fait partie des murs de notre maison if you come from a very superstitious family. 

Use it like this

Il fait partie des murs maintenant. On voit ton copain pratiquement tous les week-ends. – He’s part of the furniture now. We see your boyfriend practically every weekend.

Dans ma famille, les discussions politiques font partie des murs. Mais ne t’inquiète pas, tout le monde est gentil. – Political discussion is the norm in my family. But don’t worry, everyone is nice.