Historic Swiss lakeside villa spruced up for Biden-Putin talks

Wednesday's Geneva summit between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin will take place in a plush 18th-century lakeside villa steeped in the Swiss city's history.

Historic Swiss lakeside villa spruced up for Biden-Putin talks
The Villa La Grange, set in Geneva's biggest park which slopes down to the shore, is well used to hosting showpiece events -- but the Biden-Putin talks will rank as the most high-powered of them all. Photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP

The Villa La Grange, set in Geneva’s biggest park which slopes down to the shore, is well used to hosting showpiece events — but the Biden-Putin talks will rank as the most high-powered of them all.

The mansion, spruced up for the occasion, has played a part in landmark international agreements before, notably the first Geneva Convention.

And words said on its lawns by a former world leader resonate today ahead of the US-Russia summit. “We can establish an even deeper and more effective relationship,” said pope Paul VI in 1969.

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Addressing a crowd of 70,000 in front of the villa, the pontiff evoked the opposing forces of love and hate and called for “generous peacemakers”. 

Lakeside location 

The setting is spectacular.

Views from the three-storey classical mansion sweep down over the Parc de La Grange, across Lake Geneva towards the United Nations and the Jura mountains beyond.

The villa has been a whirlwind of activity in preparation for the summit, with vehicles scurrying in and out of the park.

The paint has been touched up and the chandeliers polished, while antique furniture has been rearranged to make way for the two presidents.

The scene is set in the showpiece library: two wooden armchairs clad in red leather have been set either side of a globe, against a backdrop of brown and gold tones.

Two imposing stone lions — freshly scrubbed down with pressure hoses — guard the main entrance gates to the 20-hectare park. In the immaculately-manicured gardens, new turf has been rolled out to cover any bare patches.

During the summer, the gardens would typically be filled by picnickers.

But the chances of anyone getting in and breaking out some Gruyere cheese and a bottle of local Genevois wine on Wednesday will be somewhat slim.

The park has been closed off and ringed with barbed wire-topped steel fencing, while hundreds of troops and security officers will guard the site.

The Villa La Grange, set in Geneva’s biggest park which slopes down to the
shore, is well used to hosting showpiece events — but the Biden-Putin talks
will rank as the most high-powered of them all. Photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP

Villa a bibliophile’s dream

The grand, classical villa was owned by Genevan patrician families and was ultimately bequeathed to the city. On rare occasions, the public can take guided tours that take in the library, reception rooms and bedrooms.

The estate was created in the 1660s by the merchant Jacques Franconis.

Marc Lullin, a banker, bought it in 1706 and three of his sons built the French-style mansion and its surrounding buildings between 1768 and 1773.

Banker Jean Lullin, having been ruined by the French Revolution, sold it in 1800 to Francois Favre, a Geneva ship owner who made his fortune trading with the East from the French port of Marseille.

The Favre family transformed the house and park, adding the large library which contains some 15,000 books belonging to Francois’ son Guillaume.

The oldest volumes date back to the 15th century and the collection is especially strong in history, literature, and ancient languages.

The villa held a gala in 1864 for the diplomats who signed the first Geneva Convention governing the treatment of sick and wounded combatants. 

Call for peace 

Guillaume’s grandson William Favre bequeathed the villa and the estate to the city in 1917, with the house to be used for civic receptions.

When he died the following year, he also left the library collection to Geneva in his will. The park opened to the public in 1918.

A reception was held at the villa in 1921 for the first Red Cross conference after World War I.

The meeting reflected on experiences from the Great War and, for the first time, mandated the organisation to assist victims in civil wars too.

The June 10, 1969 papal visit to Geneva, the epicentre of Calvinism, saw Pope Paul hold an open-air mass in the gardens, with his homily containing words that Biden and Putin could draw upon.

“Here is Switzerland offering us, once again, a moment of relaxation and reflection,” the pontiff said.

Peace, he said, was “not a weakness, but a strength. “Let us strive to be generous peacemakers,” he concluded.

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Trump vs Harris: Swiss MPs argue over who would be better for Switzerland

With American VP Kamala Harris expected to get the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, Swiss politicians are divided about how beneficial — or not — she would be for Switzerland.

Trump vs Harris: Swiss MPs argue over who would be better for Switzerland

While it is certain that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump could not care less about Switzerland’s opinions of their political agenda, this does not prevent Swiss politicians from supporting one candidate over another.

That is because the outcome of any presidential election in the United States has always had broad global repercussions—impacting Switzerland as well.

The 2024 election will be no different.

Not so neutral

Generally speaking and based on past experiences, Switzerland’s government has always found a common language (which, in this case, is English) with any US president.

As the Federal Council said in November 2020, when asked for a comment about Trump’s election, “we want what is best for Switzerland,” adding that “Switzerland can get along with” whoever happens to be in the White House at the time.

Nevertheless, Swiss MPs are not quite as diplomatic (or neutral) in expressing their views of the US presidential candidates, and especially about whose policies are likely to be better for Switzerland.

Not surprisingly, their preferences are determined by whether they are to the right or left of the political spectrum, with those on the right supporting Republican candidates — in this case, Trump — while more liberal MPs favouring Harris, a Democrat.

‘Regulation-mad socialist’

It follows then that the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) favours Trump.

In an interview with the 20 Minuten news platform, the party’s MP Franz Grüter called Harris a ‘regulation-mad socialist,” pointing out that “it was always easier for Switzerland when Republicans were in power in the USA.”

Another SVP deputy, Roland Rino Büchel, said that “Democratic presidents harass our country almost systematically when they are in power.”

While he did not explain his assertion, Swiss banks were a target of tax litigation from 2008 to 2013, brought about by the US Department of Justice  under President Barack Obama. As a result of this legal action, Switzerland had to largely abandon banking secrecy and several Swiss banks were hit with heavy fines.

‘A better choice’

However, a number of other MPs are in Harris’ corner.

“Harris is a better choice,” said deputy Hans Jörg Rüegsegger, breaking ranks with his SVP colleagues.

“Trump doesn’t care about Switzerland,” he added. “Whether it’s immigration or social issues, Harris is certainly closer to our values than Trump.”

Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, a deputy from the Centre party, also supports Harris.

“She stands for an open USA, which makes its contribution to a functioning multilateralism. This is of utmost importance for a small economy like Switzerland.”

Trump, on the other hand, would be harmful to the Swiss export economy, among other things.

Additional trade barriers – such as tariffs – which Trump would impose “would make the US market less attractive for our export industry,” she added.