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Do you know your DAD from your DOP? The most common Italian acronyms explained

Italians are huge fans of acronyms, making reading Italian news or partaking in discussions that extra bit tricky. To help you navigate the alphabet soup, here are the top Italian acronyms you need to know.

Do you know your DAD from your DOP? The most common Italian acronyms explained
What's that stand for? Italians love using acronyms, which can be confusing if you're unaccustomed to the language and culture. Photo: Sammy Williams/Unsplash

From understanding tax to knowing which roads to avoid if you don’t want a fine, Italy uses acronyms in all aspects of life.

It’s an added layer of language learning, with a smidge of cultural knowledge thrown in for extra confusion. Some terms, of course, are not directly translatable into your native tongue, nor do they necessarily exist at all in your home country.

So here’s a handy guide to help you make sense of those little letters that can mean a whole lot.

ABIAssociazione Bancaria Italiana – Association of Italian Banks.

ACIAutomobile Club d’Italia – the Italian Automobile Club, somewhere you’ll need to go if you need to get your driving licence.

AIRE – Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero – Register of Italian Residents Abroad. Italians who move abroad for longer than 12 months have to register with AIRE.

AMAeronautica Militare – Italian Air Force.

ANSA – Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata – Associated Press National Agency.

ARPA – Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale – Regional Environmental Protection Agency.

ASLAzienda Sanitaria Locale – Local Health Authority.

Everyone living in Italy will become familiar with this one. Each area, which can be a town, province or group of cities has an ASL and it’s where you go to for medical services.

You’ll need to go to an ASL office to get a tessera sanitaria (Italian health card) to access them, which can be obtained by registering with the SSN (see the bottom of the page for that acronym).


AVVAvvocato – Lawyer.

BCCBanche di Credito Cooperativo – Cooperative Credit Banks. These are local, cooperative and mutual banks, which promote local social and economic growth.

BCEBanca Centrale Europea – European Central Bank.

CAAFCentro Autorizzato di Assistenza Fiscale – Authorised Tax Assistance Centre. These centres help workers and pensioners resolve financial queries, such as filling in an annual tax return. It can often be mixed up with the CAF, below.

CAFCentro di Assistenza Fiscale – Tax Assistance Centre. This is similar to CAAF, but it’s more corporate and made up of qualified lawyers, labour consultants, chartered accountants and business experts.

READ ALSO: Beat the queues: 19 bits of Italian bureaucracy you can do online

CAIClub Alpino Italiano – Italian Alpine Club.

CAPCodice di Avviamento Postale – Post/Zip code.

CCIAA Camera di Commercio Industria, Agricoltura e Artigianato – Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Artisanship.

CdAConsiglio di Amministrazione – Board of Directors.

The world of Italian bureaucracy is littered with acronyms. Photo: Scott Graham/Unsplash

CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – Deposits and Loans Fund. This is an institution controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance that promotes the country’s growth and manages postal savings.

CEComunità Europea – European Community.

CEE – Comunità Economica Europea – European Economic Community.

CEIConferenza Episcopale Italiana – Italian Episcopal Conference. The official assembly of bishops in Italy and has the power to set criteria for the Mass.

CERNComitato Europeo di Ricerche Nucleari – European Organization for Nuclear Research.

CFCodice Fiscale or Fiscal Code. Thi is a personal identification number similar to a Social Security number in the US or National Insurance number in the UK.

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CNELConsiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro – National Council for Economics and Labour.

CONADConsorzio Nazionale Dettaglianti – Retailers’ National Consortium. You’ll see this brand with the yellow flower ubiquitously in Italy, as it operates one of the largest supermarket chains in the country.

CNRConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – The National Research Council.

CRI Croce Rossa Italiana – Italian Red Cross.

CTSComitato Tecnico Scientifico – Technical Scientific Committee.

This is a body you’ll have heard a lot about during the Covid-19 crisis, as it was set up to advise the government on matters relating to the health emergency. The Committee is made up of experts and representatives of state bodies.

DAD – Didattica a Distanza – Distance Learning.

Another acronym you’ll often see in the news and hear on the street due to the pandemic. As schools moved their learning online, DAD (pronounced “dad”, not D-A-D) took over and allowed teachers and students to continue teaching and learning digitally.

A student learning through ‘DAD’. Photo: Compare Fibre/Unsplash

DASPO Divieto di Accedere alle manifestazioni SPOrtive – Ban on Access to Sporting Events.

A DASPO is a ban on accessing sporting events to prevent violence. This is often used at football stadiums to stop aggravation from the most severe of football fans, the so-called ‘ultras’.

DOC – Denominazione di Origine Controllata – Controlled Designation of Origin.

The first of our food and drink-related acronyms that signify quality and authenticity of a product. But between DOC, DOP, DOCG and IGT, it can get pretty baffling trying to understand what differentiates them.

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DOC was established in the 1960s and has historically been used as a mark of quality wines produced in small or medium-sized geographical areas, with characteristics linked to the grape variety, environment and production methods. It’s not actually been in use since 2010 and DOP has taken over. But you’ll still see it around, as it’s permitted to use the acronym as a nod to tradition.

DOCG – Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita – Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin.

This acronym is attributed to wines already recognised as DOC and considered of particular value for at least ten years. Barbaresco and Brunello di Montalcino count among such wines to be bestowed with DOCG status.

DOP – Denominazione di Origine Protetta – Protected Designation of Origin.

Arguably the most widely used acronym, DOP is officially recognised at a European level. It has more than 400 wines and 160 registered Italian products, including specialities such as traditional balsamic vinegar from Modena or the cheese, Puzzone di Moena. It recognises food and wine from certain areas, so it’s only ever assigned to precise areas according to set criteria.

DOC, DOCG or IGT? Photo: Gabriella Clare Marino/Unsplash

DPCMDecreto del presidente del consiglio, or Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, commonly called the Prime Minister’s decree or emergency decree.

An acronym that’s become common parlance for everyone in Italy during the pandemic. Each DPCM has determined the coronavirus restrictions and the measures that have impacted everyday life.

ENACEnte Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile – Civil Aviation National Authority.

ENELEnte Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica – Electrical Energy National Authority. You may pay for your electricity and gas to this Italian manufacturer and distributor.

ENPAEnte Nazionale per la Protezione Animali – Animal Protection National Authority.

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EVOExtra Vergine di Oliva – Extra Virgin Olive (oil).

FIAT – Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino – Italian Automobiles Factory Turin. Did you know that the Italian car brand is actually an acronym?

FIGC – Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio – Italian Football Federation.

FMI – Fondo Monetario Internazionale – International Monetary Fund.

FS – Ferrovie dello Stato – Italian State Railways. It’s one of the largest industrial companies in Italy and so this acronym is one you’ll likely come across – especially if you travel through Italy by train. 

Fiat: An acronym we already knew. Photo: Julien Chatelain/Unsplash

GdFGuardia di Finanza – Finance Police. There are various branches of police in Italy. This one comes under the authority of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, rather than the Ministry of Defence.

GPLGas Propano Liquido – Liquid Petroleum Gas.

GUGazzetta Ufficiale – Official Gazette. This is an official record of the Italian government, documenting acts of parliament and decrees. Every time there has been a decree change, the GU publishes the legislation coming into force.

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IGP Indicazione Geografica Protetta – Protected Geographical Indication. 

This is the second most common acronym at European level after DOP. It applies to food and wine that are typical of a certain geographical area and have been produced or processed there. It means that products with the IGP seal may come from a different region or even from abroad.

IGT – Indicazione Geografica Tipica – Typical Geographical Indication.

This has now been assumed by the IGP label and was used until 2010. Wines had to be produced with at least 85% of grapes from the indicated geographical area to be recognised as IGT.

IMUImposta Municipale Unica – Unique Municipal Tax. This is the tax introduced by the Monti government in the ‘2011 Save Italy’ measure and is paid on owned property.

INGIngegnere – Engineer.

Calculate your ISEE and your IRPEF to find out how much money you take home. Photo: Scott Graham/ Unsplash

INPSIstituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale – National Institute for Social Security.

Get ready for this one, you’ll get to know it really well. It’s the social security and welfare institute and covers work-related payments such as sickness, maternity leave and unemployment benefits.

Employees pay into INPS directly from their wage, with a contribution from the employer, and the self-employed register to pay it entirely themselves.

READ ALSO: Freelance or employee: Which is the best way to work in Italy?

IRAPImposta Regionale sulle Attività Produttive – Regional Tax for Productive Activities.

Most of this tax paid by companies and organisations goes to the region to finance the health sector.

IRPEFImposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche – Income Tax for Individuals.

You’d likely prefer not to know this one, but it’s unavoidable. IRPEF is a progressive personal income tax, meaning how much you pay depends on your earnings. It starts at 23 percent for an income of up to €15,000 per year and goes up to 43 percent for those earning more than €75,000 per year.

ISEEIndicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente – Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation.

Often complex to calculate, this number indicates how well off your household is, taking into account income, assets, debts, and other factors. You may need to know your ISEE if you want to apply for certain government bonuses like the Baby Bonus and the First Home Bonus.

ISTATIstituto nazionale di Statistica – National Institute of Statistics.

MIURMinistero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca – Ministry of Education, University and Research.

OMSOrganizzazione Mondiale della Sanità – World Health Organization

ONGOrganizzazione Non Governativa – Non-Governmental Organization.

ONUOrganizzazione delle Nazioni Unite – United Nations.

PCIPartito Comunista Italiano – Italian Communist Party.

PDPartito Democratico – Democratic Party.


PECPosta Elettronica Certificata – Certified Email. You may use this one when sending official documents. It’s the legal equivalent of registered mail and, by paying a fee for the service, you can legally prove that an email has been sent and received.

Brits living in Italy hoping to get their biometric ID card may need this service when applying at their local Questura (police headquarters).

PILProdotto Interno Lordo – Gross Domestic Product.

PMIPiccole e Medie Imprese – Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

PNRRPiano nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – National Recovery and Resilience Plan. A measure designed to boost Italy’s economy following the coronavirus crisis, often called the ‘Recovery Plan‘ in English by Italians.

PRAPubblico Registro Automobilistico – Public Vehicle Registry. This one’s useful to know if you buy a used car or need to replace number plates.

PTPoste e Telegrafi – Posts and Telegraphs. You’ll see these two letters on a yellow background at post offices up and down the country.

RAIRadio Audizione Italiana – Italian Broadcasting Radio.

RALRetribuzione Annuale Lorda – Gross Annual Earnings.

Want to dance at your wedding? There’s a tax on that. Photo by Foto Pettine on Unsplash

SIAE Società Italiana Autori ed Editori – Italian Society of Authors and Publishers.

Not to be overlooked, this one will crop up if you’re planning a party or wedding and hire a band or play music. You have to pay tax for music paid in public venues.

SPASocietà Per Azioni – Joint-Stock Company.

SPIDSistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale – Public Digital Identity System. This is Italy’s e-ID system that allows you to access government services online.

READ MORE: Italian bureaucracy: What is a SPID and how do you get one?

SRLSocietà a Responsabilità Limitata – Limited Liability Company.

SSNServizio Sanitario Nazionale – National Health Service.

You receive your personal tessera sanitaria when you register with the Italian National Health Service – something everyone resident in the country should do. 

TAEGTasso Annuo Effettivo Globale – Total Annual Actual Rate.

A good one to know if you’re hoping to get a mortgage in Italy. TAEG corresponds to APR (annual percentage rate) and is the interest rate for a whole year, rather than just a monthly sum. This can also apply to loans and credit cards, for example.

TAVTreno ad Alta Velocità – High Speed Train.

TFRTrattamento di Fine Rapporto – End of Employment Deal. A parting gift for employees who leave a place of work. At the end of your contract, you get a lump sum known as TFR.

UEUnione Europea – European Union.

VVF Vigili del Fuoco – Firefighters.

ZTLZona a Traffico Limitato – Restricted Traffic Area.

Watch out for these three letters while you’re driving around Italy’s labyrinthine streets. You’ll get a fine if you go down a road with a sign showing a red circle and ZTL written underneath – unless you’ve got a residence permit for that particular street.

As so many acronyms are commonly used in Italian, this list is far from comprehensive. Please comment below to let us know which other acronyms you’ve found useful.

Member comments

  1. You should add CGIL, Confederazione generale italiana del lavoro, a national trade union association. CGILhas offices in almost every city and it is the best place, far and away, to have your permesso di soggiorno application or renewal application filled out for €20.

  2. A great post. This is so useful and I have kept a copy for my immediate reference. Thank you very much.

    1. We’re really glad to hear you found it useful! Thanks for reading The Local.

      Best wishes,
      – Clare

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7 things you should know about the Italian language

With its musicality and large vocabulary, Italian is one of the most fascinating languages on the planet. But do you know everything about it?

7 things you should know about the Italian language

Italian is frequently considered as one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Its musicality, intonations and smoothness make it one of the most poetic languages out there. 

This Romance language is spoken by 67 million native speakers across the globe and it’s the official language of Italy, San Marino, The Vatican (along with Latin) and Switzerland (along with German, French, and Romansh). While the Italian language, like all Romance languages, derives from Vulgar Latin, Italy’s standard form is based on the Florentine dialect from hundreds of years ago.

Though standard Italian existed prior to the Unification of Italy in 1861, Italians themselves identified more strongly with their regional dialects, a lot of which are still in existence today.

Television played a crucial role in Italians learning the language: in the 1960s, national broadcaster RAI aired Non è mai troppo tardi (‘It’s never too late’), a TV programme where Italian teacher Alberto Manzi taught Italian to his audience.

Let’s take a look at some more interesting facts about Italian.

It became Italy’s official language in 2007

Yes, you read that correctly. Exactly 146 years after the country’s unification, Italian was formally written into the constitution as being Italy’s official language. 

There is a 500-year-old institution dedicated to researching Italian

The Accademia della Crusca (literally, ‘Bran Academy’) is a Florence-based institution which focuses on Italian linguistics. Founded by five Florentine men in 1582, the institute claims it wrote the first Italian dictionary (Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca), which was first published in 1612.

The longest Italian word has 30 letters

The word in question is (get ready for it) Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia. It’s a medical term that studies behaviours in response to external stimuli so it is rarely used in everyday speaking. 

Another long word is precipitevolissimevolmente.

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It’s a superlative of the adverb ‘hastily’, or precipitevolmente in Italian. There’s even a proverb with this word: chi troppo in alto sal, cade sovente precipitevolissimevolmente (‘those who climb too high, often fall very hastily’).

Italian is not the majority language in some areas of the country

The northern region of South Tyrol has approximately 520,000 inhabitants. Of those 520,000, around 69 percent use the German language more frequently than the Italian language. Even road signs in some of the areas bordering Austria are in German. 

Another northern region, Aosta Valley, recognises French as an official language. While the ratio of French speakers to Italian speakers is not quite as high as the ratio of German speakers to Italian speakers in South Tyrol, many of the region’s signposts are in both Italian and French.

South Tyrol

A German-Italian sign reading ‘private property’ at the entrance of a vineyard in the small village of St. Michael Eppan, South Tyrol. Photo by Christof STACHE / AFP

The name of a continent comes from Italy

It is generally accepted that the name ‘America’ derives from Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who claimed that the lands fellow explorer Christopher Columbus set sail to in 1492 were in fact part of a separate continent.

A map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller was the first to depict this continent with the name America.

The word ‘volt’ was created by an Italian

Speaking of nouns named after people, Alessandro Volta was an Italian scientist who made a breakthrough in the late 18th century when he created his ‘voltaic pile’ – the first-ever device to provide a steady supply of electricity. His last name is where ‘volt’ (and ‘voltage’) originates from.

READ ALSO: 15 Italian words that change their entire meaning with one letter

There are only 21 letters in the Italian alphabet

The Italian alphabet, which derives from the Latin one, only contains 21 letters. Letters j, k, w, x, and y are not formally included in it, though they can often be found in words of foreign origin.

The above list is non-exhaustive. If you know any other interesting facts about the Italian language, let us know in the comments below.