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Eight weird and wonderful Austrian place names

From the famous Fucking to the lesser known Windpassing - and of course Lower Stinky Well - Austria’s countryside is full of weird and wonderful place names.

Eight weird and wonderful Austrian place names
The Austrian town formerly known as Fucking. Photo: JOE KLAMAR / AFP

With some names dating back centuries, Austrian villages and towns have some curious monikers. 

From the famous Fucking to the lesser known Windpassing, Austria’s countryside is full of weird and wonderful place names. 

Many of these barely raise an eyebrow in Austria – although a few certainly do – but they’ve grown famous abroad. 

Here are eight of our favourites. 

Fucking (the village formerly known as)

No list of weird Austrian place names would be complete without the town formerly known as Fucking. 

In late 2020, the Austrian village of Fucking decided to formally change its name to Fugging, citing frustrating at the bizarre notoriety of the town’s name. 

READ MORE: No more F**king: Austrian village to change name

The villagers – who were officially known as Fuckingers – finally grew weary of Fucking.

The villagers have been attempting to change the name for years, reports DPA, and have grown increasingly frustrated with tourists and the theft of signs. 

‘Fugging’ was chosen as it better represents the way the name is pronounced in German. 

Internet users however – and particularly those from the British Isles – have pointed out that Fugging is often used as a censored version of what the town was formerly known as. 

The town had been known as Fucking for more than 1,000 years. 

The village and its subsequent name change might have captured international attention, but there are several other place names worth a mention throughout Austria. 


Rottenegg, situated in the state of Upper Austria, is named after the now ruined Rottenegg Castle. 

The town’s famous Rottenegg Cultural Summer Program brings people from all around to celebrate the local culture and traditions. 

As with Fucking and a few other place names on the list, Rottenegg is only really funny to English speakers – with the name having nothing to do with spoiled eggs at all in German. 

Rottenegg Castle drawn by M. Vischer in 1674. Photo: Wikicommons


Just across the border from Fucking/Fugging in Bavaria in Germany, there is another village called Petting.

OK so this one technically isn’t in Austria, but with Petting sitting so close to Fucking, there was not a chance we wouldn’t mention it. 

As yet, there are no plans to get too hasty and follow Fucking by getting rid of Petting, although if they do ‘Pegging’ is probably off limits. 


As we said earlier, most of the place names in this list are going to make English speakers chuckle rather than the natives – but at least Oed offers something for the locals. 

Oed, a village near Amstetten in the state of Lower Austria, is a word which translates to bleak, barren, desolate, deserted in German (when it is spelt without the umlaut). 

So in this case, Oed is more likely to elicit a laugh if said rather than written, but think of the poor local holiday home providers who have paid for radio ads telling people to “get on down to barren, bleak, desolate and deserted” for a well-earned break. 


In the Austrian state of Tyrol sits a region so mysterious, so enchanted, that it doesn’t even have a name. 

Well, not quite. Namlos – which translates to nameless – is the name of a small municipality in the west of the country. 

So if anyone is telling you they need to recharge their batteries and get away from the hustle and bustle of the modern world by wandering the earth in search of a place with no name, tell them it’s just south of the German border in Tyrol and it’s nice there.

They even have a guesthouse. 


If you thought Rottenegg stank, then wait until you get a load of Windpassing. 

In fact, Windpassing is so popular in Austria that there are actually six villages/regions with that name. 

Five are in the state of Lower Austria, with one in the state of Upper Austria. 

For good measure, the Bavarians have also gotten in on the Windpassing action, with two Windpassings in the Passau region. 

The one pictured below is in Lower Austria – one of the five – and is situated between Vienna and Linz. 

According to Culture Trip, Windpassing is twinned with Middlefart in Denmark, because of course it is. 


Alright, so this is technically on the Hungarian side of the Austrian border, but with a town named Porno just a stone’s throw from Austrian soil, you and I both know it needed to be on this list. 

Known as ‘Porno’ in German, in Hungarian the town is known as Pornóapáti – which is pronounced Porno Party, which couldn’t be much funnier. 

And if that wasn’t enough, technically, the name translates to Porno Abbey. 

Seeing as you might be reading this at work, we encourage you not to google ‘Porno Hungary’ unless you want an uncomfortable conversation with HR, so we’ve included the link to the town’s Wikipedia entry here. 

Unterstinkenbrunn (Lower Stinking Well)

Another municipality in the state of Lower Austria, Unterstinkenbrunn means Lower Stinking Well in German. 

Unlike most of the other names on this list, this is not an example of a hilarious translation or some outdated name which really means nothing. 

Unterstinkenbrunn gets its name from a smelly well which is right in the middle of the village of 558 people. 

According to Wikipedia, “the water has an inky taste and the exit point is covered over a large area with a red layer of rust”. Delicious. 

If you’re looking for it but have managed to get lost, don’t worry, it’s situated just 15 minutes drive from Oberstinkenbrunn or Upper Stinking Well. 

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Lost and found: where to look for your ‘missing’ items in Austria

It's something we've all experienced - the sinking feeling of leaving a valuable possession somewhere. It's even worse when you're living in a foreign country. However, there's no need to worry.

Lost and found: where to look for your ‘missing’ items in Austria

Austria – indeed the entire German-speaking world – is known for its honest manner of dealing with things that have been left behind. 

That said, it’s good to know how to go about finding your possessions, depending on where you think you’ve lost them.

If you lose an item in public 

You may have been walking down the street and seen a scarf or a pair of gloves tied to a fence. 

These have been picked up and placed there hoping their owner will come and claim them. 

This is the general protocol for small goods that aren’t keys, phones or wallets. 

Keys, phones and wallets are generally handed in at the cashier at the nearest shop or cafe, so this should be your first port of call for lost items. 

Lost property generally then makes it way from there to police stations – particularly wallets with ID and bank cards – so your next line of enquiry should be your local Polizei

Most major cities then have a Fundbüro or Fundamt – lost property office in English.

Anything not claimed promptly usually ends up there, where it is kept for a length of time, usually a year. 

You can find the contact information for several of those here. 








For smaller towns and villages, a Google search of the city and ‘Fundbüro’ should give you the information to get in touch. 

READ MORE: What you should do if you lose your residence permit in Austria

If you lose an item on public transport 

That will depend on the kind of public transport you are using.

For public transport within major cities, you should first contact the local provider








From there, most public transport providers regularly send unclaimed items to the city’s Fundbüro (see above). 

If you’ve lost an item on a service operated by the state railway, ÖBB, the procedure is a little different. 

If you’re confident you left an item at a railway station or a train, your first action should be to use the Online Tool to describe your item in as much detail as possible – from there, station staff will be tasked with looking for your item. 

There are also ÖBB lost property offices at Bregenz, Bruck an der Mur, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna and Villach, which can be contacted via the hotline at +43 5 1778 97 22222. 

If you lose something at an airport

All of the major airports in Austria have their own lost property offices, and you can find their details here.







Still stumped? 

Neighbourhood social network FragNebenan is a fairly useful way of putting out a message regarding lost items – particularly in large cities like Vienna. 

If you don’t want to sign up for yet another app, most neighbourhoods, towns and villages have their own Facebook communities where people regularly post items that have been found.

Have we missed any good resources for finding lost items? Let us know in the comments!