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‘Three million tests a week’: Has Austria got the right Covid strategy?

While Austria has struggled to contain the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, it is fast emerging as a world leader in testing as a way to reopen schools and businesses.

'Three million tests a week': Has Austria got the right Covid strategy?
A coronavirus testing centre in Vienna. Photo: ALEX HALADA / AFP

The small nation with a population of just under nine million tested three million people last week alone, with the mass-testing strategy forming a key plank for getting pupils back into the classroom.

Half of those three million tests were administered in schools, where twice-weekly tests have been mandatory since in-person lessons restarted earlier this month.

Only a tiny percentage of parents have refused to have their children tested under the scheme — and those children are not allowed to return to school.

The other 1.5 million tests were carried out at more than 500 dedicated centres, around 900 pharmacies and roughly 1,000 companies.

“Our strategy is to have a high frequency of tests and to make them very easily accessible — it’s the only way to keep the pandemic in check,” Katharina Reich, the health ministry’s chief medical officer, told AFP.

A negative test result, no older than 48 hours, is now required at a range of locations — from hair salons to elderly care homes, or ski resorts.

The seven-day average of daily tests is 24 per 1,000 in Austria, compared to 7.7 in Britain and just 1.77 in neighbouring Germany, according to the Our World In Data website.

READ MORE: How Austria plans to test its way out of lockdown 

“But we want that to be higher — much higher,” Reich said, explaining that the goal is “for 60 to 70 percent of the population to get tested at least twice a week, or even three times a week if they want to see risk groups, like the elderly.”

She says tests are a key weapon in the fight against the pandemic until the vaccine rollout has been completed.

From March 1, every person will be allocated up to five “living-room” antigen tests, so called because they only require a shallow swab of the nasal cavity and so can be done at home. 

‘Return to normality’

Yveta Unzeitig, who has already been tested several times because the publishing house she works at participates in the testing drive, said she thought expanding tests was a good idea.

“It sounds smart, but they should do it for everything — with a negative test, I’d also like to be able to go to a restaurant, or for a coffee with friends,” she said, referring to the still closed hospitality industry.

“It sounds like it’d make all of us safer, and like we’d then able to return to normality,” said her daughter Yvonne, who works at an insurance company.

Professor Monika Redlberger-Fritz, head of department at Medical University Vienna’s centre for virology, says that turning up as many cases as possible through testing is “very, very important”.

However, she cautions that a negative antigen result from a nose or throat swab only shows that the person is not highly contagious — not that he or she is not contagious at all.

“Just because you take the test, that doesn’t mean that you can go straight to your grandma and hug her and kiss her,” she said.

FFP2 masks and an interpersonal distance of two metres (six feet) continue to be mandatory in places like stores and public buildings.

Like elsewhere, Austria is also contending with the spread of virus mutations, including the more infectious South African variant. 

Pandemic fatigue

How successful the millions of tests have been will be evaluated over the coming weeks, especially by looking at changes in intensive care unit capacities, said Redlberger-Fritz.

Increasing testing is partly a response to growing resistance to lockdowns — hundreds now protest against the government’s pandemic measures every weekend — and a widespread “pandemic fatigue”.

The first mass testing drives began late last year, but the initiative seemed to falter as relatively few people turned up to the designated centres: “Mass tests without masses,” ran the headlines.

However, making tests mandatory for some sectors and investing more in public awareness campaigns seems to have had the desired effect.

At one pharmacy in Vienna, 21-year-old Sascha said he, like many Austrians in recent weeks, had got a test “to be able to get a haircut”.

But he said he finds the requirement “arduous” and says he will only get tested — or vaccinated — if he absolutely has to.

Member comments

  1. I took my wife to be tested yesterday at the Vienna Centre Drive in. Superb service, well organised, courteous and free. Well done Austria.

    That said, the ONLY way we will all survive this is Vaccinations. Where are they? I do not blame the Austrian Government directly. They were conned/forced to go with the EU and its singularly and tragically failed Vaccine Procurement Scheme. Meanwhile, people across Europe are dying needlessly when a jab would have saved them, delayed by the EU Commission, its arrogance, stupidity and sheer incompetence.

    And as an aside where is President Macron who insisted the EU rely on French made vaccine to make up a large part of the EU’s vaccine supply, only to find that the French vaccine was complete scrap. You really couldn’t make it up. And now President Macron has the utter gaul (pardon the pun) to criticise the UK in some vile attempt to deflect blame, as he sees Marie Le Pen coming over the horizon waving a one way ticket for Macron from the Elysee Palace?

    Meanwhile the dying continues?

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Covid in Austria: Should you get vaccinated this year?

Austrian health experts have warned of a new COVID wave this autumn, but a vaccine adapted to the most recent variant is already available. Here's what you need to know.

Covid in Austria: Should you get vaccinated this year?

Austrian health experts have warned that wastewater analyses show rising rates of COVID-19 infections already this summer.

It’s too early to talk about a wave of infections, but the trend is clearly upward, Austrian media reported. With that in mind, should you get vaccinated, and when?

Austria’s official recommendations 

The Austrian National Immunization Committee (NIG) generally recommends an annual vaccination (similar to the flu shots) for everyone over the age of 12. However, the vaccination is strongly recommended for certain risk groups. 

These are people aged 60 and over, healthcare staff and people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), chronic heart and kidney problems, people with trisomy 21 and people with immunodeficiencies or immunosuppressive therapy, HIV infection, organ or bone marrow transplants and autoimmune diseases. 

READ ALSO: Are vaccinations compulsory for children in Austria?

The Austrian vaccination plan also mentions “persons with intellectual or physical disabilities in and outside of care facilities”.

A single vaccination is sufficient; it is free of charge for everyone. At least six, ideally twelve months, should have passed since the last vaccination or infection. Only in certain risk groups (people over 60 and patients with pre-existing severe conditions) can it make sense to be vaccinated after just four months – always after consulting a doctor. 

However, a minimum interval of four months should be observed in each case. In other words, anyone last vaccinated or tested positive more than twelve months ago can get a booster in Austria.

On individual request, babies aged six months can also be vaccinated. If they have not yet been vaccinated or tested positive, the age group six months to five years requires three doses of basic immunisation (a low dose tailored to small children). If they have (no matter how often), one dose is sufficient. 

One dose is sufficient for children aged six to twelve, regardless of previous vaccinations or infections. 

When should I get vaccinated?

Waiting a few more weeks to get vaccinated towards the end of the summer vacation is recommended. This is because the expected autumn wave will likely pick up pace then. 

The current vaccine is effective around seven to twelve days after the shot, but the antibodies usually disappear again after around three months. 

So, if you are vaccinated again at the end of August, you will increase your protection against infection from around one week after administration until November. 

READ ALSO: What is Austria’s tick vaccine, and should you take it?

Which vaccine is Austria administering?

The vaccine used is the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer (a so-called mRNA vaccine, which also falls into the category of inactivated vaccines), which has been adapted against the most recently dominant variant, JN.1 (from the Omikron family).

Vaccinations are given at vaccination centres (in Vienna at the TownTown vaccination centre in the third district), at health centres of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK), and at selected general practitioners in private practice. More information about vaccination centres can be found on the health hotline 1450 and the Medical Association’s website: