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Beat the queues: 25 official matters you can do online in Spain

Spanish bureaucracy is notoriously slow and convoluted but there are an increasing number of official matters that can be carried out online now, saving time and headaches for foreigners.

Beat the queues: 25 official matters you can do online in Spain
Photo: Richard Mcall/pixabay

Nothing is certain in life in Spain except death and citas previas (pre-made appointments).

Dealing with Spain’s public administration is without a doubt one of the downsides of daily life here for many foreigners (and for locals for that matter).

We’ve previously asked you, our readers, how you found undertaking official matters in Spain, and answers ranged from a flat-out “remarkably annoying”, to others calling it “not terrible” and the more pragmatic saying “it gets better”.


“They need to review so many issues that could be done much simpler,” argued Karen Williams at the time.

And while much still remains to be done to improve many official processes, there are more and more trámites that can be done online now in Spain.

Here we’ve collected as many of these digital procedures as we can in the hope that they can make your daily life in Spain that bit easier.


Get a padrón certificate online

Registering on ‘el padrón’ at your local town hall is one of the first things you will need to do when you arrive in Spain as you will be asked to provide the certificate for a whole host of bureaucratic matters.

You can find out more about the process here.

Whether you can do the process entirely online depends on where you live in Spain, with cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria setting up systems on their town hall websites which allow residents to submit their documents online to obtain a padrón.

Get a Cl@ve account to handle tax matters online

The Spanish government’s Cl@ve system is one of the tools you can use to fast-track and simplify processes by doing them online. You will need it to do a lot of the processes mentioned on this list.

Read more about it here in The Local’s guide.

Renew your digital certificate

Ironically, in order to get a digital certificate to be able to do most online processes available, you will have to go into one of your local public administrations in person.

However, once you’ve sorted this out, a lot of the official matters on this list will become available to you online, with a bit less hassle than through the Cl@ve system.

You will also be able to renew or update your digital certificates through Spain’s National Currency and Stamp Factory (FNMT) here.


Get an appointment at Spain’s immigration office

Popping into your local foreigners’ office in Spain to request an appointment is no longer possible, so save yourself the time and headache of dealing with a poker-faced civil servant by first booking a cita previa for the process you have to complete, here.

Pay extranjería fees

Fee 052 for residency registrations and fee 062 for work permits can be paid online rather than at the bank if you have a digital certificate.

Check status of extranjería process and send in extra documents

You can find out if Spanish immigration authorities have approved or denied your request or if it’s still being processed, here.

It’s also possible to electronically submit extra documents that you’ve asked for, here.

Renewing residency and work permits

A number of foreigners’ residency and work permit renewals can be done partially or entirely done online, whereas the first-time round will require more visits to the immigration office. You can find more information here.

However, since mid-December 2020, Spain’s immigration offices are allowing more first-time residency and work permits to be processed online as this list on the Spanish government’s website details.


Request a working life report from Spain’s Social Security

A working life report (informe de vida laboral) is a document that contains important information relating to the number of days a person has worked, how much they’ve paid into the country’s social security system and thus what benefits are available to them.

You can request it from Spain’s General Treasury of Social Security here.

Find out your social security number

If you’re ever asked for your Número de Seguridad Social-NUSS or Afiliación-NAF, you can get it online here and print out a form.

Apply for Spain’s minimum income

Spain’s most vulnerable households and families at risk of poverty can apply for the ‘ingreso mínimo vital’, or minimum vital income, here.

Request or renew your unemployment benefits

If you have a digital certificate or Cl@ve, you’ll be able to do both here.

Find out your contribution base

The contribution base is a reference salary for both salaried employees and self-employed workers that’s used as a base for calculating the pension and other benefits they’ll receive such as parental leave sick pay.

If you want to find out how much your contribution base you can access it here.

Find out if you’re registered with Spain’s social security and your employment status

You can find out how you’re classified in Spain’s social security and print out a form through this website.

Check the processing status of your ERTE

If you’ve been made temporarily unemployed due to the coronavirus crisis or otherwise you can check the status of your ERTE online as well as other pertinent information relating to your benefits.

Register for electronic notifications with Spain’s State Employment Service

If you want to get alerts and notifications from Spain’s SEPE you can do it here.


Check if you have traffic fines

If you suspect you’ve got a traffic fine or you want to double check the information you’ve received, you can do so through the Directorate General of Traffic’s website here.

Change how you receive notifications of traffic fines

Equally if you prefer to change how you receive the notification from SMS to in the post or vice versa, this is also an option through the website mentioned above.

Check how many points you have on your driving license

If you don’t know how many points you have on your driving license, you can also check this on the DGT’s website.

Hand in documents to the DGT to exchange your foreign driving license

EU and EEA driving licences are valid in Spain but for foreigners from other countries, the chances are that you’ll have to exchange your home-country licence for a Spanish one. Fortunately, a lot of the process can be done online starting here.

For British nationals in Spain who have struggled to get an appointment for the exchange their licences before Brexit, there is more information here.


Find out a property’s land registry

You can find out a Spanish property’s cadastral reference, as well as other information such as its dimensions and when it was built, here.

Request a birth certificate

If you’ve just had a baby you’ll need to get a birth certificate from Spain’s Civil Registry as it will contain all the vital information about your newborn (name, place of birth, parents’ names) and you will also need it for other official matters.

Luckily this can also be requested online here.

Make an appointment with your local public doctor

You don’t have to go in person to the public hospital or call over the phone to request an appointment with your doctor in Spain.

Each region has its own website so our recommendation is to Google “cita previa medico” and then your region’s name and look for the website that starts with “sede”.


Request your digital certificate to be used on any browser:

It could because you prefer Safari over Chrome, or because you keeping getting redirected to different browsers, but having your digital certificate approved across the board can be very handy.

You can download the software here.

This Spanish website has more detailed information about the installation process.

Install your digital certificate on your mobile

If you’d rather handle official matters on your mobile or tablet, you can install your digital certificate on both Android and iOS.

It’s more complicated on Apple devices as this explainer in Spanish shows.

Member comments

  1. This information alone is worth the price of subscribing! So happy I paid for membership. This is a legitimate review/comment.

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How long does it take to be approved for Spain’s digital nomad visa?

Spain's digital nomad visa is already proving to be a very popular way for non-EU nationals to move to the country. So how long does it actually take to apply for?

How long does it take to be approved for Spain’s digital nomad visa?

Spain’s digital nomad visa, which launched in early 2023, is currently one of the easiest ways to move to Spain if you work remotely or are self-employed.

The digital nomad visa or DNV allows remote workers or self-employed people from non-EU countries to work and live in Spain, as long as no more than 20 percent of their work comes from Spain.

It can be extended for up to five years and can be applied for from the Spanish consulate in your home country or while on holiday in Spain. 

Officially it’s called the visa for teletrabajadores de carácter internacional, but most people applying are simply referring to it as the DNV.

The application can be a painstaking process, however, with lots of research to do, even more documents to gather, and proof to send.

READ ALSO: All the documents you need for Spain’s digital nomad visa

So how long does the process actually take?

Firstly, if you’re applying from your home country, you may need to make an appointment at your local consulate. This can take a while, depending on where you’re from and where you’re applying. It’s best to contact them to find out how long the wait will be. 

If you’ve gathered all your documents and sent them off, then the official time in which you can expect to receive a response from the body responsible – the Unidad de Grandes Empresas (UGE) is 20 business days.

Some people are lucky and get their applications approved quickly or they’re highly organised and have made sure there are no more documents or pieces of evidence to send. This means that it is possible to receive an approval within the 20 days.

One member of the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa Facebook group confirmed: “Application submitted June 21st. Approved just before midnight yesterday, July 18th for the full three years”, which is exactly 20 working days.

Another member also had a similar experience saying “Just received approval, family of 4 from Canada. Applied 26th July, approved on 23rd Aug – exactly 20 business days”.

READ ALSO: ‘It seems impossible’: The problems Spain’s digital nomad visa applicants face

Not everyone received an answer after exactly 20 days though. For some people, it was near enough though.

Another member said “The wait time for approval was 23 days, I was not asked for any further documents”, while another who was an employee with a permanent contract confirmed he waited 18 days.

The process can take longer 

As with most bureaucratic processes in Spain, it doesn’t always take the amount of time that it should do in theory.

If you have missed out on some documents or the authorities need to see more proof in order to approve your visa, the process will typically take longer than 20 days.

One member reported that they had been waiting at least two and a half months for their approval. “I had a long process of applying (it’s been 77 days since my first one went in and then a second and then a request for additional documents) but finally received my approval”.

Another explained “I applied on the 6th of July. On the 31st of July, they requested documents: on the 14th of August, and did not hear back so I requested for positive silence on the 24th of August and last night 4th of September I received the notification”.

READ ALSO: ‘No lawyer can guarantee you get Spain’s digital nomad visa’

How long does the appeal process take?

It’s common for some people to be rejected for the visa. This could be because they haven’t provided enough evidence or simply down to miscommunication.

There have been a lot of instances when the UGE has said that applicants haven’t provided enough evidence on how long their company has been operating for example, when the applicants believed that they had.

If you are rejected, the good news is that you appeal. Currently, appeals are taking varying amounts of time depending on your situation.

One member of the DNV Facebook page confirmed “My lawyer said they have 15 working days to respond”.

While that may be what lawyers are saying, this isn’t always the case.

Another member said “I’ve heard of people waiting 5 months”, while another explained, “I appealed my visa denial last March 31st and I just got my approval yesterday, June 20th”.

To speed the process up, we recommend doing as much research as you can and gathering all documents you need, before starting the application.