UPDATE: Brits in Italy to get EU biometric residence card from January

Italian authorities have announced a new electronic ID document proving British nationals have residency rights in Italy. Here are the details.

UPDATE: Brits in Italy to get EU biometric residence card from January
Italy has announced a new way for Brits to prove their residency rights. Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP

Italy's Interior Ministry has announced that a new electronic 'tessera' or ID card will be available from January 2021 proving the rights of British citizens resident in Italy.

The card will be available to British citizens who have registered or applied for Italian residency by December 31st 2020.

READ ALSO: Italy confirms post-Brexit visa rules for British nationals

This is the long-awaited EU card that identifies the holder as having rights protected under the Withdrawal agreement.

“From January 1st, British citizens resident in Italy as of December 31st 2020 will be able to request, at the Questura (police headquarters) of their area of residence, a document in digital format based on the provisions of art. 18, paragraph 4, of the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union,” read a statement from the Italian Interior Ministry.

“In line with the indications set at European Union level, the new digital document will guarantee easy recognition of the rights provided for by the Withdrawal Agreement in favour of British citizens who have registered their residence in Italy before 31 December 2020.”

The card will be valid for five years for those with less than five years residence at its date of issue, or ten years if you have permanent residence.

The new tessera costs €30.46 plus a €16 stamp (marca da bollo, available from newsagents).

To apply, UK citizens will need:

  • an identity card (carta d’identità) or passport
  • your certificate proving you are registered in the anagrafe of your comune of residence (attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica, or attestazione di soggiorno permanente if you have that)
  • if you recently applied to be registered as resident but do not yet have the certificate or attestazione from your comune, you will need to show a copy of your application to your local comune for registration (iscrizione anagrafica) as that will evidence you applied on or before December 31st 2020. 
  • 4 passport-sized photographs
The Interior Ministry has published further details of the new card and how to apply for it in both Italian and English.
Your local Questura's website should have “a dedicated electronic channel to book an appointment in order to submit the application”, according to the Interior Ministry.
During the appointment your “biometric data will be enrolled”, it states.
“At present it is not compulsory,” to have the card, citizens' rights group British in Italy said.
“There is no deadline for getting it and no fine for not having it.”
“However, it will be the best evidence that you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement. It is in an EU-wide format so, even though it will be in Italian, border guards in other countries will have no difficulty in recognising it.”

“Also given how highly devolved much of the public administration in Italy is, it may be that in due course some officials will not accept that you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement without it.”
“However we have been told informally by Italian government reps that there is no rush to get it immediately,” British in Italy noted. “It is going to be issued by the Questura and for them it will be a new process.”
“Given the problems many Comuni had issuing the Withdrawal Agreement attestazione, we think it is a good idea to wait until the Questura staff have had some training and some experience of issuing it.”

The EU-wide card was announced after the Italian 'WA attestazione' document, which British residents in Italy have been advised to obtain in order to prove their residency status.

So should you apply for the card if you already have the 'WA attestazione'?

“In our view it is a good idea to get both the WA attestazione (from your comune) and the biometric tessera (from the Questura when it becomes available),” British in Italy said.

“The Italian Government has said that the WA attestazione was only a temporary document issued until the rules for the EU-wide tessera came out,” however, they note, “the WA attestazione is still valid and is still evidence that you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.”


The European Commission announced early this year that it would create the EU-wide biometric residence document for all British nationals living in the bloc by the end of the post-Brexit transition period.

Under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, it is up to each EU country to decide whether to require UK nationals to apply and obtain a document proving their residence rights under the Brexit deal.

The EU-wide residence document is expected to have the same format in all member states, and will look much like residence permits for other third-country nationals.

Identity cards are commonly used in most European countries alongside passports, and are often needed when accessing public services.

UK citizens who are not registered as residents in the Italy by 31st December 2020 will not have their rights ensured by the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.
In order to move to Italy and register as residents after that date, they would instead have to apply for a residence permit as citizens of third countries.
Italy last week also announced details of a new long-stay visa for British citizens.
For further information, please see the British Embassy’s Living in Italy guide.
If you need assistance with applying for Italian residency you can contact the IOM,  the UN's migration agency, which is currently helping British nationals in Italy prepare for Brexit.
See The Local's Brexit section for more updates.

Member comments

  1. I have recently tried to purchase a car from a dealer, they have informed me that they require the new electronic residency. The Questura are overrun with immigrants seeking residency and have little or no time for genuine residents upgrading to the electronic version.

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Can you have your right to permanent residency in Italy revoked?

Applying for a permanent residency permit in Italy is often a lengthy process involving plenty of bureaucratic red tape. But can it ever be taken away from you after you get it?

Can you have your right to permanent residency in Italy revoked?

After legally living in Italy for at least five consecutive years, non-EU nationals become eligible to apply for a EU Long Term Residence Permit – known in Italian as permesso di soggiorno per soggiornanti di lungo periodo or permesso di soggiorno illimitato (formerly knowns as carta di soggiorno).  

Unlike most other Italian residency permits, which are issued for a maximum of two years and then need to be actively renewed in order to remain valid, the Long Term Permit grants the holder a permanent right of residency and does not expire (the document itself should be updated every ten years, but failure to do so does not invalidate your permanent right of residency).

Besides sparing the holder annual or biannual trips to the provincial questura (police station), the permit comes with a range of other advantages, including the right to freely work or study in the country (this isn’t always possible under some types of permits), fully access healthcare and social welfare, and participate in some forms of Italian public life like referendums.

Applying for a Long Term Residence Permit can be an arduous process as, besides showing you’ve been legally living in Italy for at least 5 years, you’ll have to meet a number of other requirements, including having an A2 Italian language level, which for most applicants entails passing an Italian language test.

READ ALSO: ‘Arduous process’: What to expect when applying for Italian permanent residency

But after successfully completing all of the red tape and getting your permesso, can your right to permanent residency be revoked in any case?

According to Italy’s official immigration portal, your status as a permanent resident can be revoked if you spend more than 12 consecutive months outside the European Union, or stay outside Italy for more than six consecutive years. 

You can also have your right to permanent residency revoked if you:

  • Get another EU Long Term Residence Permit from another country in the European Union
  • Are considered a threat to public order and national security, and are subject to an expulsion order
  • Are proven to have acquired the permit with fraudulent methods

Foreign nationals who lose their right to permanent residency due to being away from Italy, or after getting an equivalent long-term permit from another EU country can re-apply for permanent residency after legally living in Italy for three years (as opposed to the usual five). 

READ ALSO: When and how should I renew my Italian residence permit?

It’s also worth noting that, if you’ve been stripped of your right to permanent residency for any of the reasons mentioned above, you can contest the decision by filing an appeal with your Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) within 60 days of first being notified of it.

Please note that The Local is unable to advise on individual cases. Find more information on the Italian Interior Ministry’s website or seek independent advice from a qualified immigration consultant.