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French expression of the day: Coup de pouce

In French, a thumb can be all you need.

French expression of the day: Coup de pouce
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need t know coup de pouce?

Because it's common and there's no good literal English translation.

What does it mean?

Coup is a versatile French word that can mean a lot of different things depending on the context, while pouce is French for 'thumb'.

READ ALSO: The French word that can mean a drink, a punch, a helping hand and much more beside


Literally coup de pouce therefore translates as 'stroke of thumb', 'blow of thumb' or 'knock of thumb' – none of which makes a lot of sense.

But the expression coup de pouce really refers to giving someone or something a 'boost', 'nudge' or 'helping hand', although coupe de main is more common for the latter.

Coup de pouce is often used about financial aid or economic situations, combined with the verb donner (to give).

Donner un coup de pouce – to give a helping hand/ to boost.

For example, the French government has set in place a bike repair scheme called Coup de pouce vélo (Bike boost), which aims to get more commuters to pick the bike over other means of transport to get around.

READ ALSO: How to get €50 to cover the cost of your bike repairs in France


Use it like this

L'industrie française aurait vraiment besoin d'un coup de pouce en ce moment suite à la crise sanitaire. – French industry could really use some help right now.

Le déconfinement a tout de suite donné un coup de pouce à l'économie. – The lifting of lockdown gave the economy a boost straight away.

Le gouvernement français a donné un coup de pouce aux petites entreprises à travers du fonds de solidarité. – The French government helped small businesses through the solidarity fund.


Coup de main – helping hand

Aide – help

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French Word of the Day: Choc

This French word looks like it might be related to tasty pastries, but you’re more likely to see it during a political debate or sporting event.

French Word of the Day: Choc

Why do I need to know choc?

Because you might be shocked to learn about the other meanings of this French term. 

What does it mean?

Choc – roughly pronounced shock – looks like an abbreviation of chocolate in French, but that would be choco.

It is most commonly translated in English as ‘shock’, and the pronunciation is very similar. You can also use it as a verb (choquer) or an adjective (choquant). 

While this meaning is accurate in many contexts, there are a few other meanings for the word choc in French.

You can use it to refer to a ‘clash’. For example, a political debate on primetime TV might be advertised as a le choc des personalités (the clash of personalities).

Similar to ‘shock’ in English, it can also be used to describe a physical jolt or impact. 

This definition might help people make sense of a recent policy by the ministry of education – the choc des savoirs – which involves sorting pupils into different skill groups. The idea was described as giving the kids a wave of knowledge to improve test scores.

Use it like this

Le stagiaire a dit en plaisantant que le lieu de travail est un ‘choc des cultures’. – The intern joked that the workplace is a ‘clash of cultures’.

Son argument selon lequel il ne prendrait jamais l’avion a beaucoup choqué mon père. – His argument about never flying was very shocking to my dad.