Groin groin, coin coin and meuh – The weird things French animals say

So you think you speak French, but do you know what dogs, cows and pigs say?

Groin groin, coin coin and meuh - The weird things French animals say
Do you know what French pigs say? Photo: AFP

Ask a child what any animal says and they will most certainly know the answers. But ask a French and an English-speaking child the same questions, their responses will be quite different.

Just like French people, French animals 'speak' differently to English ones – sometimes they are more quirky and funnier, other times the sound hits the nail on the head in a way English expressions do not.

Here's a look at some of our favourites.

Cat – miaou, ronron

In French, meow is spelled miaou, but pronounced pretty much the same. When French cats meow, ils miaulentMiauler is the French verb for 'to meow'. Un chat miaule – a cat meows. 

The funnier version of cat-speak is the French version of 'purring'. In French, purring is called des ronronnements. 

Si le chat est bien content, il ronronne. – If the cat is really enjoying himself, he purrs.

Dog – wouf wouf/ouaf ouaf

Depending on whether we are talking about those deep barks of a big dog, or the sharp yelps of a tiny dog, dogs in France say wouf wouf or oaf oaf when they aboie – bark.

But dogs can also grogner (to growl), or even hurler (howl). J'ai peur des chiens qui grognent. – I'm afraid of dogs growling dogs.

You may recall that Tintin's dog Snowy says wooah wooah – but he's Belgian. In the French-language version of the comics, Snowy is named Milou.

Rooster – cocorico

In English speaking countries, roosters crow. In France, they chante – sing – a quite lenient way to describe what others would just call noise.

READ ALSO How a noisy cockerel exposed France's rural and urban divide 

As you may know, le coq gaulois – the Gallic rooster – is France's unofficial national symbol, and the French national football team's shirts all have tiny cockerels sewn in on them.

Alors, que dit le coq ? What, does the coq say?

Cocorico ! That's the French equivalent of cock-a-doodle-doo', which is pronounced cock-o-ricoooh.

French President Emmanuel Macron is petting one of the cows at France's annual agricultural affair, back in February. Photo: AFP

Cow – meuh

In English, cows moo.

In French, la vache mugit – the cow moos. Lorsqu'une vache mugit, elle dit meuh. – When a cow moos, she says 'meuh'.

Meuh is pronounced with a flat 'e' instead of the 'oo'. If you know basic French, you know the difference between a 'é' and an 'e', and it's this latter you use when pronouncing meuh. Just like meuf (chick, the female human, not the bird).

Duck – coin coin 

French ducks don't quack, at least not like the English ones do. In French, ducks say coin coin instead, which looks odd, but is actually pronounced 'kwa kwa'. The verb is cancaner (to quack), which also can mean ‘to gossip’.

Chicken – cot cot codet

In France, a chicken says cot cot codet, not cluck-cluck. If you're wondering how that's pronounced you should listen to the song in the video below by Professor Choron, a French comedian.

Pig – groin groin

French pigs' version of oink oink is groin groin, which is perhaps the oddest of all these animal expressions, especially to Anglophones, who know 'groin' as a more sensitive part of the body.

Donkey – hi han

When it comes to donkey sounds however, France has gotten it spot on. Compared to the British 'eeyore', hi han (pronounced hee-haw) is much truer to what donkeys actually sound like (video below).

Not all English versions of the terrible noise that donkeys produce are that far off, the Americans say 'hee-haw', just like the French pronounce hi han.

Turkey – glou-glou

In France, a turkey's gobble gobble is called glouglouter. When a turkey glougloute, they say glou-glou (gobble gobble in English). It's called le cri de la dinde – the turkey's scream.

Sheep – bêê

The French equivalent of baaa is broadly similar, French sheep say bêê.

The verb is bêler – to bleat.

Although the French describe dull or unoriginal people as comme des moutons (like sheep) in the same way as in English, there is no tradition of making a sheep noise at someone to suggest they are a dullard, so we would suggest you refrain from making bêê bêê noises in public, you will just make yourself look strange. 

Goat – bêê

And last but not least, French goats also say bêêUne chèvre béguète – a goat baas.

Member comments

  1. Ever since I learned in South America that roosters go “co-co-ro-co” or “qui-qui-ri-qui” this topic has fascinated me. Thanks for the article. A related question: when food is good, English speakers say “yum!” French speakers say “Miam!”

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Fluffy nuisance: Outcry as Paris sends Invalides rabbits into exile

Efforts to relocate wild rabbits that are a common sight on the lawns of the historic Invalides memorial complex have provoked criticism from animal rights groups.

Fluffy nuisance: Outcry as Paris sends Invalides rabbits into exile

Tourists and Parisians have long been accustomed to the sight of wild rabbits frolicking around the lawns of Les Invalides, one of the French capital’s great landmarks.

But efforts are underway to relocate the fluffy animals, accused of damaging the gardens and drains around the giant edifice that houses Napoleon’s tomb, authorities said.

Police said that several dozen bunnies had been captured since late January and relocated to the private estate of Breau in the Seine-et-Marne region outside Paris, a move that has prompted an outcry from animal rights activists.

“Two operations have taken place since 25 January,” the police prefecture told AFP.

“Twenty-four healthy rabbits were captured on each occasion and released after vaccination” in Seine-et-Marne, the prefecture said.

Six more operations are scheduled to take place in the coming weeks.

Around 300 wild rabbits live around Les Invalides, according to estimates.

“The overpopulation on the site is leading to deteriorating living conditions and health risks,” the prefecture said.

Authorities estimate the cost of restoring the site, which has been damaged by the proliferation of underground galleries and the deterioration of gardens, pipes and flora, at €366,000.

Animal rights groups denounced the operation.

The Paris Animaux Zoopolis group said the rabbits were being subjected to “intense stress” or could be killed “under the guise of relocation”.

“A number of rabbits will die during capture and potentially during transport,” said the group, accusing authorities of being “opaque” about their methods.

The animal rights group also noted that Breau was home to the headquarters of the Seine-et-Marne hunting federation.

The police prefecture insisted that the animals would not be hunted.

In 2021, authorities classified the rabbits living in Paris as a nuisance but the order was reversed following an outcry from animal groups who have been pushing for a peaceful cohabitation with the animals.