ANALYSIS: ‘We expect the coronavirus situation in Spain to get a lot worse’

Hospital staff around Spain tell Graham Keeley just how bad the coronavirus health crisis has become and why it will likely get much worse in the weeks to come meaning a second lockdown may be inevitable.

ANALYSIS: 'We expect the coronavirus situation in Spain to get a lot worse'
Photos: AFP

Health experts have said that despite the state of emergency imposed last week, unless the surge in COVID-19 cases slows down dramatically, more drastic measures are necessary.

No doubt, like most people right now, I find myself dazzled by the sea of data about the pandemic.

So, to find out what the real situation is on the ground, I went back to doctors whom I'd first interviewed back in April during the first wave of the pandemic.

Dr Natalia Silva is a surgeon in the accident and emergency section at San Juan de Déu, a large hospital in Barcelona.

During the desperate, dark days back in April, when the pandemic reached its first peak and 900 plus coronavirus deaths were recorded across the country in a single day, she told me how she used to cry every time she drove home from a shift.

“You cry. You cry a lot, heartbroken. I am trying to understand how we have come to this. I know that the rest of the people do not imagine a third of what happens in hospitals,” she wrote in a diary at the time.

Six months later, Dr Silva is back in the thick of it.

When I tried to speak to her she was the duty doctor at her hospital, which entails a 24 hour shift with occasional naps if there is a moment free.

She sent me this message: “The situation in Catalonia is pretty critical and in my hospital the number of cases rises each day.

“We are not in the same situation as we were in April, when there are more patients than we have capacity to treat. However, I think we are an exception given that the situation in other hospitals is more complicated.

“We expect the situation to get much worse in a few weeks.”

In Madrid, Dr Sara Alcantara, a specialist in intensive care, works at the 700-bed Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro.

Back at the height of the first wave, she said she believed many more people had died from COVID-19 than were being reflected in official figures.

“There are two problems: They are not testing all the people who die. And it is not the same dying from coronavirus as dying with coronavirus,” she told me then.

“There are people who, for example, are dying from a brain haemorrhage who also had coronavirus. Some are being counted as dying from coronavirus whereas that is not the reason for their deaths.”

Now, Dr Alcantara says though the situation is nowhere near as bad as it was in April but there are tough months ahead.

One hundred of the hospital's 700 beds are being used to treat coronavirus patients. Of these, eighteen out of the 22 intensive care beds are being used by COVID-19.

“Some of my colleagues say they wake up in the middle of the night and worry how we are going to be able to treat all these patients,” she said.

“This situation is not as bad as it was in April in that we can cope – at the moment – but it is going to get worse with the start of winter and more patients coming with flu.”

Dr Alcantara viewed the prospect of a second lockdown with mixed feelings.

“Undoubtedly it would make things easier for us as medical practitioners as the number of patients suffering from COVID-19 would decrease. On the other hand, I am also a citizen. I realise that this would mean great hardship for many people who may die of hunger,” she said.

Some public health experts have said the government is correct to wait and see if case numbers fall as a result of a nationwide curfew and other restrictions imposed last week.

“Home confinement is very restrictive with respect to people's freedoms. I think it is appropriate to give the measures already applied a little more time and assess whether they are working,” Andrea Burrón, the spokesperson of the Spanish Public Health Association, told El Pais newspaper.

The death toll from coronavirus reached 38,118 on Wednesday, after the government revised its methodology for recording infections and fatalities. It was a sharp rise from the unrevised figure on Tuesday of 36,495. The tally of infections now stands at 1,284,408 cases.

But Dr Rafael Bengoa, a former director of the World Health Organisation and adviser to President Barack Obama, believes unless there is a sharp reduction in infections, a full lockdown is only weeks away.

“It's a necessary move to ensure control of the second wave. The numbers are so high it will be necessary for it to last longer than in other countries. It is also really important to use these next few weeks to reinforce isolation processes so these work the next time around after the fall (of infections) in the second wave,” he told me.

“We must not repeat the lack of outbreak control which happened after the first wave.”

Dr Bengoa said Spain should follow the lead of France and impose a lockdown while allowing children to continue to go to school, which should last for about three weeks.



Graham Keeley is a Spain-based freelance journalist who covered the country for The Times from 2008 to 2019. Follow him on Twitter @grahamkeeley





Member comments

  1. Since San Joan de Deu is a specialist pediatric hospital you’re unlikely to see a full picture there. Try Vall d’Hebron for a big general hospital in a poorer area where people HAVE to go to work rather than work from home.

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Respiratory infections soar in Spain over Christmas as hospitals struggle

Cases of viral respiratory infections such as flu, Covid and bronchitis have shot up over the past few weeks in Spain, putting an enormous strain on hospitals across the country and causing a severe lack of beds.

Respiratory infections soar in Spain over Christmas as hospitals struggle

Winter colds and flu are common, but this year Spain has seen a spike in cases of three different viruses – flu, Covid and bronchitis at the same time.

This comes after the festive and New Year period with lots of family gatherings and meetings with friends without much thought for social distancing days of the pandemic.

Rise in cases

According to health services, there are 35 percent more cases of these infections than a year ago, a percentage that is expected to continue rising until the third week of January when the epidemic peak will be reached after more gatherings for Three Kings’ Day on January 5th and 6th.

In a period of seven days, the rates of flu have gone from 532 to 908 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The cases of Covid have also grown from 12.6 percent to 13.6 percent.

The Health Minister, Monica García has published a message on social media reminding the public of the importance of getting vaccinated and maintaining prevention measures, such as ventilating rooms, washing hands and wearing a mask.

The head of the Emergency Department at the Reina Sofía University Hospital in Murcia, explained that the profile of these patients ranges “from young people with flu pathologies who go to the emergency room because health centres have delayed their appointments and people over 80 years old with pneumonia due to the flu who end up being admitted”.

Lack of hospital beds

According to the first vice president of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES), Pascual Piñera, 10 of patients with these infections end up admitted to hospital overnight and one of the biggest problems staff are facing is the severe lack of beds, “They have nowhere to put the sick”, he explained.

The situation is the same all over the country. Red Workers union of the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid has reported that there are 105 patients pending admission and beds in the hallways are in double rows, “which cannot be evacuated if the patient worsens or there is a fire”.

Delays in primary health care 

Acute respiratory infections not only put a strain on hospitals and emergency rooms, but also primary care centres, causing delays and long waiting times for appointments. 

The spokesperson for the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health (FADSP), Marciano Sánchez Bayle, explains that it is generating a “major traffic jam” in the healthcare system “where appointments are made for very late dates”.

Sánchez Bayle cites the case of the Community of Madrid, where he knows that appointments requested in December were not given until the end of January “which further clogs an already saturated system”. 

The need for greater vaccination rates 

Besides the festive period, many health professionals believe that the situation could be improved if more people were getting vaccinated, specifically against the flu. 

Flu vaccination in Spain is far below the WHO recommendations, hovering around 50 percent of the population at risk, when the goal is 75 percent. And the percentage is even lower in the case of children under five.

According to the Ministry of Health, the objectives for vaccination against flu and Covid-19 for the 2023-2024 season are to achieve or exceed vaccination coverage of 75 percent in older people and health workers, as well as 60 percent for pregnant women and people with at-risk conditions.

Amós García Rojas from Spain’s Vaccinology Association believes that after a few years without flu during the Covid pandemic, society has relaxed.

The vaccination campaign has not yet ended, so there’s still time to get yours before the end of the season. The campaign began on October 15th and ends on January 31st.