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What foreigners should be aware of before becoming residents in Spain

Whether you’re a UK citizen who is considering becoming a resident in Spain after Brexit, or a foreigner from another country who wants to make Spain their home, there are several important matters to keep in mind before making the decision.

What foreigners should be aware of before becoming residents in Spain
What should you consider before applying for residency in Spain? Photo: Hyosun Rosy/Unsplash

Spain is for many foreigners and proud Spaniards a country that oozes calidad de vida (quality of life).

In a 2019 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey the country ranked in fourth position globally as the best nation to move to for foreigners, only behind Switzerland, Canada and Singapore.

Respondents already living in Spain gave it sky-high scores for “quality of life”, “physical & mental wellbeing”, “cultural, open and welcoming communities”, “political stability” and “ease of settling in”.

If you’re reading this you may be well aware of all the things Spain has going for it, as well as the great weather, beautiful nature, delicious food and plenty more.

But you may not have considered all the implications that come with committing to Spain as a resident.

To offer some insight into these residency matters, we spoke to Margaret Hauschild Rey, an immigration lawyer whose English-speaking law firm Bennet&Rey in Madrid specialises in everything from civil to property law for its international clientele.

Tax obligations

“Many foreigners are unaware of the tax implications that come with spending long periods of time in Spain,” Hauschild Rey explains.

“Spanish authorities consider you to be a tax resident if you spend more than 180 days a year in the country.

“And it’s not just older people who are higher earners who have to be aware of this, young people who come to Spain to spend time with a partner don’t usually consider this.”

“Our advice is to speak to a fiscal adviser who is familiar with the tax systems of both Spain and the foreigner’s home country – whenever possible – if they want to get a full picture of how taxes and fiscal responsibilities compare.

“For example, there is a clause in Spain’s Civil Code which states that a third of someone’s inheritance must go to their family heirs (legítima) whereas in the UK this does not exist.”


You can’t spend too much time outside of Spain 

“Foreigners who are thinking of becoming residents in Spain are sometimes unaware that they can’t spend more than 6 months outside of Spain in one year without losing their residency rights,” Hauschild Rey says.

Over the five-year validity period if the temporary residency card, the sum of these periods outside Spain can’t exceed one year.

When after five years of continuous residency in Spain you are issued a permanent residency card, the limit for the maximum continuous time spent outside of the EU (not just Spain) is 12 months.

For foreigners with a “family member of an EU citizen” card this absence period can be longer and there are also other extenuating circumstances such as pregnancy, study or serious family matters which can lead to more leniency for all residency cards.

Costly health insurance

“A lot of foreigners know that unless you have access to public healthcare through social security contributions, you’re going to have to get private medical insurance,” Hauschild Rey explains.

“What they haven’t always necessarily factored in before committing to residency in Spain is how difficult it can be to obtain private health cover that’s well-priced or even available, especially for seniors or those with pre-existing health conditions”.


The town of Frigiliana near Málaga. Hyosun Rosy/Unsplash

Financial resources

“Foreigners from non-EU countries who haven’t come to Spain with a job and who don’t intend to work will have to prove they have sufficient income to take care of themselves and their dependants without being a burden to the state,” Hauschild Rey says.

“There isn’t an exact amount given by Spanish authorities but from my experience it’s upwards of €30,000, although the figure can vary. Obviously the more assets you can prove the better.

“After December 31st 2020, the financial requirements for British people choosing to become residents in Spain have become the same as they are for Americans, Russians, Chinese and any other non-EU national.

“Our advice to them back then was obviously to make the move to Spain and the residency application before the end of the transition period.”


A long wait to gain Spanish citizenship

Foreigners who have legally resided in Spain for ten years can apply for Spanish citizenship, aside from nationals of South American countries and other nations such as Portugal and the Philippines which have historical ties to Spain who can apply after two years.

“Before the coronavirus pandemic, the average processing time for citizenship applications was one and a half to two years, in some cases up to three years,” Hauschild Rey recalls.

That means that getting citizenship in Spain can take at least twice as long as it does for third-country nationals residing in other EU nations such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.

“In the summer of 2019 we managed to process some citizenship applications much faster as there was extra staff employed by the government to help with the Sephardic Jews’ applications, but this is now coming to an end.

“Covid and Brexit are undoubtedly slowing things down.”


The lack of dual nationality

Dual nationality in Spain is only available to the countries with historical ties mentioned above.

That means that an American, Australian or British person would have to technically renounce their own nationality for Spanish citizenship, “in the eyes of the Spanish law” as Hauschild Rey explains.

“Although the foreigner’s country of origin may not require them to have to notify authorities of the obtainment of Spanish nationality or to have to renounce their original passport, from Spain’s legal point of view you cannot have two citizenships.

“So if Spanish authorities detect that you’re using a passport other than your Spanish one, they might get in touch.” 


Member comments

  1. I would be interested in why Hauschild Rey states:

    “When after five years of continuous residency in Spain you are issued a permanent residency card, the maximum continuous time spent outside the country is 12 months and no more than 30 months of absence over a five-year period (no more than 6 months in each year).”

    when the Ley Orgánica 4/2000, de 11 de enero Artículo 32 / Residencia de larga duración / 5. La extinción de la residencia de larga duración se producirá en los casos siguientes/ c. mentions only the 12 consecutive months but makes no reference to an aggregated period over 5 years.

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EXPLAINED: When you can exchange visas in Spain

There are several different types of visas and residency permits you can get to be able to live and work in Spain, but what happens when your situation changes and you want to exchange your visa for a different one?

EXPLAINED: When you can exchange visas in Spain

There are many different reasons you may want to exchange the type of visa or residency permit you have. Perhaps you’re on a student visa and have completed your studies, but still want to be able to stay in Spain. Or maybe you’ve been on a one-year non-lucrative visa, but can no longer afford not to work and want to exchange it for one where you’re allowed to work. 

Read on to find out which visas are possible to exchange and which are not. 

Student Visa to Digital Nomad Visa 

The simple answer is yes, it is possible to exchange your student visa for the new Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) that first became available last year. This will, however, depend on your individual circumstances and what job you plan on doing.

Firstly, in order to apply for DNV you must either have a degree from the field you want to work remotely in or have three years’ work experience in that industry. If you’ve just finished your studies this could be possible, but if you were studying something different, it could prove difficult.

If you are an older student, you could definitely have three years’ work experience in the industry you want to work in or you may have gained the experience working part-time in Spain while on your student visa.

Secondly, you must make sure you have worked for the company that hired you for a remote role for a minimum of three months before you apply for the DNV. The main caveat is that the company has to be registered outside of Spain as you are not eligible for the DNV if more than 20 percent of your income comes from inside Spain. This means that you will have to secure a remote job in another country while still on your student visa, making sure that you stick to the 30 hours a week you’re allowed to work.

Non-Lucrative Visa to Work Permit or Self-Employed

Being in Spain on the Non-Lucrative Visa or NLV can prove to be expensive because you’re not allowed to work, but have to prove you have a significant amount of savings or passive income. If you want to stay in Spain, beyond the initial year, you may be considering a different residency permit. Luckily, you can exchange it for a work permit or self-employed permit in a process called residence modification.

During your last few months on the non-lucrative visa, you are able to apply for jobs in Spain, which may give you the possibility of being granted a work permit. There are many prerequisites, including having lived in Spain for a year and being offered a pre-employment contract.

You could also decide to become self-employed at set up your own business. In order to do this you will need to meet the requirements that current legislation requires for opening and operating your chosen business. You will also need to sign up to the autónomo system, pay your own social security fees and submit your taxes five times a year.

READ ALSO: Should I change my non-lucrative visa for another residency permit in Spain?

Student Visa to Work Permit or Self-Employed

If you’re living in Spain on a student visa, then it’s relatively straightforward to exchange it for a work permit or become self-employed, if you want to be able to stay longer. The main requirement is that you have to have lived in Spain for three consecutive years, before you exchange it. This means, it’s really only possible for those who are doing a long-term course, such as a degree at a Spanish university. If you’re simply here for a year doing a language course, then it won’t be possible.

If you have been here for three years on a student visa, you have two options – the first is to find a job and become an employee by getting a work permit and the second is to become self-employed. If you opt for the first, the easiest way is to get a job offer and apply for the permit that way. Because you’ve already had a student visa and been here three years, it will be easier for companies to hire you as they won’t have to prove that there isn’t anyone from Spain or the EU that can do it first or that they have a shortage of professionals who can carry it out.

If you want to exchange it for a self-employment permit, you will have to present a business plan in order to get approval and prove you have the correct qualifications and experience to carry it out. If approved, then you will typically sign up to the autónomo system.

Student Visa to Entrepreneur Visa

Student visas are the easiest visas to modify in Spain, meaning you have many different options to exchange them if you want to stay longer. The Entrepreneur VisaVisado de Emprendedor is another option that will allow you to stay for a period of three years (with the option of exchanging or extending). It is, however, slightly more complicated to exchange to than simply getting a work permit or becoming self-employed.

The Entrepreneur Visa is especially for those who want to set up a business considered to be innovative with a special economic interest for Spain. Unlike becoming just an autónomo, you must agree to be able to create employment opportunities for locals in the future. You could also in theory exchange your NLV for an entrepreneur visa too, provided you can prove that you haven’t done any work while you’ve been living in Spain for the year on your NLV.

Non-Lucrative Visa to Digital Nomad Visa

It may sound confusing, but you can now actually exchange your NLV for a DNV too. Even though you are not allowed to work while on the NLV, you can actually decide to change it for a DNV, so that you will be allowed to work remotely either for a company or for yourself via clients. The Unidad de Grandes Empresas (UGE), the body that deals directly with DNV applications, has confirmed this is possible and The Local has heard of people who have successfully done this too. The only thing to remember is that no more than 20 percent of your income can come from inside Spain once you change over.