‘Just so fun to say’: Are these the best Swiss German words to learn?

From Abfallsackgebühr to Znüni, Swiss German has a long list of charming and unique words. Readers of The Local Switzerland weighed in on some of their faves.

Restaurant Chuchichäschtli in Switzerland
Chuchichäschtli came out on top in a poll of Local readers favourite words. What is your fave? Von Kecko from Switzerland (Rheintal SG) - Andermatt - Schwiizerdütsch, CC BY 2.0

One thing that confounds new arrivals to German-speaking Switzerland is the long and extensive range of words which are unique in the Swiss German language. 

Even fluent, native German speakers can have trouble with words like Büezer, while high German words like Ausland take on a slightly different meaning in the Alpine nation

In August, the Local Switzerland reached out to our readers to get their views on their favourite Swiss German words. 

Almost all of them said that not only do they use the word, they use it when speaking English – such is the impact it’s had on their vocabulary. 

From Abfallsackgebühr to Znüni, Swiss German has a long list of charming and unique words. What’s your fave?

Posted by The Local Switzerland on Thursday, August 6, 2020

With around 20 responses, here are some of their highlights. 

READ: Nine surprising Swiss German words you need to know 


Although there was a diverse array of entrants, Chuchichäschtli was the most popular word among Local readers. 

The word, which means kitchen cupboard or little kitchen cupboard is almost impossible for foreigners – including High German speakers – to get their mouth around, but this didn’t hamper its popularity. 

On Facebook, Jackie Amey said the word was her “dad’s favourite”. “He was English and he learned how to say it”. 

READ MORE: Seven English words Swiss Germans get delightfully wrong 

Margaret Weber and Sharon Baur also selected the word as their fave. 


In close second was Gruetzi, which is a simple Swiss German greeting. 

Denise, from Canada, said it was her favourite word because it was “So Swiss”. 


While Fägnäscht only appeared once in the list – nominated by reader Andrea – it places highly because of its double meaning. 

Fägnäscht as a noun means a mess or an untidy situation, while when used as a verb, fägnäschte means “to fidget or move around restlessly”. 

READ: Five Swiss German phrases to make you sound like a local 

For anyone with Swiss German children, this word – in either verb or noun form – probably gets a fairly heavy rotation. 


This word makes an appearance in our list not simply because of the explanation one of our readers chose in nominating it. 

Klaus told us he voted for Löli because “you can use it on many politicians without insulting them”. 

For anyone who doesn’t know, Löli is not a nice word to describe a politician – or indeed anyone. 

It means a “clumsy, stupid person”, which might be insulting but is unlikely to be the worst thing that a politician has heard. 


Rob told us that his favourite word was Schätzli, although his explanation left us a little confused. 

Schätzli means little treasure in Swiss German and is therefore an idea word to have close to the top of any list.

But when asked why, Rob said “it just sounds so affectionate – ‘little cat!’”, which makes us think he was referring to Chätzli. 

Either way, great choices. 

Honourable mentions

Tiffany Rodel was unable to pick her favourite Swiss German word, saying it was a tie between äuä and tip-top because both “are just so fun to say”. 

While tip-top might be self-explanatory, äuä is a Bernese word which loosely translates to “really” or “Come on, you must be kidding!”

Amber said her favourite word was “Zvieri” – afternoon snack – but was less forthcoming in explaining why, only telling us in High German “that it’s always good to eat something”. 

We can’t agree more, Amber. 

A lack of imagination 

Most respondents got back to us seriously. But as with any internet poll, there’s bound to be a few smart Alecs.

Max Bork told us via Facebook that his fave word was Bier, while Muhyadin Usman echoed this by saying Fierabig, the Swiss German version of Feierabend – which refers to the feeling and temporal space one is in when they finish work. 

(We’ll assume that with their powers combined they’d choose the very appropriate word Feierabendbier – which is exactly what it sounds like).  

Other words nominated by readers 

We weren’t able to feature all of the words nominated by our readers, but here are some of the better ones which didnt make the list. 

Cheib: Rascal, mean person

Güselchübel: Moving van, garbage can or good friend (yeah, this one confuses us too). 

Chrüsimüsi: Literally meaning ‘I need to be crucified’, this refers to a chaotic mess one can find oneself in. 

Trottel: Not unlike Löli (see above), this refers to a clumsy or dumb person. 

This article was originally published in August 2020. 

Member comments

  1. My mother (from the Emmenthal) used an expression which translates as “pulls the holes in your socks together” for something which tastes tart or sour, Does anyone know it?

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Putsch: How one Swiss German word became known around the world

Swiss German is notoriously difficult for many people to understand, even those who speak 'Hochdeutsch'. But there is a famous term that has made it into the global vocabulary.

Putsch: How one Swiss German word became known around the world

Swiss Germans are incredibly proud of their wide variety of dialects, known as Schwyzerdütsch.

But it’s fair to say that these dialects are not well known outside of Switzerland. In fact, even some High German speakers struggle with understanding Swiss German. 

But according to a report in Swiss newspaper Blick, there is a famous word used in other languages that actually originated from Swiss German. 

And no, it isn’t Müesli, which is probably the most famous Swiss German export.

READ ALSO: Swiss German vs Hochdeutsch: What are the key differences? 

The word is ‘putsch’, which many people around the world use in a political context to mean a coup, or an attempt to overthrow a government.

According to the report, ‘putsch’ originated from the Zurich dialect of the 19th century.


At that time in Zurich, putsch meant knock, thrust, clash, bang or push.

This type of clash happened in Zurich’s Paradeplatz on September 6th 1839. It involved thousands of members of the rural conservative population who stormed against the liberal rule of the city of Zurich.

The insurgents saw the position of the church threatened, feared for their traditions and felt abandoned by the government and townspeople.

The putsch, which was led by Pastor Bernhard Hirzel, cost the lives of 14 insurgents and a member of the government council. The Zurich government abdicated, and the rebels celebrated this as a success. In the long run, however, the uprising had no effect.

A painting shows fighting during the Züriputsch 1839.

A painting shows fighting during the Züriputsch in 1839. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Zentralbibliothek Zürich

The events received a lot of attention abroad. German newspapers reported on the ‘Züriputsch’. In France and Britain, reports spoke of “le putsch” or “the putsch” in Switzerland.

In the decades after 1839, the term gained popularity. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, it became even more well known in English around the Kapp Putsch of 1920, when Wolfgang Kapp and his right-wing supporters attempted to overthrow the German Weimar government.

Putsch attempts were common in Weimar Germany, so the word appeared often in the stories of British journalists who described the events

Adolf Hitler’s attempt to gain power with the National Socialists in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich on November 9th 1923 went down in history as the “Hitler Putsch” or “Beer Hall Putsch”. These events helped the Swiss German word achieve a global breakthrough.

READ ALSO: Why November 9th is a fateful day in German history

In 1958 and 1961, when sections of the French military campaigned for Algeria to remain part of France, they revolted against the government in Paris. The resistance failed both times and the North African country became independent in 1962. The events found their way into the French history books as the “putsch d’Alger” and the “putsch des généraux”.

In recent history, former US President Donald Trump’s supporters tried to enact a putsch in Washington DC in January 2021. In neighbouring Germany, a group of far-right extremists were arrested in a suspected plot to overthrow the government in December 2022. And in June this year, the leader of the Russian Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, failed in a revolt against the Russian government.

So if this word is part of your vocabulary then congratulations – you already speak (a little) Schwyzerdütsch.