Spanish word of the day: ‘Enchufe’

Beyond its most literal meaning, this word describes something Spaniards hate but often take full advantage of.

Spanish word of the day: 'Enchufe'
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Wisegie/Flickr

Why do I need to know this word?

“Enchufe” means socket or power outlet and it can also refer to the plug from the electrical device itself which you plug in.

But this word has a much more powerful meaning in Spanish, referring to a whole concept, one which is prevalent in Spanish work culture.

To have “enchufe” means to have friends in high places, when you get a job because of a friend or family member you know who recommends you or straight up puts you in the position.

It’s also the act of using the influence you have over an organisation or person to gain favours, so “enchufe” can also mean you get free tickets for a concert or for who you know or picked for the football team because your dad is the coach.

The practice can be described in a colloquial way as “enchufismo” and the person who benefits from it based on his or her network is “enchufado” (plugged in its most literal sense, but in this case meaning set up in a job or favoured).

Headline in La Sexta reads “Ciudadanos Party proposes an “anti-favouritism” law to prevent “setting up friends in jobs” in Spanish politics. 

It’s an important word to know if you’re part of a Spanish work environment but also because it describes how things go when it comes to employment in Spain.

According to a 2019 report, there are 1.1 million family businesses in Spain, representing 89 percent of the country’s total.

Whereas it may make some sense to keep work in the family if a company is small and local, you don’t have to look far to find reports of “enchufismo” in huge Spanish businesses such as supermarket chain Mercadona and departments stores El Corte Inglés.

Spain’s notoriously dire employment market and the fact that extra qualifications don’t necessarily lead to a job, means that meritocracy is often second to “enchufe”.

Who can I use this word with?

Perhaps everyone except your boss. It’s colloquial and often has a negative connotation but it’s widely used in work environments and elsewhere.

That doesn’t mean that if you remind someone they got a job due to “enchufe” that they’ll appreciate it.

They’re more likely to prefer it if you call them a “trepa” (an upstart) or “buscavidas” (self-starter), even if it’s not true.

Can you give me some examples?

Ha conseguido el puesto de trabajo por enchufe. El jefe es su tío.

He got the job because of connections. His uncle is the boss.

El enchufismo está muy extendido en la política y el sector financiero español.

String-pulling/Nepotism is rife in Spain’s political and financial systems.

Es una enchufada. No tiene ni idea de derecho internacional.

She’s a well-connected person. She doesn’t have a clue about international law. 



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Spanish Expression of the Day: A ver

Most conversations in Spain are likely to include ‘a ver’ at some point. So what meanings does this handy expression have?

Spanish Expression of the Day: A ver

A ver, literally meaning ‘to see’, serves two main purposes in Spanish. 

Firstly, it can express expectation or interest in knowing or seeing something, like ‘let’s see’ in English. 

So you might say ¿a ver? in an interrogative manner in anticipation while opening a letter or birthday present, before looking through some binoculars or as you peer over a wall to see what’s happening.

Secondly, a ver can also be used to get the attention of another person before saying something to them, asking them a question or giving them an order, such as saying ‘right then’, ‘now’, ‘I mean’, ‘the thing is’ or ‘OK’ in English.

It’s an extremely common interjection in Spanish, spliced into conversation as often as es que, o sea or en plan when Spaniards try to express themselves.

A ver used in the two above senses goes at the start of the sentence, and in the case of a ver as in ‘let’s see’ it can stand on its own without having to add any extra information.

A ver isn’t colloquial but you usually only encounter its use in spoken Spanish and not written down.

That may explain why many Spaniards wrongly assume that a ver is written haber, the infinitive ‘to have’ form in Spanish. They’re pronounced exactly the same, so it’s somewhat understandable.

A ver can also be used in different Spanish sentence constructions, as in vamos a ver la película, ‘we’re going to see the film’ or a ver si hay suerte, ‘let’s see if we get lucky’ or ‘let’s hope we get lucky’.

All in all, adding a ver to your spoken Spanish is likely to make you sound more native, and getting its usage right isn’t too difficult overall.


– ¡Mira! Esta noche hay luna llena.

– ¿A ver?

– Look! There’s a full moon tonight!

– Let’s see?

¡A ver si España gana la Eurocopa!

¡Let’s hope Spain wins the Euro!

¡A ver! ¡Basta ya de tonterías!

Right! Enough of this nonsense!

¡A ver, niños! ¿Cuántas patas tiene una araña?

Now, children! How many legs does a spider have?

A ver, es una persona muy complicada.

The thing is, he’s a very complicated person.