‘I was terrified’: Americans travel via UK to France to avoid travel restrictions

Travel from the US to France is heavily restricted but many Americans are making the trip across the Atlantic via the UK, often to be reunited with French partners.

'I was terrified': Americans travel via UK to France to avoid travel restrictions
A passenger carries her luggage as she gets off a Eurostar train. Photo: AFP

After months of lockdown, on July 1st the EU reopened its borders to non-essential travellers from 14 countries. The United States, however, was excluded from the “safe list”, leaving Americans to cancel their summer travel plans to France.

Since then nothing has changed with the border between US and France effectively closes with only certain people allowed to enter including those on student visas, permanent residents or those travelling for “imperative family reasons”.

But some Americans have managed to avoid the rules and travelled to France without having to obey its travel restrictions.

Alexander, 44, a lawyer who lives in New York, had been trying to get to Paris to be with his French partner, whom he hadn’t seen since March.

Despite promises from France's Secretary of State in charge of tourism, there still isn’t a clear procedure in place that allows couples where one person resides in France and the other in a non-EU country, to reunite on French territory.

After several attempts to obtain what is called a “laissez passer” travel pass that would allow him to travel directly to France, Alexander started reading posts on social media of people who had managed to get to France via the UK.

No quarantine 

Unlike the countries in the Schengen area, the UK does not have restrictions for travellers from the US. Visitors from America can still enter the country so long as they agree to self-isolate for two weeks.

But the quarantine does not apply to those only passing through the UK to get to another country, including those in Europe that have imposed a travel ban on travellers from the US. Travellers are permitted to go straight between ports (such as from the airport to Eurostar) without self-isolating. All they have to do is fill out a Public Health Passenger Locator Form

“We decided this is it,” Alexander told The Local.

“We were intending to spend a lot of time together in August, and then we were supposed to spend the entire month in September in New York. So when I saw people were doing it I just booked a ticket to London.”

READ ALSO: France's failure to act leaves long-distance lovers 'heartbroken'

To be safe, Alexander put together a few documents including a copy of his partner’s passport and a letter from him stating that he would be able to quarantine at his home in Paris.

From August 15th, arrivals to the UK from France must go into a 14-day quarantine, or risk a £1,000 (€1,105) fine. Travellers must provide their contact details and may be subject to checks. 

The French government threatened to retaliate, but still hasn’t announced new rules for those arriving from the UK.

When France imposed a quarantine on travellers from UK during the first wave of infections in the spring, this was only advisory and there were no sanctions in place for those who broke the rules.


No Covid-19 test required

In July France had further tightened its entry rules for travellers from the US by requiring they take a Covid-19 test before they make their journey. As of August 5th, all travellers from the US, including French residents and French citizens, must present a negative result from a Covid-10 test taken within the previous 72 hours in order to be allowed onto the plane.

Getting a test in the US can be very difficult due to long waiting times and delayed results, but Alexander managed to get a test result within 72 by paying $130 for a test at a lab facilitated by the French consulate in New York.

The UK, however, does not require a negative Covid test before you board the plane. 

“I did the test because I didn’t want to be in a position where I’m putting anyone in danger,” Alexander said. “But nobody asked me for it.”

Alexander boarded the plane at JFK airport, and was told by the flight crew that he would have to fill out an online Passenger Locator Form, where he had to set up an account, provide details relating to his trip and indicate whether he was either in transit or staying in the UK.

Despite not having to prove his reasons for travel or provide much documentation, Alexander said he was still very worried that something would go wrong along the way. 

“I really was terrified,” he said. 

“First I thought they weren’t going to let me into the UK, and then I didn’t think they would let me onto the Eurostar. But none of it happened.”

He is planning on taking the same route in reverse to return to New York.

Though he said he understands that people should adhere to travel restrictions put in place to stop the spread of infection, he argued that reuniting couples who are not married should be considered essential travel.

Alexander said he feels lucky because not everyone who is separated from loved ones is able to make the journey, particularly those in countries where you require a visa. 

Ultimately, he said, what pushed him to make the journey was the French government’s slowness in providing the travel pass, the first of which are expected to be issued this week.

“We were separated for 165 days. This is not because I wanted to go on holiday to Corsica, it’s because I hadn’t seen my partner in a really long time. And it has a psychological impact, not just on me but also my partner who is a French citizen.”

Success stories but also cautionary tales

Alexander is far from the only American who has travelled to France and other European countries via the UK.

Several Franco-American couples have been sharing how they managed to make it to France via the UK on Facebook groups for couples who are trying to reunite with their loved ones in France.

Posts detail all the documents and precautions Americans should take when travelling.

Those sharing their experiences or asking for advice generally make sure they have a negative Covid-19 test before they travel, as well as any other documents that could help them prove they have a good reason to board a plane. But many say they made it to France without having to use them.

Aside from France, Americans have also been using the UK route to get to other countries like Spain and Italy, which have also excluded the US from their safe lists.

But not all those who made it advise others to take the same risk.

One US traveler told The Local described his journey to Italy via the UK as a “costly gamble”.

“I thought everything was okay until I reached Rome. Travelers from the UK are required to go through Italian passport control, and the officer stopped me from entering.  They escorted me to a backroom where I spent the next hour being asked for various documents including my Italian marriage certification.”

“Getting to Italy now is a huge costly gamble even with all the correct forms and documents,” he said, adding that “the underlying problem is the lack of organization.”

Please note The Local is not able to advise on specific cases – please contact your embassy for official guidance.




Member comments

  1. “Though he said he understands that people should adhere to travel restrictions put in place to stop the spread of infection, he argued that reuniting couples who are not married should be considered essential travel.”

    “We were separated for 165 days. This is not because I wanted to go on holiday to Corsica, it’s because I hadn’t seen my partner in a really long time. And it has a psychological impact, not just on me but also my partner who is a French citizen.”

    So the rules should apply unless they don’t fit his circumstances because he hadn’t seen his partner for 165 days. There are many occupations which separate loved ones for long periods and certainly longer than 165 days. Alexander, needs to grow up and move out of his self entitled bubble.

  2. Correct Kris. These people should grow up and start to live in the real world. When setting up new businesses in America I was separated from my wife for well over a year and this was before Skype etc was ever thought of.

  3. I agree, if it’s any sort of relationship it should be able to last out an enforced separation. It seems to me that people who complain about restrictions or think they shouldn’t apply to themselves are generally the first to complain when things get bad. Still on the bright side, it gives themselves some insight into the tens of thousands of service personnel and their spouses separated during war time.

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Paris night-trains to Berlin and Vienna suspended for summer works

The recently-inaugurated night trains between the European capitals of Paris, Berlin and Vienna will be suspended for two months for important works, officials have said.

Paris night-trains to Berlin and Vienna suspended for summer works

The sleeper service between the capitals of France and Germany was reinstated last December after not running for nearly a decade – but just months later, the overnight rail service will be halted for essential works.

French rail operator SNCF said: “Between August 12th and October 26th, SNCF Réseau will carry out major works on the Epernay-Château-Thierry section of the French rail network, which will prevent night trains from running as smoothly as possible.

“At the same time, various works will be taking place in Germany along the Berlin-Mannheim line, notably between Halle and Eisenach, which could lead to detours and longer journey times.” 

This work will also mean that connections between Vienna and Brussels are suspended.

“Transporters have sought alternative solutions in conjunction with infrastructure managers, but all of them create risks of irregularity or even unexpected cancellations … due to a lack of alternative routes and the possibility of bypass”, explains SNCF.

“Based on these findings, and in order to avoid significant train cancellations, significant delays and other inconveniences for our customers, the partners of the Nightjet offer have decided to implement a temporary interruption of the lines.”

SNCF said that no customers were affected, because no tickets had been sold on the night trains over the affected period.

The Nightjet service between Vienna and Brussels is not affected by this interruption and will continue to operate three times a week as usual.

Closed in 2014, the 13-hour night train service between Paris and Berlin reopened on December 11th, 2023, and was championed as a revival of sleeper services, a means of transport which is coming back into favour due to its lower climate impact.

The line is operated by Deutsche Bahn, SNCF and ÖBB which supplies the “Nightjet” rolling stock, which offer superior comfort to the night trains offered by the SNCF.

However, since this relaunch it has been the victim of numerous problems leading to significant delays. 

Work carried out on the infrastructure should precisely offer “a better quality of service with more robustness for train circulation,” SNCF said.

“There is strong demand for night train travel in Europe and ÖBB plans to continue investing in new and higher-capacity trains.”

The Paris-Vienna night train was relaunched in 2021, although Covid-related travel restrictions meant that the service initially struggled to attract passengers. Since then it has become a popular overnight route.

READ ALSO Where can you get a night train from Paris?