The Italian words and phrases we’ve learned during the coronavirus crisis

From bureaucratic terms to everyday phrases, here's some of the Italian vocabulary we're now using due to Covid-19.

The Italian words and phrases we've learned during the coronavirus crisis
Tutto andrà bene – everything will be alright - became the unofficial motto of Italy's coronavirus lockdown. Photo: AFP
In the early stages of the pandemic, we listed the essential vocabulary you’d need to follow the latest Italian news reports on coronavirus. But since then, we’ve picked up quite a few more words and phrases.
Here’s a quick look at some of the virus-related Italian expressions which, though we had probably never used most them before, have become part of everyday speech.
Tampone – No sniggering at the back. While the idea of having a tampone up your nose can sound quite alarming, the word means “swab test” and, though not particularly nice, it’s nothing to worry about. As more proactive testing is key to Italy’s strategy for keeping future Covid outbreaks under control, don’t be surprised if you keep seeing this one pop up in headlines for weeks and months to come.
Decreto – Along with a few medical terms, everyone had to quickly pick up a bit of bureaucratic lingo as the crisis unfolded. As the Italian prime minister issued one decreto emergenza (emergency decree) after another, the word not only dominated headlines but conversations as people discussed – or grumbled about – the latest rule-changes contained within. It’s hoped that Italy’s August decree was the last in the series.
Giuseppe Conte, the Italian prime Minister, bcame known for his Saturday night decreto announcements. Photo: AFP
Focolaio – Many of us might never have learned the word focolaio if it weren’t for the coronavirus pandemic. It comes from the Latin focus, meaning ‘fireplace’ (the same root gave Italian its word for fire, fuoco). So un focolaio is quite literally ‘a hotspot’. It’s often used in Italian news reports to talk about outbreaks or clusters of new coronavirus cases.
Smart working – It may not be Italian, but only Italians use this phrase when talking about working from home, or remote work. The concept was virtually unheard of in Italy before, and so perhaps there was no suitable Italian expression at hand when almost all workplaces were suddenly shut down in March. Either way it’s something many people in Italy, as elsewhere, have had to get used to.
Lockdown – We English speakers didn’t have to learn the italian word for “lockdown”, as Italians started using ours. The noun “lockdown” could translate to blocco or isolamento, while some called it il confinamento. Still, the English word is used overwhelmingly often in Italian media, specifically in relation to the national shutdown, or the threat of a new one in future; un nuovo lockdown.
Autodichiarazione – This word, meaning “self-declaration,” became central to life during lockdown as we had to dutifully fill out various, ever-changing forms in order to leave the house. Other forms of autodichiarazione were also required when travelling to other regions, or abroad. It might also be referred to as an autocertificazione or attestazione, but it cna be used to talk about any document on which you “self-certify” something (in this case, that you were aware of the rules.)
Italian police checking autodichiarazione forms at a road checkpoint in April. Photo: AFP
Multa – a fine. Fines for things like bad parking are sadly nothing new to most of us in Italy, but una multa Covid is a rather more serious matter. At the height of lockdown you could be fined up to 3,000 euros for breaking rules aimed at containing the spread of the virus – rising to 5,000 in Lombardy. Those are now a thing of the past but, at the moment, police hand out 400-euro fines to those who refuse to follow rules on wearing masks in public places.
Congiunti – They’re your relatives – but which ones, exactly? Italians themselves were frantically Googling the meaning of this word after one vaguely-phrased decreto in April said people could visit their congiunti, but no-one else. The Italian government then offered its own definition: i congiunti, official sources said, should be considered “relations, in-laws, spouses, cohabitants, long-term partners and loved ones”. Without lockdown, it’s probably not one most of us would know.
Denunciare – Italian news reports are always full of people who have been denunciato, or reported, for various crimes. And never more so than during Covid times. Here’s a detailed look at how to use this verb in Italian.
Lamentarsi – to complain, moan, or grumble. Italian has a lot of words for complaining, including the more poetic-sounding mormorare or brontolare. But this is the one you might hear most often, as in: si lamentava delle regole (she complained about the rules).
Andrà tutto bene – finally, one you may know even if you didn’t spend lockdown in Italy. Pictures and banners bearing the slogan andrà tutto bene – everything will be alright – were plastered all over windows, balconies and Italian social media at one point, as people sought to reassure each other and brighten up long days spent at home.
Which new Italian words and phrases have you learned during the coronavirus crisis? If there’s one we should add to the list please email and let us know.

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7 things you should know about the Italian language

With its musicality and large vocabulary, Italian is one of the most fascinating languages on the planet. But do you know everything about it?

7 things you should know about the Italian language

Italian is frequently considered as one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Its musicality, intonations and smoothness make it one of the most poetic languages out there. 

This Romance language is spoken by 67 million native speakers across the globe and it’s the official language of Italy, San Marino, The Vatican (along with Latin) and Switzerland (along with German, French, and Romansh). While the Italian language, like all Romance languages, derives from Vulgar Latin, Italy’s standard form is based on the Florentine dialect from hundreds of years ago.

Though standard Italian existed prior to the Unification of Italy in 1861, Italians themselves identified more strongly with their regional dialects, a lot of which are still in existence today.

Television played a crucial role in Italians learning the language: in the 1960s, national broadcaster RAI aired Non è mai troppo tardi (‘It’s never too late’), a TV programme where Italian teacher Alberto Manzi taught Italian to his audience.

Let’s take a look at some more interesting facts about Italian.

It became Italy’s official language in 2007

Yes, you read that correctly. Exactly 146 years after the country’s unification, Italian was formally written into the constitution as being Italy’s official language. 

There is a 500-year-old institution dedicated to researching Italian

The Accademia della Crusca (literally, ‘Bran Academy’) is a Florence-based institution which focuses on Italian linguistics. Founded by five Florentine men in 1582, the institute claims it wrote the first Italian dictionary (Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca), which was first published in 1612.

The longest Italian word has 30 letters

The word in question is (get ready for it) Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia. It’s a medical term that studies behaviours in response to external stimuli so it is rarely used in everyday speaking. 

Another long word is precipitevolissimevolmente.

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It’s a superlative of the adverb ‘hastily’, or precipitevolmente in Italian. There’s even a proverb with this word: chi troppo in alto sal, cade sovente precipitevolissimevolmente (‘those who climb too high, often fall very hastily’).

Italian is not the majority language in some areas of the country

The northern region of South Tyrol has approximately 520,000 inhabitants. Of those 520,000, around 69 percent use the German language more frequently than the Italian language. Even road signs in some of the areas bordering Austria are in German. 

Another northern region, Aosta Valley, recognises French as an official language. While the ratio of French speakers to Italian speakers is not quite as high as the ratio of German speakers to Italian speakers in South Tyrol, many of the region’s signposts are in both Italian and French.

South Tyrol

A German-Italian sign reading ‘private property’ at the entrance of a vineyard in the small village of St. Michael Eppan, South Tyrol. Photo by Christof STACHE / AFP

The name of a continent comes from Italy

It is generally accepted that the name ‘America’ derives from Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who claimed that the lands fellow explorer Christopher Columbus set sail to in 1492 were in fact part of a separate continent.

A map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller was the first to depict this continent with the name America.

The word ‘volt’ was created by an Italian

Speaking of nouns named after people, Alessandro Volta was an Italian scientist who made a breakthrough in the late 18th century when he created his ‘voltaic pile’ – the first-ever device to provide a steady supply of electricity. His last name is where ‘volt’ (and ‘voltage’) originates from.

READ ALSO: 15 Italian words that change their entire meaning with one letter

There are only 21 letters in the Italian alphabet

The Italian alphabet, which derives from the Latin one, only contains 21 letters. Letters j, k, w, x, and y are not formally included in it, though they can often be found in words of foreign origin.

The above list is non-exhaustive. If you know any other interesting facts about the Italian language, let us know in the comments below.