To B or not to V: How to know which one to use in Spanish

If you speak Spanish or you’re learning the language, you’ll know that the B and the V are pronounced exactly the same, making it really hard to know which one to use when writing. Here are some tips.

To B or not to V: How to know which one to use in Spanish
Photo: montage with photos by Nathan Dumlao and Nathaniel Shuman/Unsplash

At some point during your Spanish language learning, you’ve probably asked yourself “what’s the point of having two letters which sound exactly the same?”.

We get it, it may seem a bit pointless (not forgetting however that English language learners have roughly the same problem with C and K).

But the truth is that having a B and a V in the Spanish alphabet is useful, even if they’re completely indistinguishable in sound (both of them sound more like B, although some Spanish speakers claim there is a very subtle difference).

Here are some homophone words which sound the same but have a different meaning, and can be told apart thanks to having either a B or a V in writing.

Baca: roof rack or luggage rack
Vaca: cow

Barón: baron/magnate
Varón: son, boy

Bello: beautiful
Vello: bodily hair

Basto: rude
Vasto: vast

Tubo: tube or pipe
Tuvo: had (he had/she had)

Hierba: grass
Hierva: boil (subjunctive or formal imperative)

This of course only solves the issue of a few words in Spanish, which by the way according to Spain’s leading language institution RAE has 88,000 words.

Unfortunately, when it comes to knowing if a word is spelt with a B or a V in Spanish, it’s often a case of just having to learn it off by heart.

But there are some rules which can help you with the B vs V conundrum.

Recognising words written with a B:

Words in which the “b” precedes a consonant.
Examples: “bravo”(fierce), “brazo”(arm) or “blanco” (white)

Past perfect verb tenses that end in “aba”, “abas”, “abais”, “aban” and “ábanos”
Examples: “Cocinaba” (cooked), “bailabais” (you danced), “cantaban” (they sang/they used to sing).

Words that include the prefix “bi”, “bis” or “biz”
Examples: “bicampeon” (two-time champion), “bisnieto” (greatgrandson), “bizcocho” (sponge cake).

Verbs that end in “bir”, except for “vivir” (to live), “hervir” (to boil) and “servir” (to serve).
Example: “recibir! (receive), “describir” (to describe), “escribir” (to write).

Words that include the prefix “biblio”, from the Greek work for “book”
Examples: “biblioteca”(library) or “bibliotecario/a” (librarian).

Words that indicate direction
Examples: “arriba” (up), “abajo” (down), “subir” (to go up) and “bajar” (to go down).

The months of the year that include the B/V sound, except for November which like in English has both letters – “noviembre” .
Examples: “diciembre” (December), “febrero” (February)

Words which have the syllable “bra”, “bre”, “bri”, “bro”, “bru”
Examples: “bruja” (witch), “brazalete” (armband), “bronca” (scolding)

Recognising words written with a V:

Words where the B/V sound is preceded by a “b”, “d” or an “n”.
Examples: “obvio” (obvious), “advertir” (to warn) and “envolver” (to wrap)

Words that begin with the prefix “eva”, “eve”, “evi” or “evo”, except for “ébano” (ebony)
Examples: “event” (evento), “evitar” (to avoid), “evolucionar” (evolve).

Numbers that include the B/V sound
Examples: veinte (twenty), noventa (ninety)

Words ending in “viro”, “vira”, “voro” and “vora”, except “víbora” (viper).
Examples: carnívoro (carnivorous), “devorar” (to devour)

Adjectives ending in “ava”, “ave”, “avo”, “eva”, “eve”, “evo” and “iva”, except “árabe” (Arabic/Arab) and its derivatives.
Examples: “octavo” (eighth), “suave” (soft), “adictivo” (addictive)

Words that begin with the prefix “vice” or “villa”
Examples: “vicepresidente” (vice-president), “villancico”(Christmas carol)

Hopefully that makes things a bit clearer and remember you can always blame any typos on the fact that B and V are next to each other on the keyboard.

And as a final consolation, if you are stuck and want to ask a Spanish friend if a word is spelled with a B and V, at least the words to refer to these consonants are clearly different: B is pronounced “b-e” and V is pronounced “u-ve”.

READ MORE: Five fascinating facts you didn’t know about the letter Ñ in Spanish

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¡Ojo! 14 very useful Spanish expressions with the word eye

They say the eyes never lie, and when it comes to the use of ‘ojo’ (eye) in Spanish there are plenty of everyday expressions which will help you become a true native speaker.

¡Ojo! 14 very useful Spanish expressions with the word eye

¡Ojo!: When Spaniards want to say ‘watch out!’ or ‘be careful!’, they say ¡ojo!

There’s also the idiom andarse con ojo, which implies watching your back or treading carefully. And to emphasise this even further, you can say andarse con cien ojos/mil ojos, to walk with 100 eyes or 1,000 eyes!

¡Ojo! El suelo está mojado. 

Watch out! The floor is wet.

Ándate con ojo con Jaime porque tiene fama de traidor. 

Watch your back with Jaime because he’s got a reputation for being a backstabber.

No pegar ojo: To not sleep a wink, used when you’ve been unable to sleep.

Me he pasado toda la noche en vela, no he pegado ojo. 

I’ve been up all night, I didn’t sleep a wink.

Costar un ojo de la cara: The same as saying in English ‘to cost an arm and a leg’, in the sense that something is very expensive or costly.  You can also use valer instead of costar, both mean ‘to cost’.

Pagarle los estudios a mi hijo me ha costado un ojo de la cara. 

Paying for my son’s studies has cost me an arm and a leg.

Mirar por el rabillo del ojo: To look sideways or out of the corner of your eye. 

No se inmutó pero no dejaba de mirarle por el rabillo del ojo.

He didn’t bat an eyelid but he wouldn’t stop looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

Tener ojo de lince: If you’ve got a very keen and observant eye, in English you say you have an eagle eye, but in Spanish you’d say you have a lynx eye. 

María tiene ojo de lince, no se le escapa ninguna. 

María has got a real eagle eye, she doesn’t miss a thing.

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos: Literally meaning in the time it takes to open or close your eyes, this expression is not too dissimilar to its English equivalent – in the blink of an eye – when something happens very quickly. 

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos el ladrón había robado las joyas.

In the blink of an eye the thief had stolen the jewels. 

Mirar con buenos ojos: To look upon someone or something favourably, to have a soft spot for something/someone or to have a positive outlook on something. 

El jefe te mira con buenos ojos aunque llegues tarde al trabajo.

The boss has a soft spot for you even if you’re late for work.

Ser el ojito derecho: If you’re someone’s ‘little right eye’, it means you’re the teacher’s pet. It doesn’t always have to apply to being a teacher’s favourite pupil as it can be used when referring to someone else’s preferred person. There’s also the expression la niña de sus ojos (the apple of somebody’s eye).

Margarita es el ojito derecho de la profe. 

Margarita is the teacher’s pet. 

A ojo: If you do something a ojo, it means you do it blindly or by eye or by guesswork, without knowing exactly.

Estoy calculando cuánta gente hay en la sala a ojo. 

I’m making a rough guess of how many people there are in the room.

Echarle un ojo a: ‘To throw an eye’ in Spanish means to check something out, to have a look at, to look over. It can also mean to keep an eye on or watch over someone or something.

Échale un ojo a este cuadro que he pintado. 

Have a look at this painting I’ve painted. 

Mal de ojo: Evil eye.

La gitana le echó un mal de ojo por no comprarle el romero. 

The gipsy woman cast an evil eye on her for not buying her rosemary. 

No tener ojos en la cara: ‘To not have eyes on one’s face’ actually means to not see something that’s obvious or to not pay attention or care to something. 

¿Cómo qué se ha perdido el niño? ¿Es que no tienes ojos en la cara?

What do you mean the boy is lost? Did you fall asleep at the wheel?

No quitar ojo: To stare intently at something or someone without fail. If it’s with desire, there’s also the expression comerse con los ojos a algo/alguien, to eat something or someone with the eyes.

La rubia no te quita ojo, chaval. 

The blonde girl won’t stop looking at you, man.