Expat travel: six simple tips to cut your environmental impact

Need to travel? Feel guilty? For millions of expats who live and work far away from where they were born, travel is a necessity not just a choice.

Expat travel: six simple tips to cut your environmental impact
Photo: Getty
Feeling concerned about the impact of your carbon emissions should not mean you never get to see distant friends and family. With many countries gradually loosening travel restrictions, this could be a good time to consider how you can make your future travel more sustainable.
The Local reached out to experts in the field, as well as picking our readers’ brains, to come up with a list of ways you can cut your environmental impact without cutting out travel.

We’ve also worked with our commercial partner bunq, an ethical and fully-licenced bank from the Netherlands, which plants trees as you spend when you join as a member of its new SuperGreen programme.

With their mission of making lives easier for their users in 30 European countries, bunq is especially popular among expats and internationals in France and Germany as well as climate-conscious travellers. It is available in seven languages (English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese).

Whether travelling for business or pleasure, remember that it’s vital to check current Covid-19 restrictions and advice before making plans. Now, here are six ways to make your travel greener:

Go SuperGreen now in Germany or Go SuperGreen now in France

1. Change how you count travel’s cost

While some changes are relatively straightforward – buy local when you’re away and opt for eco-focused accommodation – others “might need a change of thinking”, says Thomas Finkel, the Managing Director of sustainability consultancy Como Consulting.

One major way to change your thinking is to reassess the way you see ‘cost’. Travellers concerned about sustainability shouldn’t view cost as only a matter of price, but the true impact of their trip.

Kaitlyn Brajcich from Sustainable Travel International told The Local that travellers needed to take the time to realise how their actions can make a real difference. 

“One of the most powerful steps that you can take as a traveler is simply to educate yourself how your different actions create impacts, either positive or negative, so that you know how to be a more responsible traveler.”

2. Think train not plane
CO2 emissions from flying make travelling less sustainable – so why not skip the security queues for the dining car? The UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy estimates that each kilometre of a domestic flight results in 133 grams of CO2 emitted, compared to 41 grams for a train.
Jon Worth, a Berlin-based British academic and journalist who travels frequently for work, has become a prominent advocate of taking alternative modes of transport – with the train a particular favourite.
Speaking before coronavirus-related lockdowns, Worth told The Local the visible impacts of a changing climate are a major motivator for millions to consider flying less.
“The attention being paid to the climate crisis is a crucial driver encouraging people to take fewer flights, but it’s not the only driver. The experience of taking a plane has become quite an unpleasant one.”
Take the scenic route – by train. Photo by Hari Panicker on Unsplash

From the Siberian Express to Germany’s InterCity Express (complete with draft beer in the dining car) to any number of longer-distance Indian trains, train travel gives you experiences that simply can’t be replicated in the air.

Of course, not all journeys can be made via train. The solution isn’t to cut flying entirely, but to minimise it in all aspects of your life if you can.  

Marcela Rilovic from Better Places Travel told The Local that if you do have to fly, then going direct from A to B – rather than with stopovers – can make a big difference. 

“Take a direct flight: most people don’t realize how much this saves in terms of emissions (plus in time, and wins in comfort; all big benefits for expats)”. 

3. Business travel: bring your bike

Worth points out that business travellers are responsible for significant carbon emissions. 

“If you want to get people out of planes and onto trains, you need to get business travellers,” says Worth. “That makes a bigger difference than people who go once a year on holiday and takes a plane.”

The focus on how, when and why people travel for business is only likely to increase as a result of the adaptation to different ways of working during the pandemic. Finkel told The Local anyone concerned about sustainability in travel could push for their organisation to book fewer flights.

“In 2013 we decided to compensate our CO2 emissions by investing into renewable energy projects. We have to visit projects quite regularly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, so we are unable to avoid long term, travel, i.e. flights,” he says.

“We’ve also decided not to take flights within Germany anymore, and we just invested in video conference equipment to be able to avoid more international trips.”

Finkel points out that thinking big is important, but so is thinking small – and a little outside the box. On business trips, Finkel has found a way to avoid using taxis while also burning calories in the process.

“Habits like taking a fold up bike with you when taking the train to a business meeting so you don’t need to take a taxi when you arrive helps minimise your ecological footprint. We say ‘walk the talk’ – we cannot talk about sustainability and then not do it in our day-to-day work.”

4. Get off the beaten track

Sustainability in travel is not just about minimising CO2 emissions. The impact on overcrowded destinations can be devastating, particularly when they don’t have the infrastructure to deal with the influx.

So rather than playing Instagram catch up, why not blaze your own trail? Once you can take a holiday, swap the Greek islands for Georgia, or check out one of the many beautiful Croatian cities and towns not named Dubrovnik.

If your heart is set on one location, travelling off peak is a better way to see your destination in full while also keeping costs down and beating the crowds.

Dubrovnik is beautiful all-year-round. Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

5. Pack reusable items – and use them!

While packing light is a great way to reduce the impact of travelling, this will be of little benefit if you simply buy everything you need when you arrive.

Bottles of water, soap, takeaway coffee cups and single use plastics are all convenient, but they stick around well after you’ve returned home.

Spend the SuperGreen way when banking with bunq in Germany or Spend the SuperGreen way when banking with bunq in France

Brajcich told The Local: “A lot of destinations, such as islands, struggle with limited landfill capacity and waste management infrastructure. Plastic waste is a huge issue in particular.

“Take a reusable water bottle and empty it before going through security. Take all your toiletries in small, refillable containers. And while it might add a bit of weight to your bag, taking a reusable shopping bag or coffee cup is a great way to minimise waste.”

6. Plant trees as you spend 

Banking with bunq in France, Germany or elsewhere makes it easier to be green. Unlike other banks, you can choose to invest in things that matter to you – such as companies with stellar green credentials.

Privacy and data security are also prioritised at bunq – an absolute must in today’s digital environment. Experience total safety in banking by blocking cards, changing PINs or adjusting limits in realtime. 

With the newly launched SuperGreen subscription, you can plant a tree for every €100 you spend. That means approximately 50 percent more trees being planted than previously – and a target of at least half a million trees before the end of the year.

SuperGreen was launched in response to feedback from bunq users who said they would value being able to plant trees with all their spending on any bunq card. So, whether using your Metal Card, contactless Maestro, online cards, or Apple or Google Pay, your SuperGreen spending now goes towards more trees – and could make you CO2 free in under two years.

Each tree you plant captures 308kg of carbon throughout their estimated 25-year life. When paired with our tips, you’ll be able to offset the impact of your travelling – it takes ten trees to offset three flights from Paris to New York.

We believe that it should be easy for people to make a positive impact on the environment. That’s why we’ve made it possible to empower you in making a real difference, just by using bunq SuperGreen in your day-to-day life.” – bunq

There are lots of ways you can make your travel habits greener. One of these is signing up to SuperGreen with bunq – bank of The Free. Find out more for Germany here and for France here.


This article was produced by The Local and sponsored by bunq.

For members


Where can I dispose my old electronics in Germany?

Did you know that throwing out old electronics in the regular mixed trash is illegal in Germany? Here are the easiest ways to safely and legally dispose of e-waste in Germany.

Where can I dispose my old electronics in Germany?

Electronic waste or e-waste (Elektroschrott or E-Müll) is one of those not-so-sexy aspects of modern life. 

We collect a wide assortment of personal electronics in our day to day lives – from smartphones to hair dryers to toaster ovens – and eventually they break or go unused, and end up hidden away in a dark corner in our closets or cellars.

According to Germany’s statistical office (Destatis), German residents produce more e-waste per capita than the European average – 12.5 kilograms per person per year in Germany as opposed to 10.5 kilograms across Europe.

What this amounts to practically is you having three dead phones and a nest of old chargers in the back of an old desk drawer, or perhaps an old mini-fridge to dispose of in your cellar.

Learning to sort and dispose of your waste properly in Germany is a notoriously tricky task for many newcomers, and putting electronics in the regular trash or recycling bins is illegal in Germany. Therefore you may find yourself with an armful of dead gadgets asking, “How do I get rid of these?”

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – The complete guide to recycling in Germany

Fortunately, disposing of most small household electronics in Germany can be surprisingly easy. 

Where can I dispose of my old smartphone?

In most cases, the easiest place to dispose of personal electronics is your nearest supermarket.

Since July 2022 supermarkets and discount retailers with a store size of 800 square metres or more are required to collect small electrical appliances free of charge. 

This generally applies to Germany’s main supermarket chains like Rewe, Penny, Lidl and Aldi. It also applies to electronics stores like MediaMarkt and Saturn.

These stores are required to accept electronics with an edge length up to 25 centimetres, such as; razors, electric toothbrushes, chargers, small toasters or smartphones. 

Note that these stores are only be required to accept up to three items at a time, so if you have a stockpile of electronics to dispose of, you may have to break them up in separate trips.

old phones

A pile of outdated phones seen at a drop-off collection point. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Maurizio Gambarini

Smaller items like dead batteries or lightbulbs can often be dropped off at these locations as well. Just ask the staff where they are gathered.

If your local market is smaller than 800 square metres, you may need to try elsewhere. 

Additionally, there have been reports of markets not fulfilling their collection requirements.

For example, the Cologne Regional Court fined an Aldi Nord store in North Rhine-Westphalia after it failed to take three electronic items from a customer who had tried to drop them off.

The German environmental non-profit Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) had tested electronics drop-offs at Aldi and other retailer locations and found some deficiencies. 

In this case, Aldi suggested that the employee involved had no knowledge of the regulation and was sentenced to pay a meagre fine of €386.20. But in more severe cases stores could theoretically face fines up to €250,000 for failing to fulfil their collection duties.

What about bulkier items?

Supermarkets and electronics retailers are not responsible for collecting bulkier items.

An exception is made when you are buying a new comparable appliance to replace an old one.

For example, if you bring your old TV monitor to MediaMarkt the store would be required to take it from you when you purchase a new one.

Alternatively, bigger electronics, or larger loads of items can be disposed of at your local Recyclinghof or Wertstoffhof.

You can also search for your closest registered drop-off location for specific items on this e-scrap return finder

Or, for more information about trading-in or reselling old electronics, check-out this explainer.

Why you shouldn’t throw them away

It’s important to dispose of e-waste properly because of its unique environmental impacts.

“If electronic waste is disposed of incorrectly, valuable raw materials are lost and the heavy metals, flame retardants and plasticizers it contains endanger the environment,” explained DUH’s Federal Managing Director in a published statement.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – Why and how to start a zero-waste lifestyle in Germany

In an effort to reduce e-waste, the EU adopted the so-called “right to repair” directive earlier this year, which will require electronics manufacturers to offer reasonably priced repair services and therefore hopefully reduce consumers’ need to buy new electronics.

In the meantime, you can drop off your smaller electronics at the grocery store.