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Coronavirus: What you need to know about Trump’s Europe travel ban

US President Donald Trump has announced a travel ban from most European countries in response to the coronavirus spread.

Coronavirus: What you need to know about Trump's Europe travel ban
Donald Trump announces his Europe travel ban. AFP

The ban, which does not include the UK or Ireland, will begin at 11.59pm on Friday, March 13th and last for 30 days. It will include all countries in Europe's Schengen area.

That means all foreign nationals, unless they are exempt from the ban (see below) won't be allowed to board planes for the US from Schengen countries while the ban is in place.

The restrictions do not apply to permanent residents in the US who need to get home to the US or their close family members, although it is possible that airlines may cancel flights in the days ahead as passenger numbers fall.

The countries in the Schengen area are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Trump blamed EU countries for not acting quickly enough to stem the spread of the “foreign virus”. The president had previously banned travel from China when the virus was spreading rapidly through the country.

“The European Union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hotspots. As a result a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travellers from Europe.”

At least 1,257 people in 44 states and Washington, DC have tested positive for coronavirus, according to the latest figures from the New York Times database. At least 37 patients with the virus have died.

In Europe the number of cases has passed the 22,000 mark with 930 deaths.

Trump said: “In total, as of March 9th, 2020, the Schengen Area has exported 201 COVID-19 cases to 53 countries. Moreover, the free flow of people between the Schengen Area countries makes the task of managing the spread of the virus difficult.”

What we know about who is affected by the ban and who isn't

It affects most foreign nationals who have been in Schengen area countries for 14 days before the ban comes into place at 11.59pm Friday March 13th.

It won't affect flights that depart before then but are due to land in the US after that time.

“I have determined that it is in the interests of the United States to take action to restrict and suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the Schengen Area during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States,” reads the full text of the restrictions.

The restriction doesn't apply to travel from the UK or Ireland, but it was unclear how US authorities plan to deal with foreign nationals travelling from Europe to the US via those countries.

Permanent residents of the US are not affected by the ban as are certain family members such as their children. Children of US nationals or permanent residents will also be allowed entry.

Legal spouses of US citizens or permanent residents are also not affected as are parents of US citizens or permanent residents as long as their children are unmarried and under the age of 21.

Siblings of US citizens or permanent residents are also exempt, “provided that both are unmarried and under the age of 21.”

Other exceptions are made for foreign nationals including crew members on planes or boats, UN or Nato employees and those travelling on the invitation of the US government.

It also exempts “any alien whose entry would not pose a significant risk of introducing, transmitting, or spreading the virus, as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services”.

The US Department of Homeland Security has said that further guidance on the travel suspension will come within the next two days.

The declaration warns that: “An alien who circumvents the application of this proclamation through fraud, willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or illegal entry shall be a priority for removal by the Department of Homeland Security.

How has Europe reacted?

So far reaction to Trump's ban has been muted but that may change throughout the day.

President of the European Council Charles Michel tweeted “we will assess the situation today.”

“Economic disruption must be avoided. Europe is taking all necessary measures to contain the spread of the COVID19 virus, limit the number of affected people and support research.”

The World Health Organisation has previously advised against closing borders and banning international travel.


Member comments

  1. The restriction doesn’t apply to travel from the UK, but it was unclear how US authorities plan to deal with foreign nationals travelling from Europe to the US via the UK. EXACTLY.
    Can we spell IRRESPONBIBLE?

  2. You need to have your passport associated to your ticket days in advance of your flight to USA. When we flew back to the USA from Sweden we went from Stockholm to Denmark, thru Danish passport kontrol then to the USA so the passport had multiple stamps plus RFID so they’d know when you board the plane with final destination to USA where you came from and would probably exclude you from boarding. In the airport you were screened and kept in a separate area so they knew who was cleared to go to the USA (and this was 2016 in Copenhagen). I would not call myself a big supporter of the president, but if everyone gets sick at once, health care will be overwhelmed. We are all going to get this eventually most likely, but by delaying transfer it’ll spread out the cases.

    I can remember days when one kid got chicken pox other parents sent their kid over so they’d get it too, this isn’t like that. You don’t want this and shouldn’t circulate it.

  3. So, apparently, the Virus was introduced to America by Foreigners visiting the USA? He must mean that, as U.S. Citizens can still fly Home from the E.U.
    I wonder what would have been his reaction if the E.U. had at the get-go stopped flights to the U.S.A. so therfore stopping any US Citizens flying Home!

  4. The US citizens or permanent residents won’t Carry or spread the virus, how does Trump know this? It’s important to come home and be with families but being safe is the most important. So why ban only Schengen Zone residents?

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What cancer-fighting immunotherapy does Spain offer?

Spain currently offers several different immunotherapy treatments for cancer, but recently there have been several developments with two new therapies approved for use in the public health system.

What cancer-fighting immunotherapy does Spain offer?

The Spanish Medicines Agency (Aemps) has recently approved a new CAR-T therapy, which is only the second public immunotherapy in the world for multiple myeloma, the second most common blood cancer behind chronic lymphatic leukaemia. 

This is a type of cancer that forms in certain white blood cells called plasma cells.  

The new CAR-T therapy has been manufactured entirely by Hospital Clínic in Barcelona. According to reports, there is no other hospital in the world that has manufactured a product of this type.  

CAR-Ts are a type of advanced immunotherapy, treating not only blood cancers, but tumours or diseases such as lupus or multiple sclerosis. It works by carrying out a genetic modification of the patient’s blood.  

The Aemps Committee for the Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use has given the green light for Hospital Clínic’s CAR-T ARI-0002 as an advanced therapy medicine in patients with multiple myeloma in a situation of relapse. This was announced this Friday at a press conference by the Barcelona hospital and the Department of Health. 

It now means that oncology departments across Spain will be able to use this type of therapy, without patients having to travel to Barcelona for treatment. 

Spain’s Health Ministry has also authorised the financing of another new immunotherapy treatment, designed to help fight a range of different types of cancers, mainly types of tumours.  

This will replace the current intravenous drip with a subcutaneous injection, reducing treatment time from one hour to seven minutes, without losing its effectiveness.

The injection, called atezolizumab, will be given to patients once every three weeks without need to remain in hospital for observation afterwards, meaning it’s not only easier for them, but it also saves health resources too.

Atezolizumab was authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) last January and will be used treat the same nine conditions as the intravenous drug, mainly tumours of the lung, liver, bladder and breast.

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It will also be used for some of the most aggressive and difficult-to-treat forms of cancer, such as early-stage non-small cell lung cancer or for various forms of metastatic cancer; hepatocellular carcinoma and alveolar soft-part sarcoma, among others. 

Immunotherapy treatments for cancer differ from chemotherapy in that it helps the body identify and attack cancer cells better using its own immune system. This means it can continue to work even when the treatment has ended.  

Chemotherapy on the other hand kills fast growing cells, which can be cancerous as well as non-cancerous.  

Both treatments are still used for different types of cancer and different patients or even in combination with each other. Chemotherapy can work more quickly for example, but immunotherapy can help over a longer period of time and is less invasive and damaging to the body.

According to the recent IMscin002 immunotherapy trail, the subcutaneous injection is preferred by 79 percent of patients, because they find it less invasive, painful and annoying, which results in a higher quality of life.  

Nine out of ten healthcare professionals agreed that the injection is easy to administer and three out of four said it could save time too.

The approval of the new drug in Spain’s public health system is based on data from the phase III IMscin001 trail, in which seven Spanish centres participated, totalling 20 percent of the number of patients recruited for it worldwide. This showed that the injection was found to be just as safe and efficient as the intravenous option.

Spain is a world leader in CAR-T research, an immunotherapy that has already treated more than 1,000 patients in the country and that has proven to be effective against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer or glioblastoma of the brain, but especially haematological cancers, such as leukaemia or lymphoma.

This means that we can expect an increasing number of immunotherapies for cancer to be available through Spain’s public health system in the coming years.

For the treatment of large B-cell lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in adults, the following hospitals in Spain offer immunotherapy:

  • Donostia University Hospital (Basque Country).
  • University Hospital Complex of A Coruña (Galicia)
  • Reina Sofia University Hospital (Andalusia).
  • Regional University Hospital of Malaga (Andalusia).
  • Central University Hospital Complex of Asturias (Asturias).
  • Marquis of Valdecilla University Hospital (Cantabria).
  • Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital (Murcia Region).
  • Morales Meseguer University Clinical Hospital (Murcia Region).
  • Son Espases University Hospital (Balearic Islands).
  • Puerta del Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda (Community of Madrid).
  • Ramon y Cajal University Hospital (Community of Madrid).
  •  Hospital 12 de octubre (Community of Madrid).
  • La Paz University Hospital (Community of Madrid).
  • La Princesa University Hospital (Community of Madrid).
  • Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Catalonia)
  • Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (Catalonia)

For the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in paediatrics, the following hospitals in Spain offer treatment:

  • University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia)
  • Reina Sofia University Hospital (Andalusia)
  • Regional University Hospital of Malaga (Andalusia)
  • Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital (Murcia Region)
  • Son Espases University Hospital (Balearic Islands)