MAP – Which parts of Italy have been hardest-hit by coronavirus?

LATEST: Italy's death toll from coronavirus continues to rise and has now surpassed China's with over 3,400 dead and the number of confirmed cases above 40,000. Here's the latest map to show how the regions have been hit.

MAP - Which parts of Italy have been hardest-hit by coronavirus?
A picture taken on March 8, 2020 shows an empty road leading to Linate Airport in Milan, after millions of people were placed under forced quarantine in northern Italy. Background photo: Miguel Media/

The Local regularly updates this map with the latest figures for the number of coronavirus cases across Italy.

Which regions of Italy are affected by the coronavirus?

The map below highlights the regions of Italy most impacted by the coronavirus spread.

The northern region of Lombardy (dark red) continues to see by far the most cases as well as the most deaths from the virus, where hospitals are struggling to cope.

The northern regions of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto are, after Lombardy the most hard hit of the Italian regions.

The south of the country has seen fewer cases but the only region still without deaths, as of the 20th, is  Basilicata. The heel of Italy, Puglia, have recorded 25 deaths so far.

All the current information about the virus is available here

According to the WHO more than 80 percent of patients infected with the virus have mild disease and recover, while 14 percent have severe diseases such as pneumonia. Around five percent of cases are considered critical.

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The chart below is the latest released from Italian authorities that shows the regional breakdown. The boxes coloured yellow is a breakdown of the conditions of all the confirmed cases of coronavirus in each region.

Ricoverati con sintomi – Recovering with symptoms

Terapia Intensiva – In intensive care

Isolamento domiciliare – In isolation at home

The column coloured green is the number who have recovered (dimessi guariti), the red column is for the number of deaths (deceduti) and orange is for the total number of cases since the outbreak began, including, current cases, deaths and recovered.

The grey column on the far right, titled tamponi is for the number of tests carried out.


And what's the situation in Europe?

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Member comments

  1. The Local kept track of cases and deaths in a section titled “In Numbers: Italian Regions affected by Coronavirus” from early March until Mar 20. This was very important and helpful info to us subscribers. Why not continue this information each day so we have as much info as possible to better follow this pandemic?

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Italy’s schools warned to ‘avoid gatherings’ as Covid cases rise

As Italy’s new school year began, masks and hand sanitiser were distributed in schools and staff were asked to prevent gatherings to help stem an increase in Covid infections.

Italy’s schools warned to ‘avoid gatherings’ as Covid cases rise

Pupils returned to school in many parts of Italy on Monday and authorities said they were distributing masks and hand sanitiser amid a post-summer increase in the number of recorded cases of Covid–19.

“The advice coming from principals, teachers and janitors is to avoid gatherings of students, especially in these first days of school,” Mario Rusconi, head of Italy’s Principals’ Association, told Rai news on Monday.

He added that local authorities in many areas were distributing masks and hand sanitizer to schools who had requested them.

“The use of personal protective equipment is recommended for teachers and students who are vulnerable,” he said, confirming that “use is not mandatory.”

A previous requirement for students to wear masks in the classroom was scrapped at the beginning of the last academic year.

Walter Ricciardi, former president of the Higher Health Institute (ISS), told Italy’s La Stampa newspaper on Monday that the return to school brings the risk of increased Covid infections.

Ricciardi described the health ministry’s current guidelines for schools as “insufficient” and said they were “based on politics rather than scientific criteria.”


Recorded cases of Covid have increased in most Italian regions over the past three weeks, along with rates of hospitalisation and admittance to intensive care, as much of the country returns to school and work following the summer holidays.

Altogether, Italy recorded 21,309 new cases in the last week, an increase of 44 percent compared to the 14,863 seen the week before.

While the World Health Organisation said in May that Covid was no longer a “global health emergency,” and doctors say currently circulating strains of the virus in Italy are not a cause for alarm, there are concerns about the impact on elderly and clinically vulnerable people with Italy’s autumn Covid booster campaign yet to begin.

“We have new variants that we are monitoring but none seem more worrying than usual,” stated Fabrizio Maggi, director of the Virology and Biosafety Laboratories Unit of the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute for Infectious Diseases in Rome

He said “vaccination coverage and hybrid immunity can only translate into a milder disease in young and healthy people,” but added that “vaccinating the elderly and vulnerable continues to be important.”

Updated vaccines protecting against both flu and Covid are expected to arrive in Italy at the beginning of October, and the vaccination campaign will begin at the end of October, Rai reported.

Amid the increase in new cases, Italy’s health ministry last week issued a circular mandating Covid testing on arrival at hospital for patients with symptoms.

Find more information about Italy’s current Covid-19 situation and vaccination campaign on the Italian health ministry’s website (available in English).