‘Keep all paperwork and learn patience’ – What you need to know about moving to France

While we would recommend moving to France to anyone (although we might be biased) there's no getting away from the fact that moving countries is not an easy thing to do - so we asked our readers for their advice for newbies.

'Keep all paperwork and learn patience' - What you need to know about moving to France
If you're fresh off the boat, check out our readers' helpful tips. Photo: AFP

From the practical problems to the emotional upheaval of uprooting your life and arriving in a new country, the first few months can be a difficult time.

So whether you've just arrived or you are thinking of making the move, check out this advice from The Local's readers, who have been there, done that and got the beret.

READ ALSO Six tips to make that daunting move to France run smoothly

You will fill in a lot of forms in your first few months. Keep a pen handy. Photo: AFP

The bureaucracy

Okay this is not exactly a well-kept secret, but France does have quite a lot of bureaucracy.

Even the French struggle with some aspects of the country's famous paperwork, but at least for them it's generally spread out over a lifetime – new arrivals have to organise a bank account, somewhere to live, insurance, utilities, health cover, residency and much more all in the space of a few months.

Emma Smreker, who moved to Amiens in northern France a year ago, advised: “Keep everything! Every document, every bill. Make several copies of these documents because you never know when you might need to produce an electricity bill, passport, or proof of residency.”

Susan Smith, who has lived in France for 16 years, echoed this advice, saying: “If any agency gives you a piece of paper/document of any kind, keep it.

“All documents that you already possess (English and French) concerning anything and everything, keep them. The French love paperwork and, at some time, you will need to show someone some, or all, of your documents. Develop a good filing system and be prepared to pay to have English documents officially translated into French.”

READ ALSO Certified translations: What are the rules for translating documents into French?

Francis Reinbold, who moved to Normandy in 2016, added a handy tip: “Bring a decent printer/scanner/copier with you. We spent hours completing forms and making copies of documents – still do!”

But it's not all terrible –  Christine Dempsey, who moved from Australia to Paris 12 years ago, said: “I even found bureaucracy to be easy and straightforward, but the secret is to diligently reading every pertinent article, and having every document they want.”

It's also well worth adjusting your timescales – completing the process to get a carte vitale health card can take up to six months and if you're doing something complicated like getting French citizenship, that takes between 18 months and two years.

The patience

Somewhat linked to the bureaucracy is the need to develop a more zen-like attitude. There are things that will frustrate you, especially when dealing with paperwork, and getting angry is rarely helpful. 

Some people believe that if you're sarcastic to a French fonctionnaire they immediately shred your dossier and make you start the whole process again. That's not actually true (we don't think) but certainly getting irate or abusive with someone who is just doing their job will not get your carte vitale/ driver's licence/ bank account any faster.

Emma Smreker said: “Learn patience when it comes to getting a bank account, a cell phone plan, the CAF, etc. Nothing is as quick as some might be used to. There is a lot of red tape and steps you must take to do everything. It's very easy to become frustrated with the process.”

Christine Dempsey added: “Most importantly, be pleasant, and don't argue!”

But it's not just the bureaucracy that moves slower – the pace of many aspects of life is slower and that's exactly what a lot of people love France for.

Clyde Acosta, who moved to Paris from the USA six months ago, said: “I am learning to be patient here and not to rush rush like I'm always late to something, and be patient at the restaurants.”

The pace of service in French restaurants is a lot slower than in many other countries, but that's deliberate – why would you want to rush through a delicious meal?

Do as the French do and give yourself a couple of hours for lunch.

READ ALSO How much should you tip in French restaurants?


Don't rush your lunch, or expect anyone else to rush theirs. Photo: AFP

The local customs

And of course if everyone is lingering over a lovely lunch it means that not very many people are tending to business.

The traditional lunchtime closure of everything between 12 and 2pm is starting to change, and certainly in the big cities most shops stay open all day.

But in smaller or more rural places you will still find it, and most public buildings close down for (at least) two hours over lunchtime. Turning up with a complicated request at 11.57am is unlikely to make you many friends.

Jane Le Maux, who moved to France 13 years ago, said: “I wish someone had told me how big an impact the legendary two hour lunch break would have on our ability to get things done.

“Things have changed in the last 13 years, so it's not such a big deal now.

“That and the fact that you have to buy it when you see it as you can never guarantee the shop will stock that item again.”

Cylde Acosta added: “I am learning to get used to midday closings of stores which never happens in the US.”

READ ALSO Why do the French take such long lunch breaks?


Get a dictionary (or a translation app) to help you with the language. Photo: AFP

The language

And of course this is the big one – you need to learn French and what they taught you at school will almost certainly be useless when a Parisian starts gabbling verlan at you at a million miles an hour.

Christine Dempsey cautioned: “Don't think your school-days French is even remotely good enough!”

Having the courage to speak a new language is hard, but you might be pleasantly surprised by how warmly your efforts are received – even if all your verbs aren't correctly conjugated and your adjectives don't agree.

Susan Smith advised: “Be brave enough to speak French, despite making mistakes. The French, in general, really appreciate it if you try to speak their language and respond accordingly. And remember, most French people really like the English accent. You may think your French accent is dreadful but the French usually find it “adorable!”

Mary Ann Klein, who moved to Brittany nine months ago, said: “It is very important to take your move and integration seriously. France gives you the tools, use them! Learn the language, it's tough but beautiful and when you start to speak your world opens up. Do not form little tight communities with other expats.”

Caryl Prat, who lives in Toulon, said: “We found that when we made the effort to speak in French, people were polite and friendly. We were treated with respect and all our questions were answered.”

READ ALSO Six things I wish my French teachers had told me


At some point, there will be a strike. Photo: AFP

The locals

And the one theme that emerged again and again was how friendly and helpful people found their French neighbours and acquaintances, with many tales of local people going out of their way to help the newcomers settle in and navigate their way through unfamiliar French customs.

Mary Ann Klein said: “There are such friendly and helpful people in Bretagne – the best place to live.”

Louise Rollason said: “Our village is amazing and the people are so lovely. I am learning to be more patient with life.”

Francis Reinbold said: “Most French people we met were very accommodating and helpful, despite our limited French.”

William Richardson, who has been in Carcassonne for four years, said: “The people in general are so welcoming and friendly.”

Fay Rension, who has lived in Lyon, Calvados and Reims, said: “I was so surprised with how helpful the French people are, such as a shopkeeper not having what I wanted walked me outside the business and literally walked with me to show me where I can find what I was looking for.”

Jane Le Maux added: “It was a welcome surprise how friendly and polite French people are.”

The strikes

And yes this is France, so we do have to mention the fact that occasionally there are strikes.

Camryn Okhara, who lives in Besançon, said: “Be prepared for strikes and for things to not be as easy as they were in your home country.”

Thank you to all our readers who generously shared what they have learned, if you are planning a move to France, head to our Moving to France section for some more practical tips and information.


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What do energy ratings mean for French property owners?

If you're buying, selling or renting a property in France you will need to get an energy rating, and the score given to the property will affect how or even if you can sell or rent it.

What do energy ratings mean for French property owners?

Since 2006, all properties in France have been rated on a scale of A to G on their energy efficiency – this is a rating based on things like how well-insulated the property is and what method is used for heating the property and the water.

The energy performance rating must be included in the paperwork of any property that is for sale or for rent and it looks like this.

Image Ministère de la Transition Écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires

As well as providing useful information for a future owner or tenant on how much they are likely to be spending on gas/electricity bills, the energy ratings can also affect future plans for a property.

What the ratings mean

Any property that is rated A-C will generally be in good repair with an efficient heating system and an adequate level of insulation.

Properties rated D will likely be more difficult to keep warm in winter and cool in summer, and are likely to bring in a steeper bill for heating during the winter months.

However, properties rated E, F and G bring with them serious legal restrictions.

Heat sieves

Properties rated F or G are dubbed passoires thermiques (heat sieves) or sometimes passoires enérgetiques (energy sieves).

If you want to sell a property with an F or G rating you are required to pay for an extra ‘energy audit’ (at a cost of around €1,000) to give the buyer a detailed breaking of where the building is wasting energy and how it can be put right.

There are already restrictions in place on rents charged for F and G rated properties and from January 1st 2025 it will become illegal for landlords to renew a contract or offer a new contract on a G rated property. This will be followed by F and then E rated properties.

Because of these restrictions, properties with a F and G rating have a lower market value, and may be difficult to sell at all. 

E rating 

At present there are no legal restrictions on E-rated properties, but rental restrictions are scheduled to come into effect in 2034.

There are currently no plan to impose an energy audit in order to sell E-rated properties, but it doesn’t seem beyond the realms of possibility that this may become a requirement in the future.


On the bright side, owning property with a poor energy rating does mean that you are eligible for various grants to do the work necessary to improve its rating (which will have the happy side effect of cutting your energy bills).

The French government has a €5 million fund to help homeowners do energy-related renovations, mostly available via grants from the MaPrimeRenov scheme.

GUIDE: French property guides you might be eligible for