‘Everything was changed’: What led to, and followed, Kristallnacht 82 years ago?

November 9th, 2020 marks the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht, an event often considered a seminal point in the persecution of the Jews under National Socialism.

'Everything was changed': What led to, and followed, Kristallnacht 82 years ago?
A destroyed synagogue in Kiel. Photo: DPA

November 9th, 1938

Kristallnacht, which is also known as Reichspogromnacht and Novemberpogrome, was a series of violent attacks on Jewish communities across Germany. It was perpetrated by the Sturmabteilung, or SA – the Nazi party’s original paramilitary force – as well as German civilians on the night of November 9th.

Although there had been much discrimination against the Jewish community prior to 1938, such as the boycott of Jewish shops in 1933 and the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Kristallnacht is generally viewed as the beginning of the Holocaust.

Precise figures are hard to ascertain, but it is estimated that about 100 Jews were killed in the attacks, at least 1,000 synagogues were burned down, and approximately 8,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed. In the days that followed, some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to the concentration camps of Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen.

The trigger for the violence

On the evening of November 9th, Hitler and several important Nazi figures were at a dinner celebrating the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 when they received news from Paris that a Nazi diplomat, Ernst vom Rath, has been assassinated by a seventeen-year-old Jew named Herschel Grynszpan.

Herschel Grynszpan following his arrest. Photo: DPA

Grynszpan was living with his uncle in Paris, but his parents, who had been living in Hannover since 1911, had recently become victims of the Polenaktion: the forced expulsion of around 17,000 Polish Jews from Germany. Upon hearing the news, an angered and embittered Grynszpan went to the German embassy in Paris and shot vom Rath.

Following the dinner and a discussion between Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister informed Nazi leadership that retaliations against the Jewish community would not be organized or prepared by the party. But, if they erupted spontaneously, they wouldn’t be stopped.

Telephone calls were made, police were commanded to arrest the victims rather than the perpetrators, and thus ensued the horrific violence.

After Kristallnacht

Even though there had been violent attacks against Jewish communities before 1938, this date is key as it signaled a more intense, systematic approach by the Nazis to the so-called “Judenfrage”, or the “Jewish Question”.

The pogrom itself had caused massive damage, but it was of course the Jewish community which was forced to pay. It was fined one billion Reichsmarks as reparations, and a law was passed on November 12th which effectively banned Jews from most of the professions which they had still been entitled to.

Moreover, subsequent measures taken against the Jews worked to further alienate them from German society. They were forced to sit in separate train compartments and were excluded from German schools, for instance.

Such restrictions were in addition to the Nuremberg laws, also called the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which had already effectively stripped Jews of their German citizenship.

Although the Final Solution, or the Endlösung, wasn’t officially decided until the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, many considered Kristallnacht as the first step into the Holocaust.

Remembering Kristallnacht in Germany


Stolpersteine in Berlin. Photo: DPA

One of the primary ways in which the attacks – and the Holocaust more broadly – are remembered is through Stolpersteine. Meaning ‘stumbling stones’, Stolpersteine are 10 cm by 10 cm concrete cubes covered in brass. Each Stolperstein has its own inscription remembering a victim of Nazi persecution.

Approximately 70,000 brass cubes have been laid since the project started in 1996. The cubes are cemented into the pavement where the individual last freely chose to live or work, before falling victim to Nazi persecution.


It’s also interesting to consider how November 9th is sometimes labelled as Germany’s Schicksalstag (day of fate), as it is the date on which a number of significant events in Germany’s history have taken place. Along with Kristallnacht, November 9th is also the date of the abdication of Kaiser Wilhem II (1918), the Beer Hall Putsch (1923) and the Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).

The fall of the Berlin wall is the most recent of these events, yet the event is commemorated on October 3rd, the day of German reunification. This is not only a mark of respect for the victims of Nazi horrors, but also a sign of Germany’s ongoing debate about how to remember its traumatic history. 

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Germany agrees compensation for Kindertransport refugees

The German government said Monday it has agreed to an one-off payment to survivors of the Kindertransport programme, which brought Jewish children persecuted in Nazi Germany to safety in Britain.

Germany agrees compensation for Kindertransport refugees
Jewish children were transported to the UK in a rescue mission 80 years ago. Photo: DPA/ARD

Around 10,000 young lives were saved from the horrors of Adolf Hitler's regime by the relief action that began in December 1938 and ended in May 1940.

The announcement, hailed as “historic” by the Claims Conference negotiators representing Jewish victims, came 80 years after the first Kindertransport left for Britain.

A fund will be made available from January 1st, 2019, and the Claims Conference will begin processing the eligible applications for the compensation amounting to €2,500 euros per person.

“This one-time payment pays tribute to the special destiny of these children. They have had to leave their families in peacetime, in many cases, never to see each other again,” said German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin

Stuart Eizenstat, who represented the Claims Conference in the negotiations, said that “after having to endure a life forever severed from their parents and families, no one can ever profess to make them whole; they
are receiving a small measure of justice.”

SEE ALSO: Ex-child refugee retraces escape from Nazi Germany on a bicycle

After the Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht) pogroms across Nazi Germany on November 9th, 1938, a group of Protestant, Jewish and Quaker leaders appealed to then British prime minister Neville Chamberlain to allow in unaccompanied Jewish children.

A rescue effort mobilized swiftly, and the first Kindertransport arrived at Harwich on December 2nd, 1938, carrying 196 children from a Berlin Jewish orphanage which had been torched by the Nazis on Kristallnacht.

Over 18 months, 10,000 children fleeing persecution in Germany, Austria, Poland and what was then Czechoslovakia, were brought to safety in Britain.

“In heartbreaking scenes on train platforms, these children were often torn from their parents' arms and, in virtually every case, never saw them again,” said the Claims Conference.

Younger children were placed with families while those above 16 years old were given help to obtain training and employment.

The last transport left from the Dutch port of IJmuiden on May 14th, 1940 — a day before the Netherlands surrendered.

Germany has paid out more than 75 billion euros in compensation to victims of Nazism, the finance ministry said, citing data until the end of 2017.

“The federal government is aware that money or other benefits can never make up for the immeasurable suffering inflicted on the surviving victims of Nazi wrongs,” added Chaudhuri