Why did Malmö University give recycled guns to PhD graduates?

We’re all doing our best to get into Greta Thunberg’s good books these days; checking if we can take the train to a tropical island for our annual vacation, Googling ‘can you grow your own avocados’ in a bid to reduce our carbon footprint.

Why did Malmö University give recycled guns to PhD graduates?
Photo: Malmö University PhD graduation ceremony

Indeed, Sweden is often cited as being a bastion of recycling — having to import waste from Norway just to keep the recycling plants ticking over. And Malmö University, with its ethos of working towards a sustainable future, loves to recycle. You name it, they recycle it: paper (no brainer), food waste, cardboard, lightbulbs, metal, batteries, guns…

…GUNS? There’s not normally a ‘gun recycling’ bin, surely? 

Well, of course not, but that doesn’t mean to say that guns cannot be recycled, and Malmö University has the evidence to prove it. 

It is a long journey for a gun to make — 6,000 miles if Google is to be believed — from a part of the world where illegal firearms have caused unimaginable horror, to an academic award ceremony at Malmö University.

However, it’s a journey that has been made all the same. Malmö University is keen not just to talk the talk, but to walk the walk, and if that means using recycled illegal firearms from Central America to honour its recently graduated doctors, then so be it.

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You see, Malmö University was founded on an ethos of inclusivity and sustainability. Just consider the faculty names; they might look unconventional, ‘Technology and Society’ and ‘Health and Society’, for example, but the ‘society’ part is considered equally as important as the subject field itself.

Photo: A Humanium graduation ring

Using the ‘peace metal’, known as Humanium, is a natural progression of the journey the institution has taken since its inception just over 20 years ago.

The ceremonial rings, recently presented to graduating PhD candidates, were made from a metal produced by the non-profit organisation IM Swedish Development Partner. Just like Malmö University, they are big on making the world a better place with their aim of getting illegal guns off the streets. 

As it stands, there are hundreds of millions of illegal firearms in the world and as a result, someone is shot every minute. We can all agree that isn’t good, no matter where you stand on the global warming debate.  

So how do you get your hands on one of these rings? Well, applying for a master’s programme at Malmö University is the best way to get started, and there is no better time than, well, now. Maybe you share our vision of creating an all-round better society, or perhaps you are just interested in impressing Greta at a future Extinction Rebellion protest. Either way, now is the time to take a look at Malmö University's sparkling new master’s programmes.  

True to form, many of the of new programmes, including Culture and Change, Leadership and Organisation, and Computer Science: Innovation for Change in a Digital Society have an emphasis on understanding the challenges we face as a society today. The purpose being to install an advanced understanding and knowledge of the critical perspectives required to tackle these challenges.

You can find a list of Malmö University's master’s programmes here

Many of these master’s programmes will prepare you to advance to a PhD level, and who knows, maybe one day you will be the proud owner of your very own peace metal ring… and the knowledge to make the world a better place.

This article is sponsored by Malmö University.


Sweden’s Social Democrats call for ban on new free schools

Sweden's opposition Social Democrats have called for a total ban on the establishment of new profit-making free schools, in a sign the party may be toughening its policies on profit-making in the welfare sector.

Sweden's Social Democrats call for ban on new free schools

“We want the state to slam on the emergency brakes and bring in a ban on establishing [new schools],” the party’s leader, Magdalena Andersson, said at a press conference.

“We think the Swedish people should be making the decisions on the Swedish school system, and not big school corporations whose main driver is making a profit.” 

Almost a fifth of pupils in Sweden attend one of the country’s 3,900 primary and secondary “free schools”, first introduced in the country in the early 1990s. 

Even though three quarters of the schools are run by private companies on a for-profit basis, they are 100 percent state funded, with schools given money for each pupil. 

This system has come in for criticism in recent years, with profit-making schools blamed for increasing segregation, contributing to declining educational standards and for grade inflation. 

In the run-up to the 2022 election, Andersson called for a ban on the companies being able to distribute profits to their owners in the form of dividends, calling for all profits to be reinvested in the school system.  

READ ALSO: Sweden’s pioneering for-profit ‘free schools’ under fire 

Andersson said that the new ban on establishing free schools could be achieved by extending a law banning the establishment of religious free schools, brought in while they were in power, to cover all free schools. 

“It’s possible to use that legislation as a base and so develop this new law quite rapidly,” Andersson said, adding that this law would be the first step along the way to a total ban on profit-making schools in Sweden.