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French word of the Day: Bouder

Not getting your own way? You might need to prepare to bouder.

French word of the Day: Bouder

Why do I need to know bouder?

Well hopefully you will be above such childish behaviour yourself, but it's a handy word to apply to others.

What does it mean?

It means to sulk. So if you're having a strop or you know someone who is, now you have the perfect word to describe it.

Il n'a pas obtenu ce qu'il voulait à la réunion alors il est parti bouder dans le coin – He didn't get his way in the meeting so he's gone off to sulk in the corner.

Il boude comme un enfant à cause de sa dernière défaite au Parlement – He is sulking like a child over his latest defeat in Parliament. 

As well as using the verb to describe someone who is sulking, you can also use boudeur or boudeuse (depending if you're talking about a male or a female) to describe someone who is generally sulky.

Elle est un peu boudeuse mais aussi très sexy – She is a bit sulky, but also really sexy.

You might also hear it being used in the sense of shunning or ignoring a person or denying someone something.

À la soirée, l'actrice a boudé les journalistes – At the party, the actress shunned the journalists.

In the sense of denial, you might see the phrase bouder mon plaisir – deny myself the pleasure.

Je n'allais pas bouder mon plaisir d'un dernier regard – I was not about to deny myself the pleasure of a last look.

For more French words and expressions, check out our French word of the Day section.



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French word of the Day: Jours ouvrés

You'll need to check the calendar carefully when you see this.

French word of the Day: Jours ouvrés

Why do I need to know jours ouvrés?

Because you need an accurate time estimate.

What does it mean?

As most French learners will know, jours means days, while in this context ouvrés means ‘working’. Therefore jours ouvrés – roughly pronounced jzoor-ouv-ray – means ‘working days’. You may also see jours ouvrables, which means the same thing.

You’re most likely to come across this in the context of estimates on how long things will take – for example a delivery or the processing of an official task or perhaps the results for a test or exam.

And this is where the calendar comes in – ‘working days’ doesn’t include the weekends, but also excluded are public holidays, of which France has quite a lot. So an estimate for livraison dans les cinq jours ouvrés – might actually take almost two weeks to reach you, if there are weekend days and public holidays in between.

Days on either side of public holidays (known as ‘pont‘ days) are technically working days, but don’t be too surprised if things don’t happen on these days either. 

Although ouvrés looks similar to ouvrir (to open) the root of the work is actually ouvrer – an archaic verb meaning to work or to labour.

This word was gradually supplanted by travailler in around the 16th century, but some derivatives of it are still used – most commonly ouvrier (or ouvrière for women) which means a worker – it can be used for all types of salaried workers, but is more commonly used for people who do manual labour or work with their hands. 

It’s often used in a political sense too – one of France’s leftist political parties is Lutte ouvrière, which translates as Worker’s struggle. 

Use it like this

La livraison est estimée à trois jours ouvrés – Delivery is estimated within three working days

Les résultats seront communiqués sous 48 hours (jours ouvrés) – the results will be sent within 48 hours (on working days)

Not to be confused with 

If you want to talk about ‘open days’ – days when institutions including schools, the military or artists workshops open up to the public – in France these are known as portes ouvertes (literally ‘open doors’).