French Word of the Day: Grenelle

If you follow the news in France you will have seen this everywhere recently, but what does it actually mean?

French Word of the Day: Grenelle

Why do I need to know grenelle?

If you follow French news or politics you will have seen the term all over the TV and the papers as the government launched its Grenelle des violences conjugales – but what is that exactly?


What does it mean?

A grenelle is basically a super-charged version of a plan or a consultation and when it's wheeled out by governments, it means they think that the issue is serious. The current grenelle is on the issue of domestic violence (violence conjugale) which is certainly a crisis – 100 women have been killed by a current or former partner so far this year in France.

But by using the term grenelle, Macron's government is invoking memories of the big moments in France's history.

The term grenelle was first used in 1968, when the government finally reached agreement with the unions, who had been leading huge waves of popular protest against wages and living conditions in France. The agreement between the government and the unions was signed at the Ministry of Labour, which was situated on Rue de Grenelle, so the agreement became known as the Accord de Grenelle.

Since then, it then moved into the language to signify a major consultation or agreement designed to calm deep public discontent.

It was used in the 2000s for programmes to tackle youth poverty and scientific issues but became a more widespread part of the language following Nicolas Hulot's Grenelle de l'environnement in 2007.

For more French words or expression, check out our word of the day section.

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French Word of the Day: Choc

This French word looks like it might be related to tasty pastries, but you’re more likely to see it during a political debate or sporting event.

French Word of the Day: Choc

Why do I need to know choc?

Because you might be shocked to learn about the other meanings of this French term. 

What does it mean?

Choc – roughly pronounced shock – looks like an abbreviation of chocolate in French, but that would be choco.

It is most commonly translated in English as ‘shock’, and the pronunciation is very similar. You can also use it as a verb (choquer) or an adjective (choquant). 

While this meaning is accurate in many contexts, there are a few other meanings for the word choc in French.

You can use it to refer to a ‘clash’. For example, a political debate on primetime TV might be advertised as a le choc des personalités (the clash of personalities).

Similar to ‘shock’ in English, it can also be used to describe a physical jolt or impact. 

This definition might help people make sense of a recent policy by the ministry of education – the choc des savoirs – which involves sorting pupils into different skill groups. The idea was described as giving the kids a wave of knowledge to improve test scores.

Use it like this

Le stagiaire a dit en plaisantant que le lieu de travail est un ‘choc des cultures’. – The intern joked that the workplace is a ‘clash of cultures’.

Son argument selon lequel il ne prendrait jamais l’avion a beaucoup choqué mon père. – His argument about never flying was very shocking to my dad.