How to avoid typical French tax scams and other frauds

The season of tax scams has indeed arrived in France. French scammers tend to take advantage of tax due dates to prepare their job, so here are a few tips on how to avoid 'les arnaques aux impôts'.

How to avoid typical French tax scams and other frauds
Tax declaration time sees a big increase in scams. All photos: AFP

Back in June, hackers managed to access over 2,000 French e-mail addresses. They then proceeded to change the passwords of connected tax declaration accounts in order to access bank details.

Noticing a weird pattern of password modification, France's Ministry of the Economy and Finance blocked access to these accounts and alerted involved taxpayers.

But as every time France enters a period of tax returns, scam numbers go through the roof.

The most widespread rip-off will come to you in the form of an e-mail from the French public finances service, who will gladly announce you qualify for tax rebate. To receive your money, you then have to pass on your bank details.

How to spot une arnaque aux impôts?

The fraudulent e-mail will usually contain the official header from the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, which is why most people fall for this kind of phishing.

But there a few details you can still double-check. Spelling mistakes such as missing accents are massive red flags. The sender's address also gives you an idea of the mail's origin. If this looks unofficial, it is because it is. If it does look official, check again.

You also want to avoid clicking on any link in the body of the mail, which will redirect you to shady websites. The best reaction is to delete this e-mail from your inbox altogether.

Other similar e-mails will ask you to call a given number instead of passing on your bank details, to ''remedy your fiscal situation'' by talking to a tax advisor. These are actually premium-rate numbers, you will not be speaking to a real counsellor and a simple call can cost you up to hundreds of euros.

Overall, French authorities recommend to never disclose any of your bank details via e-mail or telephone. They also will never, under any circumstances, ask for your bank details for internet transactions or repayments.

What to do if in doubt?

The only official numbers to call are the ones you can find on your official paperwork or on the government website dedicated to tax matters,

You can also ask for further information by calling the toll-free number implemented by the government – 0 805 805 817

If you want to report any suspicious e-mail you have received, you can do so on the website.

Other ploys to look out for

Some scammers will go as far as calling you. Introducing themselves as a governmental tax advisers, they will offer you to reduce your taxes by subscribing to tax exemption products or to invest in real estate.

The Ministry of the Economy and Finance does not – ever – have recourse to cold calling of any type.

Scammers will also try to pose as your bank or your internet provider, so stay alert.

When shopping online, try sticking to verified websites, whose URL have a lock symbol before the address and begin with https. Another way to make sure you are on a safe website is the possibility of 3D Secure payment.

Earlier this summer, Nice authorities also warned holiday goers of scammers going around beaches with a chip and PIN machine to take advantage of contactless payment.

All they had to do was pose as vacationers, lay their beach towel close enough to people's bags and debit victims' cards.

What if you fall for it?

In case you ever fall for a credit card rip-off, you should call your bank as soon as you realise to cancel your card. Following this call, you'll have to send a registered letter to confirm your will to stop your card. 

You should also report the fraud to the police.

You should know you are also entitled to reimbursement from your bank – if the fraud was carried out without your secret code, then the bank will reimburse you in full. If your card was stolen and scammers did use your secret code, a €50 excess will be deducted from the reimbursement total.These are usually a simple formality. 

However, back in March 2018, the French Supreme Court ruled that a man had been grossly negligence after he passed on his bank details to a fraudulent website and was therefore, never repaid by his bank. 

READ ALSO People in France warned over scam versions of government websites


Member comments

  1. Bank account numbers on their own are no use to any scammer. It’s when they ask for passwords that it’s dodgy.

  2. My French partner mentioned that France’s Ministry of Economy and Finance knows everything about you, including your bank details. If you’re owed some money back they will just deposit the amount straight into your bank, without asking for your details or consent.

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How to ensure your French property is insured for storm damage

Storm Ciaran’s property-wrecking passage through France - with another storm forecast for the weekend - may have many people wondering how comprehensive their insurance cover is. 

How to ensure your French property is insured for storm damage

In the wake of Storm Ciaran, thousands of property owners in France are preparing insurance claims – with initial estimates of the bill for damage between €370 million and €480 million.

Home insurance is compulsory in France, whether you own the property you live in or you rent – and it must include some level of storm damage cover. 

Check also to see if your insurance provides cover in case of a declaration of a catastrophe naturelle.

The garantie tempête (storm guarantee) covers damage caused by violent winds. What constitutes a ‘violent wind’ varies from contract to contract, but there appears to be a widespread consensus of agreement on wind speeds over 100km/h.

In most insurance contracts, this covers damage caused by the storm and within the following 48 hours – so you’re covered if, for example, a tree weakened by the storm comes down within that period and damages your property.

Be aware that, while the storm guarantee automatically covers the main property, it generally only covers any secondary buildings and light constructions – such as a veranda, shed, solar panels, swimming pool or fence – if they are specifically mentioned in the contract. 

The same is true of any cars damaged by debris. A basic insurance contract might not include storm damage, so it is always worth checking.

Damage must be reported to your insurer as quickly as possible. The deadline for making declarations is usually five days after any damage is noticed. This is especially important for second home owners, who may not be at the property when the damage occurs. 

In some cases – such as in the aftermath of Storm Ciaran – insurers may extend the reporting period. But under normal circumstances, it’s five days after the damage has been discovered.

What happens next

To make a claim, the first thing to do is contact your insurer by phone or email. Your insurer will take you through the next steps, but usually you have to send in a declaration – which should include an estimate of any losses and for any repairs, with evidence where possible, such as photographs and any receipts for purchases. 

Your insurer may also request proof of wind intensity, which can be provided for example by a nearby weather station.

The insurance company may appoint an expert to come and assess the damage, so make sure to keep damaged property safe until they arrive, as well as all invoices for any urgent repair work. 

What if you’re a tenant?

If you rent your property, you must report any damage inside the accommodation to your insurer and also notify your landlord so that they can file their own claim. 

In the case of a co-propriete, you must declare damage inside the accommodation to your insurer, while the trustee sends his own declaration to the collective insurance (which sometimes covers the private areas) .

How long does it take for claims to be settled?

Payment of the compensation provided for by the “storm guarantee” depends your home insurance contract. After the insurer has estimated the amount of damage, compensation is generally paid between 10 and 30 days following receipt of the insured’s agreement.

What if we got flooded?

In the case of flooding, you may have to wait for a natural disaster order to be issued. 

Catastrophe naturelle

The ‘state of natural disaster’ is a special procedure that was set up in 1982 so victims of exceptional natural events, such as storms, heavy rain, mudslides and flooding, as well as drought, can be adequately compensated for damage to property.

The government evaluates each area and deems whether it qualifies for the status of catastrophe naturelle (natural disaster). 

Essentially once a zone is declared a natural disaster, victims can claim from a pot of funds created by all insurers. If the zone is not declared a disaster, insurance companies are under no obligation to pay out. 

Under a “state of natural disaster” residents are covered for all those goods and property that are directly damaged by the phenomenon, in this case storms.

It applies to residential or commercial buildings, furniture, vehicles and work equipment that are already covered by insurance policies.

Homes must be already covered by a multi-risk insurance policy for the status of natural disaster to count.