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10 German words that strike fear into the hearts of language learners

Some German words mean nothing good is coming. Here's our list of terms that spell only doom for foreigners in Germany - or at least a lot of long queues and confusing times ahead.

German credit score
A woman gets an unpleasant surprise when checking her Schufa. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose


When most of us move, the most annoying hassle is simply unpacking those giant moving boxes. But in Germany, what would any change, big or small, be without a mountain of bureaucracy to accompany it?

Meet the so-called Anmeldungspflicht, or the need to register a new address with your district’s local office. Despite long waiting times for appointments in some areas, this can usually only be done in-person and must be taken care of within two weeks of moving.


Anyone living in Germany who isn’t an EU citizen will know this word all too well. Standing for “foreigner’s offices”, Ausländerberhörden are responsible for granting residency permits. Waiting times of several months for an appointment are not unusual in bigger cities.

Ausländerbehörde Berlin

The entrance to the Foreigner’s Office (Ausländerbehörde) in Berlin. Photo: picture alliance / Kay Nietfeld/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

In Berlin it’s not unusual to see students camping out at 4 am for a drop-in meeting to secure their visa. Inside, officials are notorious for spontaneously demanding new documents and for making you set up another appointment to hand them in.

READ ALSO: ‘Traumatising’: Foreigners share stores from foreigners’ offices


This “probability of precipitation” can usually be used when predicting Germany’s weather at any time of the year. Often a blissfully sunny summer day will seem too good to be true – and that’s because, well, it is. Thanks to that ominously grey cloud in the distance, the Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit is pretty high. 


Unless you live in this district of Augsburg, where the rent hasn’t gone up in over 500 years, you’ll know to fear this word. Residents of cities such as Berlin and Munich live in daily terror of receiving notice that, due to building reconstruction or the current Mietspiegel – a comparison of the ever-growing rent prices in the neighbourhood – your rent is going up.

At other times landlords simply subject their tenants to so much construction noise while refurbishing new units for higher prices, that fed-up tenants pack up and move of their own accord. 

READ ALSO: Germany sees record high rent increases in 2023


Germans have a reputation for efficiency, but most commuters will know that they can fail pretty miserably to live up to it when it comes to public transit. It only takes a technical delay or, another beloved word, Bauarbeiten (construction work), to herald substitute buses that, in theory at least, will eventually get you to your destination.

But sometimes they drop you half way, leaving you to wait for ANOTHER replacement bus for the replacement bus. 


Dreaded by natives and foreigners in Germany alike, this lengthy tax declaration usually has to be filed by July 31st of each year.

German Elster tax platform

The German Elster tax platform. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

The good news is that, if you secure a Steuerberater (tax advisor), you automatically receive an extension until the end of February the following year to file. And for those brave enough to tackle the mountain of paperwork themselves, there is at least a website to walk them through the process. 

READ ALSO: The German tax changes coming into effect in April 2023


Who would think that such a short word could be so complicated? Schufa stands for the credit check that is needed in Germany to apply for a loan or apply for a flat. It’s a bit of a nuisance for newbies in Germany, who are searching for a space to live and don’t yet have any German credit built up; though some particularly nice landlords (urban legend has it some exist) might let you show one from your home country.

READ ALSO: Schufa: How foreigners can improve their German credit score


This German word for insurance wouldn’t be so scary if there were only one or two types of it. But it seems like the Germans have a type of insurance for everything.The average German pays over €2,400 a year for six different types of insurance, a number which has doubled in the past 20 years. 

READ ALSO: Living in Germany: Five types of insurance you should know about

For most of us, insurance types such as health, auto and travel are no-brainers. But only when we move to Germany do we start thinking about Haftpflichtversicherung (third-party liability insurance), which would spare you the tens of thousands of euros you would be accountable for in the event that you accidentally bump into your neighbour, causing him to slip into the street, get hit by a car and need monthly medical bills paid.

Or if you wanted to claim this accident wasn’t your fault in the first place, it might come in handy to have verschuldensunabhängige Versicherung (or no-fault insurance).


This is a huge word for a pretty simple idea (speed limits). While some expats might daydream about speeding down the Autobahn, they should be warned that the German reputation for highways free of speed limits only exists on certain parts of the road.

Speed limit 100 from is written on a traffic sign on a motorway on the border between the Netherlands and Germany. Phtoto: picture alliance/dpa | Friso Gentsch

It’s the norm for the limit to shift between 80 km/h, 120 km/h and unlimited. You have to pay keen attention to spot the changes – if not you can expect a letter from the police informing you that you disobeyed a Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung.


Some in Germany may be surprised and perhaps a tad bit scared when they receive a piece of paper in their postbox or pushed under the door with this word, along with a Tim Burton-esque cartoon figure carrying a giant broom.

These men seemingly hailing from the Mary Poppins era do still exist. Nowadays, his job mainly involves checking boilers, not diving into the depths of chimneys, returning with grimy cheeks. But don’t fear him: someone has gotta do our dirty work.

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Everything that’s changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

The new Duden dictionary is thicker than ever with an additional 3,000 words in its 29th edition. The reference work, which is out on Tuesday, also includes spelling and grammar changes.

Everything that's changed in the latest Duden German dictionary

In the four years since the last new edition of the ‘Duden’ German dictionary, the world has seen enormous changes, from the pandemic to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and even changed eating habits.

The dictionary reflects these developments with the inclusion of words such as Coronaleugner (Covid denier), Klimakleber (climate activists who glue themselves to things), Ukrainekrieg (war in Ukraine), Extremwetterereignis (extreme weather event), Deutschlandticket (Germany travel ticket), ChatGPT, and Fleischersatz (meat substitute).

“The Duden is a mirror of its time. These words say something about what has happened in the last three to four years,” editor-in-chief Kathrin Kunkel-Razum told news agency DPA. 

The biggest language changes of the past few years can be seen in the areas of crisis, war and cooking, Kunkel-Razum said.

The Duden also highlights language trends, like Quetschie, a word used to describe the squeezable packets of fruit purees that are sold as snacks for children. The term comes from the word quetschen (to squeeze).

Unsurprisingly, there are also quite a few new borrowed words or expressions from English. These include ‘upskirting,’ ‘catcalling’ and pampern (pampering).

The Duden is the most well-known reference work on German spelling and, as such, regularly deletes words that are no longer used very much.

Three hundred words have been removed from the current edition, Kunkel-Razum said.

READ ALSO: What are the best websites and apps to learn German?

These include words like frigidär (refrigerator), UMTS-Handy (UMTS mobile phone) or Rationalisator, a term used in the GDR to describe an employee with rationalisation tasks.

Kühlschrank (der) is the only word for a fridge now, while Handy (das, and without the UMTS) is the ‘Denglisch’ word for a mobile phone.

The dictionary has also ditched spelling variants for some words. For example, Tunfisch and Spagetti are no longer accepted ways of writing tuna and spaghetti. Only Thunfisch and Spaghetti are correct now.

“Deleting words is much more difficult than adding them,” the linguist said, explaining that it was much harder to prove that a word was rarely used than the other way around.

Deletions can also be reversed, she said. For example, the word Hackenporsche (a jokey description for a shopping trolley) was removed from the previous addition but has now been included again.

“We received complaints that the word was deleted,” said Kunkel-Razum.

The reference work – named after German philologist Konrad Duden – used to be binding until Germany’s 1996 spelling reform. The authority on spelling is now the Council for German Orthography, which publishes an ‘official set of rules’. 

READ ALSO: Denglisch: The English words that will make you sound German

Reference works like Duden then implement these rules which eventually become incorporated in everyday use.

Kunkel-Razum said the new Duden contained the Council’s latest spelling changes that were approved at the end of 2023.

These include the mandatory use of a comma before an extended infinitive.

An extended infinitive is the bit of a sentence that’s in direct relation to the ‘infinitive plus zu‘ construction. So, according to the new rules, this means that you should write: Gisela weiß mit Sicherheit, The Local gelesen zu haben. (Gisela knows for sure that she’s read The Local.)

Here, the extended infinitive is ‘The Local gelesen zu haben’ so the comma goes before that.

The comma used to be compulsory, then it became optional and now it’s compulsory again – don’t you love German?