Is Germany one step closer to having its first far-right AfD mayor?

The eastern German border city of Görlitz is known for being a charming filming hub - and now for a popular Alternative for Germany (AfD) candidate who came out on top of Sunday's mayoral elections.

Is Germany one step closer to having its first far-right AfD mayor?
A look at Görlitz's old town, leading to the town hall. Photo: DPA

In mayoral elections held on Sunday, the AfD candidate Sebastian Wippel, 36, took 36.4 percent of the vote, followed by Christian Democratic Candidate Octavian Ursu, 51, who won 30.3 percent of the vote. Green Party candidate Franziska Schubert, 37, came in third place with 27.9 percent of the vote.

SEE ALSO: Meet the East German Greens candidate offering another alternative

However, because none of the candidates won an absolute majority, there will be another round of elections on June 16th. On Sunday, 58.6 percent of the city's 56,000 residents voted.

The results show a political rift in the population. The far-right populists here won 32.9 percent of the votes in the Bundestag (parliamentary) elections in 2017 and were 6 percentage points ahead of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

SEE ALSO: Far-right AfD marches into parliament with strong election results

AfD candidate Sebastian Wippel. Photo: DPA

'An Anti-European signal'

Stephan Meyer, parliamentary managing director of the Saxon CDU state parliamentary group, spoke of a “choice of direction for the whole of Germany”. The issue was whether Görlitz would continue to be shaped by “pro-European people” or send out an “anti-European signal”.

However, AfD candidate Wippel, a 36-year-old police superintendent, presents himself as European and sees Görlitz as a gateway to eastern Europe.

“The border situation is more of an opportunity than a burden. The inhabitants on both sides of the Neiße river can also grow together through partnerships,” said Wippel, adding that he has already met with the mayor of Görlitz' sister city of Zgorzelec, Poland.

Green Party candidate Schubert, 37, told The Local on Friday that she would offer another alternative to the “beautiful, European city”

“Görlitz deserves to have a friendly, open-minded image,” said Schubert, a member of Saxony's parliament who studied international relations. “With an AfD mayor from the right, we will lose people, students, enterprises and reputation.”

Her campaign also included cross-border cultural partnerships, upgrades to infrastructure and public transportation, and attracting and starting new jobs, including for the city's younger population.

Schubert told DPA she was considering whether to run again on the second ballot but added “I'm aware of my responsibility” to prevent the election of an AfD mayor.

The AfD is often viewed as a party of contradictions, with some members critical of the European Union to the point of calling for Germany to withdraw from it.

SEE ALSO: Far-right AfD to campaign on German EU Exit

Shining in the spotlight

Görlitz has also received many positive headlines. The municipality, which calls itself European City, often shines in the spotlight – quite literally.

Ever since Hollywood used it as the as a backdrop for productions such as The Grand Budapest Hotel and Inglorious Basterds, it has borne the name Görliwood.

SEE ALSO: Eastern German town of Görlitz named best filming location in Europe

Walking through the historic old town feels like being in an outdoor architecture museum – with all the essential styles from Gothic to Art Nouveau on display, and over 4,000 cultural monuments.

The city is therefore very popular with tourists and specifically recruits western German senior citizens so that they can spend their retirement in Görlitz at comparatively low rents.

Görlitz' charming centre brings in many tourists, and film directors. Photo: DPA

Tackling crime

Crime is an important topic in the election campaign. In a border town like Görlitz, it is more common than elsewhere, even twice as high as the national average, according to Wippel.

Especially with the abolition of border controls after Poland joined the EU in 2004, thefts and drug-related crime have skyrocketed. Wippel believes that “those in Berlin” don't care: “We are the victims of a great political goal”.

In the election campaign he advertises with the slogan “It's better to live with borders”. Ursu also wants to score points with the topic of security. He can be seen on billboards with video surveillance cameras.

This article was updated on Monday, May 27th at 10 am.


Rift – (der) Riss

Mayoral elections – (die) Oberbürgermeisterwahl

Border situation – (die) Grenzlage

Election posters – (die) Wahlplakate

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Why are Last Generation activists in Germany getting prison sentences?

A Last Generation activist was sentenced to prison for criminal acts of protest on Wednesday. As investigations into the climate group continue, The Local takes a look at how German prosecutors are coming down hard on its activists.

Why are Last Generation activists in Germany getting prison sentences?

The Tiergarten District Court sentenced a leading member of the Last Generation climate activism organisation to a prison sentence of one year and four months without parole on Wednesday.

The sentence was confirmed to Tagesspiegel by a spokeswoman for the court.

Charges were brought against 32-year-old Miriam M., a leading organiser for Last Generation who has previously been fined for acts of protest. 

She has been found guilty of resisting law enforcement officers, damage to property, and coercion (here meaning recruiting members to commit similar acts).

According to the court, M. played a significant role in at least seven previous actions including five road blockades, and smearing orange paint on the façade of the Federal Ministry of Transport as well as the Gucci store on Berlin’s Ku’damm.

Miriam M. commented on the indictment on Platform X, suggesting that her crimes were committed in an effort to “to preserve our safe life in the future”.

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In a statement on X, Last Generation stated: “If peaceful protest is criminalised, it concerns us all.”

This verdict comes as prosecutors across Germany appear to be cracking down on disruptive climate protests, especially on members of Last Generation.

This sentencing of M., along with the rulings on a number of on-going cases brought against her and other Last Generation members can be expected to shape how the German judiciary deals with disruptive climate protests going forward.

What’s the case against Last Generation?

Last Generation members are the target of multiple ongoing investigations in Germany. Several of which are looking into the suspicion that Last Generation is a “criminal organisation”.

As reported by Spiegel, the public prosecutor’s office in Neuruppin, a town in Brandenburg, has filed charges against five climate activists for the formation of a criminal organisation.

The initial crime at the centre of the Neuruppin investigation: tampering with an oil pumping station. Last Generation members admitted to turning off a pipeline connected to the PCK refinery in Schwedt with an emergency off switch.

oil pipeline shut down

Self-portrait of two members of Last Generation after they shut down an oil pipeline in an act of protest. Photo provided by Last Generation.

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The Flensburg public prosecutor’s office followed with its own charges brought specifically against Miriam M., on the suspicion that she “participated in a criminal organisation”.

This indictment also mentions a case of tampering with a crude oil pipeline as well as glueing herself to the runway of the Munich Airport, and taking part in the group that sprayed orange paint on a private jet on Sylt.

The Munich public prosecutor’s office is also investigating Last Generation.

But legal opinions are divided as to whether or not Last Generation should really be considered a criminal organisation.

According to Section 129 of Germany’s Criminal Code, an association is considered criminal if its purpose is to commit crimes – specifically crimes that are serious enough to warrant a two-year prison sentence. 

According to Reinhard Röttle, attorney general in Munich, the case is clear. He told Spiegel that the group “openly calls for crime and recruits members for this purpose”.

road blockade

Members of Last Generation block a highway in protest of Germany’s lack of action on climate change. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/ZUMA Press Wire | Andreas Stroh

But the chair of German and European criminal law at the University of Trier, Mohamad El-Ghazi doubts that the crimes committed by Last Generation have exceeded the threshold of significance: “We must not shoot sparrows with cannons”, he said about the cases brought so far.

Are climate protest groups being disproportionately targeted?

A common critique of Last Generation and similar activist groups is that they cross the line from peaceful protest to criminality when they block traffic or damage property.

However, members of the groups saying that politicians, corporations and society at large tends not to react to protests that aren’t disruptive.

A statement posted by Last Generation on X on Wednesday sums up the sentiment among young people in Germany who are concerned about the government’s watered-down climate policies:

“Breaking: The federal government is reacting to our protests and tightening the climate protection law!

Oh, misread.

The climate protection law is being watered down. Laws to ‘deter activists’ are being tightened.”

The post links to a press release from Germany Interior Ministry announcing that the Federal Cabinet adopted a draft law intended to increase the punishment for people who trespass on airport tarmacs.

If the law goes forward, protestors could face up to two years in prison should they try to block an airport runway in the future.

READ ALSO: INTERVIEW – ‘Failed climate policies are fuelling far-right politics in Germany’

Germany has a reputation for a strong commitment to freedom of speech and the right to protest. But some watchdog groups suggest that these standards are slipping.

Global civil society alliance CIVICUS, which monitors civil freedoms around the world, downgraded Germany’s human rights rating from “open” to “narrowed” back in 2023.

The report cited disproportionate force used against climate protests, and the police raids against Last Generation specifically in their report.

“Germany used to be one of the most free countries in Europe. Now Germany is leading the pack in the EU-wide crackdown on climate activism,” said Tara Petrović, CIVICUS Monitor’s Europe and Central Asia researcher in a statement.