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Tell us about an experience you have had in France

Have you got your own story to tell about an experience in France that you want to share with our readers? We'd love to hear from you and feature your story on The Local France.

Tell us about an experience you have had in France
Photo: AFP


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Support The Local France by becoming a Member

If you like France and you like reading about it in English then you could think about becoming a Member of The Local. Read about our story and why we need your support.

Support The Local France by becoming a Member
Photo: AFP/The Local

Who are we?

The Local began in 2004 in the form of a newsletter sent to 12 people in a language class who wanted to keep up to date with news in the country in English.

Fast forward 15 years and The Local has websites covering nine countries around Europe.

As well as France, The Local has versions in Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Austria. In all we are read by around 5.5 million people across Europe and the rest of the world each month.

Some things haven’t changed however. We do still send out newsletters. They go to our 10,000 strong community of paying Members.

As internet giants gobble up ad revenue, this financial support from Members is crucial to our present and our future.

What do we do?

Our essential mission is to explain France to our readers in the most accurate and fair way and giving them the context they need to understand the stories.

That means our journalists, who are based here telling the big news stories and reporting on the important changes in France that readers need to be aware of. 

It means giving readers up to date information about major events in the country that could impact their lives, from strikes to disasters and from transport problems to extreme weather.

It means explaining the cultural quirks of France but also giving readers all the relevant information and advice they need to navigate their lives here.

It means fighting our readers’ corner when they run into problems, whether it's a hiccup with getting a visa or being taken for a ride by a deceitful taxi driver. 

What does Membership mean?

Having a community of 10,000 Members who contribute financially has also spurred us on to deliver more value to our community.

We write with their needs in mind rather than just hunting for clicks.

We involve them in what we do and what we write and meet them in person. We listen to their advice and act on what they say.

This is what some say about us:

“Thank you and all of your staff for your excellent and timely reporting of political and current events around France. Your newspaper is worth its weight in gold and has earned my loyalty for life!”

“It's not easy to succeed with a new media these days. Great stuff from The Local France in English.”

“It's nice to see it's possible to sustain a valuable service in the news field. I'm happy to support your work.”

In return Members get full access to ALL our sites and all our articles including an array of Member exclusives.

They can join the conversation and comment on stories and contribute to articles. They see less advertising than other readers and receive daily or weekly newsletters.

What's our objective?

We want to continue to grow our coverage in the countries we already serve and expand into new ones where we know we can help.

But we need support.
Please consider becoming a Member and getting more involved in The Local France. You can join for just 5.99 euros for the first three months, in other words seven cents a day.