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Send us your best photos from around France

There's probably no country in the world as photogenic as France so send us your photos so we can share them with our readers.

Send us your best photos from around France
If you spot French police rollerblading around Paris, snap it and send it to us. Photo: AFP

We'd love to share your best photos from around France.

The ideal photos we would like to share with readers are the ones that tell the story of the country or sum up what life is like here. We'll share those photos on Twitter and Facebook or include them in articles and slide shows.

It could be an example of classic Parisian parking…

Or French farmers protesting by emptying wine on the roads around Bordeaux…

Or it could be people queuing up to get a baguette from a vending machine on the island of Noirmoutier…

In other words photos that could ONLY be taken in France.

Or it could just be a pic of snowy Paris or Nice on the French Riviera.

You can send you pics to [email protected] or tweet them to us @TheLocalFrance



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Tell us about an experience you have had in France

Have you got your own story to tell about an experience in France that you want to share with our readers? We'd love to hear from you and feature your story on The Local France.

Tell us about an experience you have had in France
Photo: AFP
