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Post information or adverts on The Local France’s Noticeboard

You can post an advert or appeal for help or information on The Local France's Noticeboard. Follow the instructions below.

Post information or adverts on The Local France's Noticeboard
Photo: Depositphotos

The Local France has a Noticeboard where readers can post a notice to others from anything from a request to find a cat-sitter to help in hunting for accommodation.

Whether you want to buy, sell, hire, announce, or promote something, here's the place to do it – completely free of charge. Publish your small text-based ads for products, services, events, job openings or anything else.

To advertise you need to sign in or register. Then click on “Post a notice” below. We'll check your notice is legal and it'll usually be published the same day. It'll remain on The Local for 90 days before automatic deletion.

If you are interested in higher-profile advertising for greater impact, including banner ads and advertorial articles, please send us an enquiry via: [email protected]

CLICK HERE to visit the Noticeboard


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Tell us about an experience you have had in France

Have you got your own story to tell about an experience in France that you want to share with our readers? We'd love to hear from you and feature your story on The Local France.

Tell us about an experience you have had in France
Photo: AFP
