German word of the day: Der Schrebergarten

Today's word of the day is more than a word for some people – it’s a concept, a goal, a way of life.

German word of the day: Der Schrebergarten
Hip to be square: Schrebergärten are undergoing something of a revival in Switzerland. Photo: AFP

Now that the days are getting luxuriously long, the temperatures are (very slowly) rising and the plants are sprouting again, you might find that a lot of Swiss people aren’t confined to their homes anymore. Instead, they have ventured outside, to find some peace in their Schrebergärten (or, as the Swiss might say, Schrebergärtli).

Literally translated into English, Schrebergarten means something like “Schreber's garden.” If you look it up in a dictionary, though, you find another translation: “allotment” or “allotment garden”.  A Schrebergarten in German can also be called a Kleingarten (“small garden”) or Familiengarten (“family garden”).

Read also: German word of the day – 'Frühlingsmüdigkeit' 

The most common High German word for this type of garden, however, is Schrebergarten, so let’s have a look into the word’s history.

The first Schrebergärten (Gärten is the plural of the word “garden”) were called Armengärten (“poor gardens”) and were constructed for poverty-stricken urban populations living in poor housing conditions. They allowed people to grow their own food and get some fresh air.

One of the first Armengärten was established in Kappeln in northern Germany in the early 19th century.

In the late 19th century, Moritz Schreber, a doctor from Leipzig, together with some other academics, created a new concept: to use the small gardens as a place for physical exercise, for everyone. After he died in 1861, the concept found more and more proponents.

Hence, the small gardens in allotment areas were named after him.

Nowadays, almost a million people in Germany, from all socioeconomic backgrounds, are members of an allotment garden association and use their gardens for all kinds of purposes: parties, gardening, family gatherings…the list goes on.

These gardens are also popular in Switzerland. The Swiss Schrebergärten association currently has around 24,000 members around the country. In Zurich alone, there are some 5,500 allotments in 13 different locations.

Swiss allotments are also undergoing something of a revival. For a long time, having a Schrebergarten was considered something slightly tacky – something for old people and full of garden gnomes and trestle tables.

Now, however, that image is no longer the full picture. There has been a generational change and many younger people interested in gardening and keen on natural ingredients are moving in.


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Swiss German word of the day: Poschtiwägeli

If you're going shopping in Swiss-German speaking parts of Switzerland, this is a useful word to know.

Swiss German word of the day: Poschtiwägeli

Switzerland is a nation of many languages. Yes, there are the four official ones (Swiss German, French, Italian and Romansh) but there’s also a lot variety within those. 

For instance the various Swiss German dialects (also known as Schweizerdeutsch, Schwiizerdütsch and Schwyzerdütsch to name a few variations) are like languages in themselves. 

READ ALSO: Swiss German vs Hochdeutsch – what are the key differences?

People in German-speaking areas in Switzerland (that includes the 17 Swiss German, three bilingual and one trilingual cantons) know standard German or Hochdeutsch but in everyday life people tend to speak a Swiss-German dialect. 

Language experts recommend that people get familiar with the dialect in their local area so they can integrate better. 

Today we’re sharing a word we think is an important one to recognise in everyday Swiss life (at least in some areas): the noun das Poschtiwägeli.

When you hear Poschtiwägeli, you might think at first it has something to do with the Swiss Post-Auto bus service, but it has nothing to do with that.

It’s an object that is part of daily life in Switzerland and means a trolley, shopping cart or a shopper. 

Some Swiss German words are recognisable to speakers of standard German but this one might leave you perplexed. 

That’s because the high German word for a shopping trolley is Einkaufswagen. 

A shopping trolley or Poschtiwägeli.

A shopping trolley or Poschtiwägeli. Image by 652234 from Pixabay

While “Wägeli” is close to the German “Wagen”, “Poschti” could perhaps be derived from the English “push”. After all, a shopping trolley is pushed. However, it’s not entirely clear where the term comes from.

Use it like this:

Swiss German: Für s Poschtiwägeli bruchemer en Zwoifränkler.

Standard German: Für den Einkaufswagen brauchen wir ein Zwei-Franken-Stück.

English: We need a two-franc piece for the trolley.