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This is how much you earn if you’re a Spanish politician

With a new intake of MPs preparing to take their seats in Spain’s 350-seat lower chamber of parliament, The Local takes a look at the salary, perks, and expenses afforded to the new governing class of 2019.

This is how much you earn if you’re a Spanish politician
MPs will take their place in Spain's Cortes later this month. Photo: AFP

The 350 lawmakers in Spain’s Congress will begin their accreditation process on Monday but won’t be officially sworn in until the new parliamentary session starts on May 21st.

There will be a lot of form filling in during which they will have to declare their assets and all business interests, past and present, in case they may represent a potential conflict.

The newly elected members can expect to draw a base salary of at least €53,200 a year with more for those not based in Madrid. Involvement on committees or taking an extra role within parliament also comes with added remuneration.


MPs in Spain are awarded a monthly base salary of €2,972.94 gross payable from April 28th – the day that they were elected.  Doesn’t sound like much? Well, that is just the base.

For starters, it’s paid in 14 monthly installments, a hangover from Franco’s time when the paternal state ensured the worker had spending money at Christmas and for a holiday in August.  Thus, public sector workers still get 14 payments a year with their bonus months delivered in August and December.


Living costs

On top of the base salary, each MP will be entitled to a monthly stipend for living in the capital. For those 36 elected on the Madrid list – and therefore presumed to already live here it’s €917.03 a month

For the remaining 314 MPs a living supplement of €1,921.20 on top of their wage each month

Extras for Congressional roles and committees

There are also added extras for those who take on a job in the Congress beyond that of MP.

Spokespersons of each parliamentary group are awarded an extra €2,819.97 per month.

Vice-presidents of the Congress, of which four will be nominated – will earn an extra €3,060.92 per month.

The highest paid role is that of President of the Congress – a role akin to that of Speaker in the UK’s houses of parliament which has an additional monthly salary of €9,651.04 – making it the highest paid position in the parliament.

Those who take part in committees are also awarded extras, although they may only claim for one committee even if they are take part in several.

Travel expenses

The bill for travel is also picked up by the parliament with transport tickets – rail, bus and air – charged directly to Congress.

Those who do not have an official car at their disposal are issued with cards containing credit for taxis in and around Madrid capped at €3,000 a year.

Parliamentarians who use their own vehicle can claim 25 cents per km on justified trips.


All new deputies will be issued with iPhones – brand new models were distributed to MPs in 2018 and those who retain their seats will keep their old ones, while those newcomers will be issued with the same models – apparently left over stock from the last legislature.

All members will be issued with brand new iPads as the ones last issued in 2016 are considered obsolete.

Code of Ethics

This year is the first time that MPs will have to conform to a new Code of Ethics in the name of transparency and to combat corruption.

In addition to declaring their assets and existing commercial activities, this new intake of MPs will have to make a third declaration listing their “economic interests”. These will include academic titles, links to lobby groups, a full list of all past economic activities with names of those with whom business was conducted as well as sector in which it was carried out.

Moreover, MPs must now declare any donations, unpaid gifts – including invitations to sports events, cultural activities or trips – from the past that could cause a conflict of interest in future dealings.

The new code also requires them to reject “gifts or benefits that may reasonably be perceived as an attempt to influence their behaviour”.

The information will be on public record and could be called into question in the chamber if “doubt is case on the objectivity and independence” of a member of congress.

What about the PM and other ministers? 

The salaries of the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers and secretaries of state are determined separately in the annual budget,

This year’s budget calculated that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez be paid an annual salary of €82.978 euros, over two-and-a-half times the average annual salary of Spaniards (€30,292) but among the lowest in comparative terms in Europe, according to a 2018 study carried out by IG

Swiss President Alain Berset earns nearly €400,000 a year, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel take home an annual basic salary of around €300,000 – around eight times as much as the average salary in their respective countries.

British Prime Minister Theresa May earns €172,220 while Emmanuel Macron of France earns €178,924. The average wage in both UK and France is just under €35,000

Vocab list:

Salary: Salario, sueldo

income: ingresos, renta, sueldo

Expenses: Indemnizaciones:

Extras: pluses (from the English word 'Plus'

Travel costs: gastos de transporte

Members of Parliament (MPs): diputados

Chamber, Congress, Lower House of Parliament: La Cámara, Cortes, El Congreso

READ MORE ANALYSIS: It's time for Pedro Sanchéz to be bold and take a risk on Catalonia


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German Greens’ chancellor candidate Baerbock targeted by fake news

With Germany's Green party leading the polls ahead of September's general elections, the ecologists' would-be successor to Angela Merkel has become increasingly targeted by internet trolls and fake news in recent weeks.

German Greens' chancellor candidate Baerbock targeted by fake news
The Greens chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock on April 26th. Photo: DPA

From wild claims about CO2-emitting cats and dogs to George Soros photo collages, 40-year-old Annalena Baerbock has been the subject of a dizzying array of fake news, conspiracy theories and online attacks since she was announced as the Greens’ chancellor candidate in mid-April.

The latest polls have the Greens either ahead of or level with Merkel’s ruling conservatives, as the once fringe party further establishes itself as a leading electoral force in Europe’s biggest economy.

Baerbock herself also consistently polls higher than her conservative and centre-left rivals in the race to succeed Merkel, who will leave office after 16 years this autumn.

Yet her popularity has also brought about unwanted attention and a glut of fake news stories aimed at discrediting Baerbock as she bids to become Germany’s first Green chancellor.


False claims

Among the false stories circulating about Baerbock is the bizarre claim that she wants to ban household pets in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Another fake story firmly denied by the party claimed that she defied rules on mask-wearing and social-distancing by embracing colleagues upon her nomination earlier this month.

Baerbock has also been presented as a “model student” of Hungarian billionaire George Soros – a hate figure for the European far-right and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists – in a mocked-up social media graphic shared among others by a far-right MP.

More serious online attacks include a purported photo of Baerbock which in fact shows a similar-looking naked model.

The Greens’ campaign manager Michael Kellner said that the attempts to discredit Baerbock had “taken on a new dimension”, that “women are targeted more heavily by online attacks than men, and that is also true of our candidate”.

Greens co-leader Annalena Baerbock earlier this month. Photo: DPA

Other false claims about the party include reports of a proposed ban on barbecues, as well as plans to disarm the police and enforce the teaching of the Quran in schools.

While such reports are patently absurd, they are potentially damaging to Baerbock and her party as they bid to spring a surprise victory in September.

“She has a very real chance, but the coming weeks are going to be very important because Baerbock’s public image is still taking shape,” Thorsten Faas, a political scientist at Berlin’s Free University told AFP.

In a bid to fight back against the flood of false information, the party has launched a new “online fire service” to report fake news stories.

READ ALSO: Greens become ‘most popular political party’ in Germany

Russian disinformation

Yet stemming the tide is no easy job, with many of those who peddle disinformation now using private messaging services such as WhatsApp and Telegram rather than public platforms such as Facebook.

The pandemic and ongoing restrictions on public life will also make it harder for the campaign to push through their own narratives at public events.

Miro Dittrich of Germany’s Amadeu-Antonio anti-racism foundation claims that lockdown has “played a role” in the spread of fake news.

“People are isolated from their social environment and are spending a lot more time online,” he said.

Another factor is Russia, which has made Germany a primary target of its efforts to spread disinformation in Europe.

According to the European anti-disinformation platform EUvsDisinfo, Germany has been the target of 700 Russian disinformation cases since 2015, compared to 300 aimed at France and 170 at Italy.

As an outspoken critic of the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Germany and Russia, Baerbock may well become a target of such attacks during the election campaign.

By Mathieu FOULKES