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‘Expect the unexpected’: What you need to know about driving in Italy

What do you need to know about driving in Italy - and just how crazy is it really? The Local's readers share their experiences of navigating Italian roads.

'Expect the unexpected': What you need to know about driving in Italy
Photo by Daniel Hansen on Unsplash

Driving in Italy can be a daunting prospect. No doubt you’ve heard all about the ‘crazy’ Italian drivers already, but then there are new road rules to follow – and signs in a foreign language.

Add the extra challenge of driving on the other side of the road, if you’re coming from the UK, Ireland, Australia or other left-hand countries, and you might just decide not to bother driving in Italy at all.

READ ALSO: Italian roads ‘more dangerous in north than south’: study

But when you get out into the countryside, driving here is definitely worthwhile – and it’s essential if you want to explore rural areas.

And once you’ve got the hang of driving Italian style, you might even enjoy it.

Unwritten rules

Like many other aspects of life in Italy, Italian driving etiquette is dictated by unwritten rules which unlucky foreigners usually have to learn the hard way.

The written rules, meanwhile, don’t seem to hold as much sway as you might expect. For example, friends from Florence joke that road signs and markings are “just there for decoration”.

Flashing the headlights is often a warning: it can mean ‘get out of the way’ or ‘don’t pull out because I’m not stopping’. While if an approaching car flashes you, it’s likely warning you that there’s a police check ahead.

READ ALSO: How visitors to Italy can avoid driving penalties

And although you can’t expect them to use their indicators, you’ll quickly notice that Italian drivers love to blast the car horn at any opportunity.

It can mean anything from “get out of my way” or “use your indicator!” to “Ciao!’ or “Let’s celebrate, the light has turned green!”

And then there’s the unofficial third, middle lane on Italian two-lane roads.

“Using the broken white line in middle of the road to overtake, whether traffic is coming in the opposite direction or not, is very common,” says Sonya Boardman, who lives in Milan. “It’s not for the faint-hearted!”

So when someone roars up behind you at high speed, shift over to the right and let them pass in their imaginary “middle” passing lane. And don’t be surprised to see people trying to pass on turns, narrow stretches or bends. Just get out of the way.


Hiring a car

“If you’re going to drive a hire car in Italy make sure you get the waiver insurance, then you’re not worried about bumping the car,” said Shelly Evans from Lancashire, England, who hired a car in Bari when she drove in Italy for the first time this year.

“Another thing to remember is how Italian roads are not really made for the bigger car, so getting the smallest car you can cope with may be an idea.”

READ ALSO: How to avoid car hire scams in Italy

And bear in mind that few Italians drive automatic cars. The majority of cars here are manual (stick-shift), not automatic. That means automatics aren’t always available to hire, and usually cost more.

Motorway driving

The autostrada is the name commonly given to any pedaggio or toll motorway or highway, designed for travelling more quickly than on the superstrada (non-toll motorway).

Autostrada motorways are marked with an A in front of a number, such as A1, the major artery connecting Milan and Rome.

When you’re entering the autostrada you’ll take a ticket at the gate, then follow signs for the direction you want to go, usually indicated by a major city. You pay when you exit the toll road, but make sure to have cash with you as, despite what the signs may say, foreign credit cards don’t always work.

British residents of Italy can use their driving licenses until the end of this year, the government has confirmed.


Not all of Italy’s toll roads are the same price, but you can use this Autostrada toll calculator to find out the cost of travelling between two points.

These toll roads are generally clean and free from traffic jams, and most stretches have plenty of rest stops with edible food, clean(ish) bathrooms, and even toilet paper. There are several rest stop companies; Autogrill is considered the best.

READ ALSO: Autogrill: Six essential things to know about Italy’s service stations

The maximum speed limit is 130 kilometres per hour but on some parts of the autostrada the maximum speed is 110, and can be as low as 60 on some stretches (more on speed limits later.)

Unless you’re planning to race in the fast lane, leave the left lane for passing.

“Motorway slip roads are much shorter in Italy than in the UK and you’ll need to accelerate sharply to join motorways,” points out Gill Furlong.

“And gaps between cars are much shorter, due to Italians’ tailgating habit, so be prepared to accelerate fast to get into the traffic flow. Don’t expect courtesy, concentration is needed… and develop eyes in the back of your head!”

Motorway driving in Italy was “an experience”, adds Shelly. “As cars don’t move over to let you in, you have to find your space and go for it. And when passing a junction where cars are joining, either speed up or slow down.”

“Stick to your decision and you’ll be fine.”

Speed limits

Italian drivers are well known for their apparent need to speed. You’ll see that many seem to view speed limits as more of a general guideline than a rule, and the tendency for the speed traffic is actually moving at to exceed anything written on nearby signs can be worrying to foreign drivers.

Shelly says she found that “going with the majority was the best way” while driving in Italy.

But always be on the lookout for speed cameras – and for the speeding drivers ahead of you suddenly slamming on the brakes when they spot one.


Autovelox or sistema tutor speed cameras are found on the autostrade, superstrade, strade statali (state roads), and sometimes on smaller roads, too. You should see a warning sign in advance that says Polizia Stradale, controllo electronico della velocita’ (Road police, electronic speed check).

READ ALSO: Tiny Italian town issues 58,000 speeding fines in ten days

As well as the large black camera boxes you may also see a police car parked up by the side of the road. Or you may not notice anything at all.

You can receive a speeding ticket as much as a year later, and if you’re in a rental car additional costs of processing the fine can be deducted from your credit card.

Some drivers insist these speed traps must cause more accidents than they prevent in Italy, as drivers tend to brake suddenly a few feet before the camera or police car, then crawl through the speed trap before whizzing off at high speed.

Driving in cities

When asked for advice on driving in Italian cities, most people just said “don’t.”

And it’s easy to see why so many are averse to the idea. City driving, particularly in the south of Italy, involves confusing one-way systems, high speeds, blaring horns, scooters appearing out of nowhere, a severe shortage of parking spots, and narrow, bumpy streets better suited to horse-drawn chariots than modern cars. Not to mention Rome’s pothole problem.

Most of Italy’s major cities have adequate public transport systems, and the centres are largely walkable, meaning driving a car can feel like more hassle than it’s worth.

If you must attempt it, then to escape the worst city driving mayhem it’s better to drive in the early afternoons when traffic is lighter and parking is slightly easier.

Anyone who isn’t entirely confident about their ability to adopt an Italian driving style should avoid ring roads, in particular Rome’s GRA, or Grande Raccordo Annulare, and basically the whole of central Naples – especially the main route crossing the city, la tangenziale, which is known to resemble an unofficial race track.


Parking is a headache everywhere from major cities to small towns. Due to the heavy reliance on cars in Italy, there’s never enough of it. Plus, you’ll notice Italian parking wardens are surprisingly efficient.

Paid car parks tend to fill up quickly, as do white-line parking spaces, which are free.

If you park on a blue line, get a ticket from the nearest meter (coins only) and display it on your dashboard. Yellow lines can sometimes be parked on free of charge for short periods, but the rules vary from place to place.

READ ALSO: How do you dispute a parking ticket in Italy?

Usually, charges don’t apply overnight – for example between 8pm and 8am – but always check the signs to be sure.

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These signs can however be tiny, obscured or missing altogether. Parking on unfamiliar piazzas is a risk, even if they’re full of other cars – savvy locals will know if their cars need to be removed by 6am the next morning before the weekly market opens up, but you won’t, especially if the one and only sign telling you so is hidden behind a bush.

And if your car is somewhere it shouldn’t be, it gets towed and you’ll generally have to pay a fine of around €100 to get it back.

hoto by Miguel MEDINA / AFP

International Driving Permit

If your driving licence is from the US, UK or another country outside of the EU, you need one of these. It’s basically a translation of your existing licence.

When you rent a car, you probably won’t be asked for it. But if you’re stopped by the police for anything at all (including f you’re in an accident) you might be. Or you might not. There’s no way of knowing and experiences vary. But, technically, the rule is that you’re meant to have it (along with your normal licence) when you drive on Italian roads.

Important words and phrases

Unless you speak Italian, the road signs present another challenge when driving in Italy. Luckily, most are fairly obvious. But there are a few important things to be aware of.

Zona Traffico Limitato (ZTL) means restricted traffic zone and you can get fined if you’re stopped or caught on camera driving around in one without a permit. You’ll find these zones everywhere from big cities to small villages, usually in the old town or centro storico.

Zona pedonale means pedestrian streets not open to cars.

READ ALSO: The traffic signs you need to know for driving in Italy

Some other useful words to know include destra (right), sinistra (left), dritto (straight), uscita (exit) and pedaggio (toll), and senso unico (one way).

And an inverted red and white triangle means that you do not have right of way at the junction.

Beware the GPS

While a GPS or Google Maps can come in useful, don’t rely on it exclusively. In Italy, it’s common to find two (or more) towns with the same name in different regions, so double-check the map to make sure you’re going the right way.

And navigators are notorious for directing drivers onto unsuitable roads – including dirt tracks or, in cities, into a ZTL (restricted traffic zone).

GPS systems might tell you to turn the wrong way on a one-way street or into an alley that ends in stairs. Or even, like these tourists, down the Grand Canal in Venice.

Driving style

Italians are fast and aggressive drivers, but they’re also very skilful.

“Be bold, fast acting, assertive and decisive. Don’t dither at junctions,” says Gill.

Instead, seize the moment. As soon as you see a gap, go for it. Italians are used to it. They expect the unexpected and they’ll react swiftly.

If you come from a country where things like indicating, slowing down and letting people out are seen as normal and considerate, it’s time to forget everything you know.

“When in Italy drive like the Italians, but with a little more caution,” Shelly advises. “Don’t expect other road users to move over. Remember you’re the visitor who needs to fit in.”

But most of all, she says: “Have fun and enjoy, it really isn’t that bad!”

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‘Don’t get angry’: Readers’ tips on coping with Italian driving habits

Italy's distinctive driving culture can be difficult for foreign nationals to adjust to. The Local's readers share their best pieces of advice to give you a head start.

'Don't get angry': Readers' tips on coping with Italian driving habits

Whether you live in Italy or are just visiting, driving here is often a necessity, especially if you find yourself in areas with stripped-to-the-bone public transport and just the occasional bus passing by once every hour. 

But from tailgating, speeding, and dangerous overtaking, there are some common behaviours on Italian roads that foreign nationals often find hard to adjust to.

That’s why we asked our readers in a recent survey to share some of their best insider tips on how to successfully cope with typically Italian driving habits.

We received answers from all corners of the country, from Piedmont to Tuscany to Umbria, with dozens of international residents offering their hard-won advice and personal experiences.

Keep your eyes peeled

Many readers pointed out the importance of being exceptionally alert and observant at all times.

“Watch out for everyone, walking across the road, on any sort of bike and cars and lorries,” warned Linda White in Sanremo, Liguria.

“All can come from any direction, so don’t drive too fast but with eyes open and stay fully alert!”

READ ALSO: What’s the craziest thing about driving on Italian roads?

Ian Nettle, in Spello, Umbria, advised drivers to be “even more attentive than normal” and to ensure the have “no distractions in the car”, while another reader said: “Never take your eyes off the road, even for a second!”

Jacqueline Gallagher, living in Modena, Emilia Romagna, also emphasised the need to “keep eyes and ears open at all times”.

Coping with die-hard tailgaters

Another issue that came up over and over again was tailgating.

The overwhelming advice from readers was to concentrate on the road ahead and avoid panicking.

“Don’t let yourself be pressured when they tailgate you. Pull over and let them pass if they’re being really difficult,” said Celia White in Certaldo, Tuscany.

But other respondents had different tips for dealing with inveterate tailgaters.  

Michael Robinson, in Tuscany, advised drivers dealing with high-speed tailgating to “turn on the hazard lights to warn them that you will not give in to this behaviour which can best be described as bullying”.

Adam in Faenza, Emilia Romagna, had a more left-field solution: “[The] best and easy thing to do is clean your windshield and then the spray goes onto theirs, if first time doesn’t work go for it a second time and they get the hint that way.”

‘Go with the flow’

Some of our readers pointed to the importance of accepting things just as they are as opposed to losing your cool over questionable moves from fellow motorists. 

“Go with the flow and don’t be intimidated. But stay defensive and aware of the immediate driving environment,” reader John Gayley advised.

READ ALSO: Reader question: Can I drive a friend or relative’s car in Italy?

Julie Maguire in Lucca, Tuscany, had similar advice, saying: “Don’t get angry. You are not going to change Italian driving habits so go with the flow. Remember these are people descended from Roman chariot drivers!”

And an anonymous reader in Milan said: “Relax, accept things, and enjoy as much as possible… or join in on the fun of the madness!”

‘Treat it like a dance’

Readers also said adaptability, and specifically being able to adjust to unexpected events on the road, was essential when driving in Italy.

Shane, living in Tuscany, advised motorists to treat driving ‘like a dance’. 

He said: “Everyone just adjusts to whatever happens. If someone takes the lead they just adjust and roll. If no one is taking the lead they’ll adjust if you decide to do it yourself.”

From a dancing-related metaphor to a musical one, an anonymous reader compared driving in Italy to “playing an instrument in an orchestra”. 

They said: “When approaching a busy intersection with cars merging from all directions, I try to feel the flow of the traffic, and interject myself in harmony with everyone else. 

“This method of giving to others when it’s their turn, and driving with authority and confidence when it’s my turn makes the entire driving experience fulfilling and less stressful”.